Needless to say, a reverse scenario of Syrian bombarding the Israeli territory would undoubtedly lead to war.
Briefing the Israeli parliament’s foreign affairs and defence committee on Sunday, military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin boasted that Israel had recovered its “deterrent capability” following its disastrous war in southern Lebanon last year. Outlining the scope of Israel’s capacity, he declared: “The new situation affects the entire region, including Iran and Syria.” Yadlin then elaborated on the alleged threat posed by Iran and its nuclear programs, concluding that current UN sanctions “are not having much of an effect”.
Yadlin gave no details of the September 6 air raid and cautioned committee chairman Tsahi Hanegbi against discussing reports of the strike. Israeli authorities have slapped a total blackout on the operation, making it illegal for the media to discuss details provided by Israeli sources. As a result, the only reports in the Israeli press are based on accounts published in the international media.
Hanegbi absurdly excused the blanket censorship, declaring that it was needed to ease tensions. “The more we bite our tongue, the better it will go,” he told Israeli radio. The more obvious and ominous reason is that the Israeli government wants to keep everyone, particularly Iran and Syria, guessing as to its next move. A comment in Haaretz, entitled “Silence works for Israel”, noted with satisfaction that the lack of comment also allowed other governments, including in the Middle East, to say nothing and ignore Syria’s protests—in effect, backing the raid.
Several accounts of the raid based on Israeli sources appeared in the British and US press last weekend. While the details must be treated with caution, the articles indicate that a major operation was involved. The warplanes penetrated deep into Syrian territory close to its border with Turkey, near the town of Tall al-Abyad. Turkish authorities retrieved two jettisoned fuel tanks inside their territory, provoking a mild rebuke to Israel from Ankara. Turkey, which has longstanding military ties with Israel, has in the past allowed the Israeli air force to exercise over its territory.
In an article entitled, “Was Israeli raid a dry run for attack on Iran?”, the Sunday Observer explained: “Far from being a minor incursion, the Israeli overflight of Syrian airspace through its ally Turkey, was a far more major affair involving as many as eight aircraft, including Israel’s most ultra-modern F-15s and F-16s equipped with Maverick missiles and 500lb bombs. Flying among the Israeli fighters at great height, the Observer can reveal, was an ELINT—an electronic intelligence gathering aircraft.”
The information, from an Israeli participant in “Operation Orchard”, points to a sizeable and sophisticated operation, involving Israel’s war planes equipped with auxiliary fuel tanks with the range required to reach Iran. In January, Israeli military sources leaked details to the Sunday Times of the preparation of two air force squadrons for an attack on Iran that would include the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons.
Commenting on the September 6 operation, a retired Turkish general told the Turkish Weekly, “Syria is very close to Israel and you likely don’t need auxiliary tanks for a flight to a neighbouring country... Using this long flight equipped with tanks, Israel tested its ability to fly to Iran.”
Israeli authorities maintained a complete silence on the operation, but rather far-fetched stories began to appear in the US media of a Syria-North Korean nuclear connection. The Bush administration had undoubtedly been informed of and supported the Israeli operation. An unnamed US expert told the Washington Post that the Israelis had attacked an agricultural research facility in northern Syria that was involved in a nuclear project. Other media reports claimed that North Korea was exporting nuclear technology to Syria. Last weekend’s Sunday Times in Britain published claims that Israeli fighters, guided by an elite commando team on the ground, had struck and destroyed a target that was in some way connected to a Syrian nuclear weapons program.
As if to confirm that the story had been concocted for political purposes, its most vocal publicist has been former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton. Since resigning from office, Bolton has functioned as a de facto public mouthpiece for Vice President Dick Cheney and his White House faction, who have been pressing for military action against Iran. As far as these warmongers are concerned, the Syrian-North Korean nuclear connection is perfect: firstly, it undermines the US-North Korean nuclear deal struck this year, to which they are opposed; secondly, it puts pressure on Syria to break from its ally Iran; and thirdly, it feeds into the hysteria they are whipping up over Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons programs.
