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Gay Nazis & Skinheads PS

'Malatesta' | 03.09.2010 09:06 | Anti-racism | World

Gay Nazis cause the far right many embarassing problems. So did Nicky Crane. And what is with these skinheads?

Nicky Crane
We forgot to mention Nicky Crane in the article Gay Nazis but he caused the Nazis considerable embarrassment which is worth recounting.

Crane was for some time a Nazi poster boy and very prominent in the Nazi movement in the 1980s. He was a member of the fascist British Movement Leader Guard and had something of a fearsome reputation on the cobbles. He was mates with Ian Stuart Donaldson of Skrewdriver etc. and did the security for their gigs. Crane was featured on the cover of one of the Oi! albums, looking very butch, much to the embarrassment of Gary Bushell who was promoting the music and was desperate to convince people that Oi! wasn’t involved with organised fascism. This was despite the fact that Gary Hitchcock of Combat 18 was the manager of the Oi band the 4 Skins. The 4 Skins played in Southall, a predominantly Asian area (and much recommended for cheap and delicious restaurants), which resulted in a mini-riot and the boozer being torched.

Incidentally, Chris ‘Chubby’ Henderson of the band Combat 84 also came out of this scene. Henderson has written a book called Who Wants It? which is an extremely selective account of his days as a hooligan with the Chelsea Headhunters and massively glosses over his far right connections with Combat 18 and the Headhunters fascist leanings. There is a direct connection between Oi! and the Blood & Honour movement which should be documented…

Anyway … Nicky Crane outed himself in the early 90s which caused a quandary amongst his fascist contemporaries: Nicky is a hero and alright, but he is gay? Experience clashes with prejudice and it’s meltdown time! There was mass embarrassment for the rampant homophobes of the Nazi movement who had previously held him up as an Aryan role model and street-fighter to be emulated. Oh dear! We can only assume he was instantly marginalised from the likes of Combat 18, BM and Skrewdriver. There was a rumour that Crane had done some hardcore gay porn but how true this is we do not know. There was also some connection with Genesis P. Orridge/ Temple of Psychic Youth, possibly an appearance in a video, but we have never seen any visual evidence for either of these. Crane was working the doors of London gay clubs and eventually contracted and died of AIDS. It is unclear if Donaldson attended the funeral.

Gay Skinheads
There is some interesting research to be done on the appropriation of the skinhead image in the 1990s gay scene. This has largely died out now but there are still 1 or 2 gay skins knocking about at various Pride parades. The skinhead look is obviously butch – the tight jeans, shiny boots, and muscles are obviously attractive. There is also the possibility that given the ‘effeminate’ image imposed on gay guys, the skinhead look reverses this and provides an aggressive counter-image. It is a powerful look: skinheads have earned a reputation for violence, justified or not, and it has consequently become a much feared image, particularly in the media. Wearing skinhead clothes and walking into a pub causes a few heads to turn. Perhaps gay skinheads stopped wearing the gear because they did not want to be misconstrued as Nazis, and Nazis stopped wearing it because they did not want to be construed as gay. Who knows? Given that the 1990s were a period of heavy irony perhaps the appropriation of the skinhead look by the gay community was simply a massive ironic gesture.

Tighten Up!
Skinhead was a genuinely working class movement and the skinhead phenomenon was not appropriated by the middle classes, unlike punk and other youth cults. It started as a reaction to the awful hippies in the 60s and focussed around ska, football and ‘aggro.’ Beer not drugs, football not festivals and tight 3 minute reggae not extended guitar solos. It was also a prescribed look from the boots up and like all youth movements very fastidious about detail and unlike youth movements of the time, very attentive to branding: Levi’s, Ben Sherman’s, Fred Perry’s, DMs. If you turned up in Tesco jeans you would be laughed out of the disco. There are still skinheads who keep the tradition going by toning down the DMs and half-mast Levis and acknowledging that skins were originally ‘hard mods’ and apart from the boots, wore similar clothes, i.e., Sherman’s, Perry’s, tonic suits etc. However, mods were always more bespoke whereas skinhead was very label conscious.

