1. promotes war through MSNBC and through Bing premier placement and censorship
2. Puts 4 blocking steps between Indymedia.org and its readers
3. Microsoft seems to be slowing down Firefox loading
4. Microsoft has a monopoly at many libraries, both in their search engine and computer courses taught
5. Microsoft's Internet Explorer pirates people's flash drive data
6. Microsoft is shutting down antiwar activist computers in some areas
7. Microsoft's Bing has much less data in its search engine than some others.
8. Microsoft has little employee support for public questions.
9. Microsoft erased millions of MSN Group individual websites.
10. Microsoft cancels people's hotmail accounts if they are on vacation, sick or otherwise unable
to access their accounts for 3 months.
11. Microsoft fights against the open source movement of India, Brazil etc.
12. Microsoft's billionaires (Gates, Ballmer and others) have made their money by pricegouging.
13. Bill Gates funds inflicting pain on animals at Duke, in African vivisection programs
Google also promotes war through premier placement of war-shilling sites,
censorship, and direct ads for war supporting politicians on Google ads.
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