However, as with the WMD lies told by Bolton, Cheney and others to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq, scant evidence has been offered. Various experts have pointed to the extremely limited character of Syria’s existing nuclear programs. The Sunday Observer article commented: “There has also been deep scepticism about the claims from other officials and former officials familiar with both Syria and North Korea. They have pointed out that an almost bankrupt Syria has neither the economic nor the industrial base to support the kind of nuclear program described, adding that Syria has long rejected going down the nuclear route.”
Syria and North Korea have both emphatically denied any joint nuclear project. An editorial in Syria’s state-owned al-Thawra nervously warned of the implications: “This is nothing new, accusing Syria of things that it has nothing to do with. But what is new is the scope of the new lie and the way it is being peddled. The latest accusation could be a prelude to more attacks on Syria.” Syria’s own low-key response to the Israeli operation raid could well be a signal that it has understood the threat from Israel and the US.
As well as to Syria, the September 6 air raid operation was designed to send a warning to Tehran: that Israeli is ready, willing and able to strike Iranian nuclear facilities at any time. That was certainly the conclusion that the Sunday Observer reached, commenting: “Whatever the truth of the allegations against Syria—and Israel has a long history of employing complex deceptions in its operations—the message being delivered from Tel Aviv is clear: if Syria’s ally Iran, comes close to acquiring a nuclear weapon, and the world fails to prevent it, either through diplomatic or military means, then Israel will stop it on its own.
“So Operation Orchard can be seen as a dry run, a raid using the same heavily modified long-range aircraft, procured specifically from the US with Iran’s nuclear sites in mind. It reminds both Iran and Syria of the supremacy of its aircraft and appears to be designed to deter Syria from getting involved in the event of a raid on Iran—a reminder, if it were required, that if Israel’s ground forces were humiliated in the second Lebanese war, its airforce remains potent, powerful and unchallenged.”
The raid took place as the Bush administration was escalating its threats against Iran, demanding tougher UN sanctions over Tehran’s failure to shut down its nuclear facilities, and building up forces along the Iraq-Iran border to counter Iran’s alleged “meddling” in Iraq. Washington’s silent approval of Israel’s military provocation is one more warning that the White House is quite willing and able to launch a military adventure of its own against Iran.
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President Assad: Israel and the US always try to find traps for Syria
06.09.2010 15:03
from the archives:
an excerpt from:
The Assad interview transcript
Complete transcript of interview with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to Siddharth Varadarajan of The Hindu at the Presidential Office, Damascus, June 8, 2008
by Siddharth Varadarajan, 13 June 2008
Q: What do you think is the Israeli compulsion to talk peace with you at this time? It seems that the Americans themselves are not very happy with what Israel is doing. What do you think is motivating Israel to take this step right now?
A: The Israelis used to think that with time they are going to be stronger and any opposition to their policies will be weaker, but actually what happened was the opposite. Now, the Israelis learned that without peace they cannot live safely and Israel cannot be safe. I think this is true especially after the war on Lebanon and because of the result of that war inside the Israeli society; this is the main incentive for the Israelis to move toward peace. This is our analysis.
Q: As an outside observer, it seems strange that you can be talking peace with Israel a few months after Israel bombed your territory at al-Kibar, claiming they targeted a secret nuclear facility. Is this one of the issues you raised with them – that how could they have bombed your territory?
A: No we did not. Of course, we have not met with them because it is an indirect negotiation. But, the question here is why did they announce it seven months after the bombing? Why did they not announce it at that time in order to send a delegation from the IAEA to see what is happening? Let us put it this way: they said there was a facility and they bombed this facility and now they have the evidence. How could we not have this evidence seven months ago? Why do they have the evidence today? Because after seven months you could say that Syria built that facility and now it is demolished and they rebuild it in a different way; this is their excuse. While if they gave this alleged evidence at that time, their story would not have been proved genuine or credible. So, this is their ploy, and we did not raise this issue, and we said that time that this is an evidence for us that the Israelis are not serious about peace. That is why we talked about indirect not direct negotiations. It is like probing the intention of the Israeli side; are they serious in giving back the Golan Heights to Syria or is it just a tactic or maneuver for internal Israeli politics. That is why we did not raise the issue and we did not have the chance anyway to meet with them. But we raised it with the IAEA.
Q: So what was the nature of that facility?