Skinheads & Film
There have been several films featuring skinhead characters but few of them have got these details right. Romper Stomper is appalling as they are so scruffy and live like tramps. They look like tabloid versions of skinheads and their jeans are ragged, boots scuffed and Crombies tattered. Made In Britain again does not get the details right but gives over the charismatic and contradictory nature of skinheads. The scene where Tim Roth half naked runs through the Blackwall tunnel is very butch indeed! Meantime sees Gary Oldman as a mainly incoherent bully but his clothes are fairly accurate if a bit scruffy. American History X suffers from the same crap clothing as Romper Stomper and is not worth a look. This Is England got very close. The clothes are pretty exact and only the use of language lets them down: they say ‘man’ which skinheads would construe as hippy talk! Hopefully the TV series will continue to observe the sartorial demands of traditional skinhead.

Nazi Skins
The media connection with far right politics was the undoing for skinheads although there were always left wing skins and skins who just don’t care as it got in the way drinking, dancing and having a good time. Some skinheads were Nazis, some Nazis were skinheads, but most skinheads, like everyone else, quickly got bored with meetings and marches. After all there are other things to do when Saturday comes …

Just so’s you know!

NB: Copyright free. Pass it on to anyone who may find it useful.
All the Malatesta Articles are available here:



Hide the following 19 comments


03.09.2010 12:23

"There was also some connection with Genesis P. Orridge/ Temple of Psychic Youth, possibly an appearance in a video, but we have never seen any visual evidence for either of these."

How do you KNOW there was if you've never seen any evidence?

Gossip is fine but please don't try to pass it off as facts.


Info for Malatesta

03.09.2010 13:33

Malatesta makes a very good point about the link between the Southall riot and Combat 18, because the debate about this still rumbles on, in the Asian community and in the skinhead scene, to this day. It is risible for Malatesta to describe Southall as a "mini" riot as an entire pub was burned to the ground, and the extreme right still feel this defeat keenly. David Copeland said if he'd not been arrested his next bomb would have been Southall - in other words a revenge attack for the defeats the NF suffered there, and last year the BNP placed a huge billboard poster directly opposite the rebuilt Hamborough Tavern, as a way of sending a "we're still here" message to the Asian community. In the skinhead scene people are still bleating on about how "it wasn't us really", "we didn't mean it", "it was the Asians that started it" etc, but the fact is bussing hundreds of Nazi skinheads into Southall WAS a premeditated publicity stunt set-up by Garry Hitchcock to try and get national TV coverage for The 4 Skins and The Last Resort (and the "smoking gun" ideologically is the fact that Hitchcock went on to become a founder member of Combat 18). So well spotted for that one Mr M (and incidentally, a number of EDL supporters are linking to Facebook pages for Last Resort spin-off band The Warriors).

Having said that I'm none too impressed by Malatesta's research skills. Yes Nicky Crane did make gay porn, although I cant prove that now, but a quick Google search would have instantly taken Malatesta to Psychic TV's "Unclean" video on You Tube, where Crane is clearly visible 52 seconds in to the video...

As for the more general issue of gay Nazis - Jorg Haider, Ernst Rohm, Pim Fortuyn, Martin Webster, and the BNP recently visited Japan to meet with followers of the gay Fascist Yukio Mishima. As for the band Combat 84 the similarity between this name and Combat 18 speaks for itself, C84 and C18 were all friends, and Chris Henderson of Combat 84 was seen in the semi-famous "Skinhead" TV documentary not only admitting that he and his dad went to Charterhouse private school, but also admitting that in Southall skinheads and police fought TOGETHER against Asians. One fact that Henderson has been less than frank about is the fact that Combat 84 were offered a deal by the NF's "White Noise" record label, but then rejected by the NF (under the stewardship of Nick Griffin) because Combat 84 (in their hatred of the peace movement and CND) supported American bases and nuclear weapons, which (bizarrely) contradicted NF policy. Henderson claims he and his mates weren't really racist (yawn), but page 135 of his stupid book describes them chucking 2 black street cleaners into the Seine in Paris to see if black people can swim, dismissing this near murder as a bit of a laugh rather than as a potentially fatal racist attack. The book also describes C18 / Chelsea Headhunter types punching a woman unconscious for refusing a dance in a nightclub, and one Headhunter taking a shit on the table of a Paris restaurant - hmmm... White Pride World Wide!! I'd like to stress I read Chris Henderson's stupid fucking book for research purposes only and it's worth every penny of the 10p I paid for it at a jumble sale.

