Dear friends of justice,
Iraq and Afghanistan are U.S. imperial wars. Imperialism means simply invading other people’s homelands and killing them in order to secure something that our rulers want. This is how they are “removed,” or otherwise encouraged to get the hell out of the way. This is the “mission” of the troops. Forget “Democracy,” liberation, “nation building,” bravery, heroes, anything you hear from the talking head “experts” you may have heard on some NPR talk show, or any other pretty words on the subject.
With the above understanding in mind the standard operating practice of “killing every military aged male you see” is better understood. Hear a credible report on this at:

Download the episode dated 08/26/10 A chilling report will then begin. Share it widely so that our people can become informed (our corporate media will never show the truth) of the terrible crimes being committed in their names at this very moment. General Joe
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don't believe anything
27.08.2010 22:02
Both side have shown themselves to have been compromised by propagandists and nutters, just as both Western invaders and noble Taliban resistance fighters have been exposed as war criminals and terrorists. For instance, the latest Taliban trick apparently is to go to Pakistan and murder people handing out flood relief. Supposedly.
Dont believe it
28.08.2010 17:50
That's fascist propaganda because erm only the Americans are baddies and anyway there's no such people as the Taliban its all a conspiracy erm and if you believe it erm you must be a mug and not as clever as me.