A: It is a military facility, and I announced this, but what the content of that facility is, you do not usually announce a military content. But it is not nuclear; how could it be nuclear, where are the radiations, where are the protections of this facility? How can you build such a facility under the daily watch of satellites? We know that. So it is not nuclear but completely a different issue.
Q: Why did the Israelis bomb it?
A: I think because they did not know about it; they were suspicious about its content and they could not know. I cannot answer on their behalf; you should ask them. I think they had wrong information; they were entrapped. How they should explain to the Israelis and the rest of the world why they bombed it? This is where they created this story of a nuclear facility. At the beginning they said that this is a site where they can bring armaments to Hizbollah, but how? It is in the middle of Syria and you have Turkey in the north and Iraq in the east. How can you bring the armaments to Hizbollah? From Turkey, or from Iraq where the Americans operate? This is not logical. Then they said that this is where the Turks used this site, but later; I think a month ago, they said it is nuclear. So, it was clear that they did not have any evidence that it is a nuclear site; they created this evidence through manipulation on the computer that this is a copy of the North Korean plants.
Q: So, this so-called photographic evidence and video evidence which indicated that this was a plutonium producing plant made with North Korean help – all of this is fabricated?
A: Yes it was fabricated 100%. Of course, they talked about photos of Koreans in Syria, but we have normal relations with North Korea; we receive them formally and publicly, and I receive them and other levels in the government. I received North Korean officials, scientists and whatever. So, this is not true.
Q: One of the reasons why the world got a little bit suspicious about this issue is that the Syrians moved quickly to clean up the site. What was the need for that? I mean you should have actually been proactive even in September last year to invite the international community to see the Israeli aggression, for example. Why did you keep quiet for so long and why was this site cleaned up?
A: First of all, they did not say at the beginning it was a nuclear site and there were few weeks. Second, it was attacked by missiles; you do not keep it as it is, so we rebuilt it. We did that right away; after the attack by few days, we started rebuilding the site. So, it is something normal to remove the debris and have another site.
Q: So the facility was rebuilt basically? What about the debris?
A: May be in a different or the same site; it is a military issue and we do not usually announce what it is. May be it is different building for another purpose.
Q: I know you invited IAEA to visit the site. Now the US has said that that site is not enough and they should be allowed to visit other sites. Why would the Americans make that demand and what is your response to that?
A: We have an agreement between Syria and the Agency and every procedure implemented in Syria should be according to this treaty. According to this treaty, you cannot just come and visit any place according to intelligence information; you cannot. Because every day they may come to the Agency and say we have this information. So, it is a never-ending problem. So, we usually come with certain evidence to see the suspicious place. Actually, they did not come because it is a suspicious place; they did not bring any convincing evidence, I mean the Americans, but we said that we have an interest to bring the Agency to come to this site, but talking about other sites is not within the purview of the agreement. So, we have to be very precise; it is not political but technical issue. And we have a nuclear board or commission that has an agreement with them and they work within this agreement.
Q: So, do you think that the US is trying to create an atmosphere of suspicion against Syria?
A: Yes, because this is the image of this administration; everybody in the world still remembers what happened in Iraq when they had all that evidence, but then it was proved that everything was fabricated; even Colin Powel confessed in an interview that he was not truthful, and we all know the same, and most of the countries know about the problem between Syria and the US, and they always try to find traps for Syria. This is reality.
Q: One of the speculations is that this Israeli attack was linked to judging their own preparedness for an attack on Iran? Have you heard this story?
A: Yes, but nobody can tell what is the real intention of that attack.
Siddharth Varadarajan
Israel preparing to attack Syria
06.09.2010 15:05
Israel preparing to attack Syria: report
Press TV, 28 August 2010
Israel is reportedly preparing to strike arms depots and weapons manufacturing plants in Syria, claiming they belong to the Islamic resistance movement Hezbollah, a report says.
Tel Aviv has escalated its military presence in the occupied Golan Heights and the northern part of the Shebaa Farms, the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz said, citing a report in the Saturday edition of the Kuwaiti daily Al Rai.
The report quoted European sources as saying that recent Israeli reconnaissance flights, which violated Lebanese and Syrian airspace, are indications that Israel is ready to start a war in the area.
The potential targets are located far inside Syrian territory, the report added.
