The English Defence League are a racist, Islamophobic, Zionist and violent organisation responsible for riots across the UK. They have pulled Muslim women's clothing from them, placed pig's heads on Mosques, rioted in Stoke, Luton, Dudley, Bolton etc. The EDL have a LGBT division made all the more noticeable since Trevor Kelway came out as a gay man. See more below........
The English Defence League are anti Palestine and support Israel. There are Free Palestine protests once per fortnight in London outside Ahava in covent Garden.
The English Defence League LGBT division have been supporting the pro Ahava Zionist demonstrators in Covent Garden.
Support Palestine and boycott Ahava!
Ahava is at 39 Monmouth St, Covent Garden in London. Protests on saturday afternoons once a fortnight. The next protest is on Saturday the 14th August.
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Shouting 'Nazi' at the far right doesn't seem to have done it any good...
09.08.2010 02:56
This organization supports Israel and welcomes gays and lesbians. Surely the left, who have been calling the far right "Nazis" for the last fifty years, should give them SOME credit. The EDL have clearly broken from their antecedents.
Jay Knott
EDL promoting Nazi bands and welcoming Nazi activists
09.08.2010 10:52
@ Jay Knott
So what
09.08.2010 10:58
Jorg Haider
Martin Webster
Pim Fortuyn
Ernst Rohm
Nicky Crane
Richard Barnbrook?
Gay Nazi Hunter
Nick Griffin Gay
09.08.2010 11:04
09.08.2010 13:32
A combination of the words 'Facebook' and 'Rape'. The act of Raping someones Facebook profile when they leave it logged in. Profile pictures, sexuality and interests are commonly changed however fraping can include the poking or messaging of strangers from someone else's Facebook account.
Fly Poster
One of them was Orlando Montfort
09.08.2010 16:17
09.08.2010 17:48
There are reports from all or nearly all the ahava protests, either here or on the ism-london website, and nothing about the EDL turning up that I can find.
Whether Trevor Kelway is gay or not really doesn't seem relevant to anything. In any case, the facebook screenshot above is from may, and his current page at lists him as interested in women only.
Orlando Montfort of the EDL & his EDL LGBT division friend were there.
09.08.2010 19:45
Why say that they were not there? Do you even know who they are?
Trevor's being gay is relevant in that the Islamophobe EDL LGBT is growing.
09.08.2010 19:49
Turkeys For Christmas
09.08.2010 22:31
Trevor KKKelway is straight as a die (even though he is a loner wannabe hoolie who cannot get a gf), but before the Manchester demo, he tried to chat to people on the Manchester LGBT forum, but was given a short shrift.
The BNP has (self-loathing) Jewish members also, and likewise, this means fuck-all, so please ignore the fascist trolls who persist mounting their publicity drive on Indymedia.
It doesn't take a degree in rocket science to know that any openly gay members of the EDL tagging along to fascist street fighting marches, who don't have the protection of status (i.e., untouchables), wouldn't last two minutes in amongst a crowd of violent tabloid-reading machismo. 99% of the EDL's footsoldiers are uneconstituted racists ajnd hardcore "backsides-to-the-wall" homophobes.
Indeed, during the Bolton march, the UAF were called "faggots" by large swathes of the EDL crowd.
Authentic behaviour from "non-racist, non-homophobic" EDL members?
Bernard Matthews
The Acid Test - A Gay Couple Openly Kissing in a EDL Occupied Wetherspoons!
09.08.2010 22:56
There seems to be plenty of lies and propaganda posted on the net (maybe by Kelway himself) painting the EDL as the "guardians of equality", so we all forget they are actually ignorant neanderthal fascist thugs.
Indeed, the only way I would be convinced the EDL were no-longer homophobic, is if both of these events were to happen without a single murmour of homophobic abuse: -
(1) Two "genuinely-gay" EDL members were to express their love for each other and hold hands on stage (as if they were participating in pride)
(2) Gay people openly kissing (just as any hetero couple would do) while walking through a rowdy EDL-occupied Wetherspoons
Sadly the first instance would result in shouts of homophobic abuse, and the second, would place the gay/lesbian couple in grave danger. How would they escape the pub alive past these drunken Daily Star reading biggoted all-male thugs??????
Most if not all gay bars are a hundred miles removed from footballl culture, although many people do support football. It is hard to believe most members of the LGBT community would wish to associate with football hooligans, racist or otherwise.
It goes without saying!
09.08.2010 23:06
Gay bars and football hooligans dont mix.
Plenty of non-violent straight people go to gay clubs and bars cos they are far less violent that mainstream straight venues.
The EDL's gay division is an absolute sham aimed at dividing the conquering marginalised peoples.
14.08.2010 18:26