As for M's claim that "skinhead was a genuinely working class movement and the skinhead phenomenon was not appropriated by the middle classes" as I said Chris Henderson went to Charterhouse, and in the same documentary Combat's Depford John freely admits to being middle class and describes how angry he was at being refused service in the Army officer class and his disgust at being asked to enlist as an ordinary squaddie alongside (quote) "cannon-fodder". Ditto Ian Stuart-Donaldson also went to private school. The idea that skinheads are all working class is literally a myth. Good in places, but please check your facts a bit more carefully before publishing Malatesta!

Photos: Ian Stuart Donaldson with Nicky Crane / Chris Henderson in "White Power" T-Shirt


More info for Malatesta

03.09.2010 14:16

More photos...

1; Better shot of Chris Henderson's "White Power" T-shirt (lettering still blurred though)
2; Screen-shot of Nicky Crane in Psychic TV video
3; Last Resort + Skrewdriver Security (Nicky Crane in photo) in Nazi fanzine
4; BNP billboard opposite the rebuilt Hamborough Tavern last year

Good videos about the Southall... ("scapegoat" my arse)

As for the old-skool 80's boneheads, I'd put good money on at least 50 of the older EDL who showed in Bradford being actual Southall "veterans"


Thanks Forklift!

03.09.2010 14:44

The Malatesta’s don’t usually venture down into the comments section but we feel that Forklift’s helpful and in-depth reply deserves a response! Right. We referred to Southall as a mini-riot meaning that it did not go on for several days or was as large as the Poll Tax Riot, (200,000) or Toxteth (500 injured, 500 nicked). Still, a riot’s a riot! (In Martin Lux’s rather entertaining Anti-Fascist there’s a section on the Southall riot where Blair Peach was killed.) Like is mentioned in the piece, there should be more research into Oi and Blood & Honour as they clearly are connected: fast, 3 chord punk with little melody and plenty of aggression. In Blood & Honour, the far right politics were more amplified but the music remained the same.

As for researching the porn thing, that is simply too unpleasant an, err, avenue to go down but thanks for pointing out the song though, we didn’t fancy sitting through an hour or 2 of Mr. P. Orridge’s finer noodling to make a singular point. Godstar? Please, no!
Further to gay Nazis, there’s a fruity threat on revleft which continues this theme.

Skinhead was a working class phenomenon and just because there are a couple of exceptions does not make it less so. There were no skinhead students or trendy skinheads like there were punks or hippies or mods. Thanks for the info on Henderson and Charterhouse though – that’s hilarious! You mention the skinheaddocumentary do you mean the 1 with US, German and UK skins on it? And I think Charlie Sergeant speaking on it. The one that George Marshall had something to do with? Some good early footage on that. As for Henderson’s book, simple cross referencing with anti-fascist literature shows how disingenuous he is over his fascist connections. The other one is Steven Hickmott’s Armed For The Match on the Headhunters trial which denies any links with Combat 18 or the BNP. Best books that feature early skinheads though are Hoolifan by Martin Knight and Martin King (great on the clothes) and Want Some Aggro by Cass Pennant and Micky Smith especially p36-7 which illustrates the fastidiousness of the original skinheads.