Israel remains technically at war with both Syria and Lebanon since it refuses to return the lands it occupied alongside vast expanses of other Arab territories during large-scale military operations in 1967.
In September 2007, at least four Israeli fighters crossed into Syrian airspace and launched an attack on an alleged nuclear facility, which caused a significant rise in tension.
Turkey-mediated talks between the two sides fell apart after Israel started the December 2008-January 2009 war on the Gaza Strip, which killed over 1,400 Palestinians.
Israel also started a war against Lebanon in 2006, which killed about 1,200 Lebanese, most of them civilians.
Israeli President Shimon Peres leveled a whole host of accusations against both countries, saying Damascus had supplied Russian-made scud missiles to Hezbollah, which defended the country during Israel's attacks on Lebanon.
However, the Israeli allegations have been categorically rejected by the governments of Syria and Lebanon as well as by the Hezbollah movement.
Press TV
US to Lebanon: Israel can completely destroy Lebanese Army within four hours
06.09.2010 15:16
map of locations bombed by Israel during its war on Lebanon, 12-24 July 2006
US to Lebanon: Israel can completely destroy Lebanese Army within four hours
[propaganda alert]
1) US to Lebanon: Israel can completely destroy Lebanese Army within four hours (27 August 2010)
2) Lebanon’s president: The Lebanese army is called upon to stand in the face of the lurking Israeli enemy (1 August 2010)
from the archives:
3) Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: Israel’s improved technological capabilities can be used for a war on Gaza, for a war on Lebanon, for a war on Syria, and also for war on Iran (10 May 2010)
4) Israeli minister: Another war with Lebanon is inevitable (23 January 2010)
5) Israeli general: The next war with Hizbullah will end in four or five days, with a decisive victory for Israel (11 December 2008)
excerpt from: US Advisor Says Israel Can Destroy Lebanon Army within 4 Hours: Al-Liwa’a
Al-Manar TV, 27 August 2010
A senior advisor to US special envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell has threatened Lebanese army commander, Jean Qahwaji that should his army initiate additional fire exchanges with Israel, the Israeli occupation army would annihilate his military within four hours, Lebanese newspaper al-Liwa’a reported Friday.
According to the report, Frederick Hof spoke to Qahwaji on August 9, following the deadly border skirmish between Israel and Lebanon and informed him of the Israeli army contingency plan.
The report further quotes Mitchell’s aide as telling the Lebanese commander that Israel had decided to carry out a plan “which would completely destroy the Lebanese army’s bases, centers and offices within four hours.”
excerpts from: Address of H.E.General Michel Sleiman President of the Republic of Lebanon at the Sixty-Fifth Graduation Ceremony of Officers
Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon website, 1 August 2010
” [The Lebanese army is] called upon to stand in the face of the lurking Israeli enemy and bury the strife that the latter plans for as an alternative to waging a revenge war and in an attempt to topple our democratic experience which contradicts the philosophy of the usurper enemy. […]
[We] strived to ward off external aggression, namely through our commitment to United Nations Security Council resolution 1701, to seek to compel Israel to fully implement all its provisions, […]
The Lebanese Army and the Internal Security Forces have succeeded to dismantle dozens of Israeli spying networks aiming at destabilizing the country. […]
In addition to that, we have brought the Lebanese case of confronting Israeli aggressions and threats before international forums and the United Nations Security Council in particular at which we won a non-permanent seat, while retaining our right to liberate or retrieve all our occupied territories through all legitimate and available means. […]
[I] call upon all citizens, no matter their confession, denomination, or beliefs, to listen to no other but the voice of wisdom and reason and not to be dragged by any form of provocation or violence, and thus the Israeli enemy would not be given the chance to rejoice at our internal front weakening or at any of our division or disparity.”
[President of Lebanon Michel Sleiman, speech at the Sixty-Fifth Graduation Ceremony of Officers, 1 August 2010]
from the archives:
excerpts from: Ya’alon: Israel capable of attacking Iran
Ynetnews. 10 May 2010
“There is no doubt that the [improved] technological capabilities […] can be used for a war on terror in Gaza, for a war in the face of rockets from Lebanon, for war on the conventional Syrian army, and also for war on a peripheral state like Iran.”
[Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon, speech to the “Air Power and the Challenges of Israel” conference, Herzliya, Israel, 10 May 2010]
Minister Yossi Peled: Military conflict with Lebanon is inevitable
Jerusalem Post, 23 January 2010
“A military conflict with Lebanon is inevitable. [...] Without a doubt we are heading for another round (of fighting) in the North. No one knows when, but it’s clear that it will happen.”
[Israeli Minister Yossi Peled, Beersheba, 23 January 2010]
Security and Defense: Preparing for a possible confrontation with Hizbullah
by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post, 11 December 2008
To prepare for another possible war with Hizbullah, the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] has also drawn up operational plans that it believes will succeed in ending the battle – with a clear and decisive victory – in four or five days, not like last time [i.e. Israel's war on Lebanon in July 2006] .
"No village will be immune [...] " [said a senior Israeli general].
related links:
Beirut wants Iran to equip Lebanon Army
Press TV, 24 August 2010
Sayyed Nasrallah – Hariri assassination evidence expose – Full press conference
The Vineyard of the Saker, 12 August 2010
Ahmadinejad: US, Israel plan to attack at least two countries in the Middle East within the next three months
Dandelion Salad, 28 July 2010
dandelion salad
Fighting my way through the spam
06.09.2010 16:22
The question which the article and various additions never seem to ask is: what was the target? Or if thy do, they approach the question very obliquely. Nuclear facility? Surely not ...
If it was such a blatant act of aggression, why didn't Syria go to UN? Unless, of course, it had something to hide.
aiming point
Go to the UN ? Why ?
06.09.2010 19:47
What would have been the point of Syria going to the UN ? Israel has been ignoring UN resolutions for the past 40 years or more, Israel bombs UN bases/observers whenever it invades it's neighbours, so what exactly do you think the UN would do this time ?
Issue more resolutions to be ignored ?
Tell Israel they're really, really naughty and should desist with their aggression ?
So, in your world, exactly what do you think the UN would have done ?
The Truth is Out There
Syria's letter of complaint to the UN over Israeli violations of Syrian airspace
07.09.2010 00:19
Annex to the identical letters dated 9 September 2007 from the Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council [Original: Arabic]
In flagrant defiance of international law, the United Nations Charter and the resolutions of the Security Council, the Israeli air force, after midnight on 6 September 2007, committed a breach of the airspace of the Syrian Arab Republic crossing its northern frontier from the direction of the Mediterranean, flying towards the north-east and breaking the sound barrier. As the Israeli aircraft were departing they dropped some munitions but without managing to cause any human casualties or material damage.
This Israeli violation of Syrian airspace is not the first of its kind; Israel has deliberately committed other similar crimes including the bombing of Syrian civilian facilities in 2003 in flagrant defiance of its obligations under the Disengagement Agreement.
The Israeli Government which has persisted in perpetrating massacres on a daily basis against the Palestinian people and which launched a devastating war against Lebanon last year, has been continuing to further strain the already tense atmosphere in the region and to assert its hostile intentions against the Syrian Arab Republic, which has, time and again, affirmed its desire to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region in implementation of the relevant United Nations resolutions, with a view to ensuring the return of the occupied Syrian Golan in its entirety to the motherland.
The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, in drawing attention to this flagrant violation by Israel of its airspace and to its aggression against the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic in clear and brazen defiance of international law and in a new and dangerous escalation of the situation in the region, emphasizes that the persistence of the Israeli Government in choosing aggression and escalation instead of espousing the option of peace, demonstrates the truth about the Israeli policies which is concealed behind false claims that Israel desires to achieve peace in the region while, at the same time, it commits war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations which are well known and are indicative of its utter contempt for compliance with the United Nations Charter and the relevant resolutions of the Security Council. In warning the Israeli Government of the consequences of such blatant aggression, Syria emphasizes that if the international community persists in disregarding these Israeli actions in breach of international law, that is likely to subject the region and international peace and security to serious consequences that may be difficult to control.
(Signed) Bashar Ja’afari
Permanent Representative
Bashar Ja’afari
According to the official Syrian letter to the UN, no facility was targeted
07.09.2010 09:35
According to the Syrian government in September 2007, nothing happened. So was Assad lying or just confused?
Lying Arab despots watch