Thanks ;)

03.09.2010 16:40

The programme was a BBC "40 Minutes" documentary called "Skinheads", broadcast in 1982 and featuring footage of the "famous" fight at Benny's Bar in Harlow that re-appears at the beginning of the film "This is England". Basically the whole documentary was dedicated to following Combat 84 and I think gave these wankers the impression they could be big shots of some sort. In fact, speaking of that dreadfulness wherein Malatesta fears to tread (joke!) rather than being a rock star Chris Henderson ended-up running a bar in a dump called Pattaya, Thailand, that's famous for sex tourism and ladyboys (wonder if having a Casuals United membership card gets you a discount?). As for the middle-class angle this aspect is not incidental because the likes of Chris Henderson and Ian Stuart were leaders of sorts and are still regarded as working-class heroes by gullible boneheads world-wide, with Ian Stuart in particular exercising (albeit in death) a strong influence on the racist scene. Yes you can still say the right-wing skinscene is working class but you could say the same about the Freikorps and SA in Nazi Germany - the point is that's missing the point. The EDL for instance are desperate to cross-over hence their sucking up to middle-class students like Matthew Kaplan, and ex-students like their financier Alan Lake

I've been meaning to make a video about Southall etc but more pressing business (fucking up the BNP and EDL) takes priority most of the time

UK Forklift

Thanks Forklift

04.09.2010 09:27

Cheers. Just watched the Combat 84 doco on Youtube and they do not come across as very bright or as having anything to say. The music is prettty much devoid of melody, wit or imagination. As is much Blood & Honour stuff. Henderson got compensation after conspiracy charges against him were dropped over his involvement in organised hooliganism and he nicked off to Thailand. Hicky also ended up there after getting released from jail when the Headhunter’s charges were found to be dodgy. It was always a favoured destination for the Headhunter’s and the Deviants affiliated crew.

Incidentally, the other fairly decent representation of skins is in Richard Jobson’s 16 Years Of Alcohol film (yes, he formerly of the Skids). They get the clothing right – the sta-prest, crombies, Sherman’s and very tight Levis! – and a pleasant day in Edinburgh can be had finding the locations and bars where it was filmed.


Posh boys in Skrewdriver and No Remorse

04.09.2010 09:50

Fascists never tire of "accusing" their opponents of being middle class, but Paul Burnley (Nazi skinhead band No Remorse) and Jon Burnley (Nazi skinhead band Skrewdriver) reversed-out of the white power movement just in time to worm their way back into their dad's afftections... and the inheritance is worth looking out for, as their dad's multi-millionaire painter John Bellany (who despite making a fortune from picaresque depictions of brutal Scottish poverty) lives in a massive villa in Barga, Tuscany, as a neighbour of platinum selling singer-songwriter Paolo Nutini ;)

These 2 wankers were bailed out by mummy and daddy after going on an armed racist rampage in Cottbus, Germany, I wonder of the family's largesse extended to bailing-out any of the brothers' working-class comrades?

Photo: Paul "Burnley" Bellany with Ian Stuart-Donaldson



04.09.2010 10:31

Right, time for a rethink on the whole class thing obviously! It is not unusual for the leadership of any 'movement' to be 'better educated' than their followers, after all they carry out the dirty work and the leadership do not want to be questioned! However, skins did develop in distinctly working class areas, eg, the east end (see Mickey Smith's book) and suburban areas (see Hoolifan) but skinhead activity really coalesced a lot of the time on the terraces which unlike now, where very much a working class domain. This is obviously in the pre-Hornby/Fever Pitch era!
I am consolidating this thread on Revleft as there are several Redskins/SHARP skins who post there.

all input gratefully received! 'Malatesta'


minor correction

04.09.2010 14:42

Some excellent information in these pieces but in the interests of accuracy, Ian Stuart Donaldson didn't go to a private school - it was Baines Grammar under the old eleven-plus scheme. He was brought up in a nice middle-class semi-detached house and all that.



05.09.2010 06:45

There's an Australian TV docu that regularly turns up on You Tube which describes Ian Stuart as (direct quote) "Private school educated"

JG Ballard

Aussie TV got it wrong shock

05.09.2010 12:35

Ian Stuart Donaldson went to a non-fee-paying grammar school. See

The semi-detached in a very nice suburban area is evidence enough of his class origins to those of us who know. Errors perpetuated by anti-fascists, or even deliberate mistruths in the name of black propaganda, only serve to entrench the far right in their bunker mentality and raise questions in the mind of fence-sitters - see the atrociously error-riddled 'turn it down' database of supposed far right music which has actively damaged the anti-fascist cause by making people say 'hang on, my mate Carl Abrahamsson (or Ulex Xane, or take your pick) isn't a nazi in any sense of the word - these antifas are wankers just like the nazis!". There is a great deal of true and damaging information in these posts and a very minor error like this serves to potentially discredit other info from Malatesta and Forklift for the collation of which they should be thanked.

The bloke was a fucking bellend whether he went to Eton or Grange Hill, let's face it. He had no real mates left in his hometown by the end of his life, he lived in fear of developing schizophrenia to the point where he thought he could catch it, and he knew about but never got to meet his daughter - who incidentally ended up dating a black guy for a bit a few years ago.


Photos of Ian Stuart Donaldson with Nicky Crane

05.09.2010 19:41

Point taken / correction accepted on account of the evidence, but as "..." says this was a MINOR correction, and alot of Grammar schools were fee-paying although on investigation it seems Baines is not ;)

Photos - Ian Stuart Donaldson with Nicky Crane

Karl Popper


19.09.2010 19:08

C18 at Southall? No way, that's at least 10 years before the BNP used c18. Plus combat 84 has nothing to do with combat 18. The 84 was the year the band was formed. Just like Comdemned saying they must be the same is silly. Because their names are similar....not.

mail e-mail:

Utter nonsense

03.10.2010 22:41

This is one of the most badly researched and inaccurate articles I've ever read. I'd advise anyone to not take this at face value.

mail e-mail:

Bob + Qsbam

09.10.2010 00:04

Try to pay attention Bob + Qsbam, and if you're going to criticise Indymedia posts, at least bother to read them first. Hamborough Tavern gig promoter and 4-Skins manager Gary Hitchcock was ex-British Movement Leader Guard, and yes he co-founded and chose the name for Combat 18 the political group, but yes that was a long time AFTER the Southall riot (no-one ever said C18 as a group were present at Southall, because C18 didn't exist yet, what is true is that the person responsible for the provocation in Southall later co-founded C18, and that Combat 84 singer Chris Henderson admitted direct-to-camera on TV that police and boneheads fought alongside each other against the Asians in Southall). Hitchcock later went on to get involved in the BNP. As for Combat 84 the band, Combat 84 founder Chris Henderson was also self-confessed former British Movement, and another C18 co-founder Charlie Sargeant provided security for Combat 84 gigs and shared a flat with Chris Henderson so no the similarity between the names Combat 84 and Combat 18 is not a coincidence.


Bob + Qsbam

09.10.2010 00:06

Try to pay attention Bob + Qsbam, and if you're going to criticise Indymedia posts, at least bother to read them first. Hamborough Tavern gig promoter and 4-Skins manager Gary Hitchcock was ex-British Movement Leader Guard, and yes he co-founded and chose the name for Combat 18 the political group, but yes that was a long time AFTER the Southall riot (no-one ever said C18 as a group were present at Southall, because C18 didn't exist yet, what is true is that the person responsible for the provocation in Southall later co-founded C18, and that Combat 84 singer Chris Henderson admitted direct-to-camera on TV that police and boneheads fought alongside each other against the Asians in Southall). Hitchcock later went on to get involved in the BNP. As for Combat 84 the band, Combat 84 founder Chris Henderson was also self-confessed former British Movement, and another C18 co-founder Charlie Sargeant provided security for Combat 84 gigs and shared a flat with Chris Henderson so no the similarity between the names Combat 84 and Combat 18 is not a coincidence.



09.10.2010 00:21



09.10.2010 00:36


Fascists back-stabbing

09.10.2010 00:52

EDL leader Tommy Robinson just made a video claiming EDL merchandise is being pirated dirt cheap by John "Snowy" Shaw and Chris Henderson in Pattaya, then sold on at a massive profit to EDL supporters in the UK

The Hod


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