Martin Smith of the anti racist group the UAF will be appearing in court in early September [possibly the 8th] on a serious charge in relation to the protest.
The English Defence League London Division have said this week via their facebook page: "Support UAF officer in court after BBC demo against BNP leader. I think I would rather support Martin Smith on this one".
Some of the replies from EDL fans on the EDL London facebook show what we suspected all along ...some of the English Defence League football hooligans think that the UAF is a football team / firm and they have written which teams they would rather support instead ie Millwall, West Ham etc. One of them, however, wrote "I would rather support Goebbals".
The English Defence League will be protesting against "the Islamification of Britain" in Bradford on the 28th August. The English Defence League London Division will be going too. Which team are you supporting we ask them? The rest of the EDL and the many racists that are linked to them or the UAF who will be going up to Bradford too?
Hide the following 17 comments
07.08.2010 21:25
WTF is this?
08.08.2010 02:18
I dont mean to offend you but this was dribble.
that does not mean they support the uaf
08.08.2010 06:18
the EDL will join the UAF
08.08.2010 08:53
weyman bennett
the edl will join the uaf
08.08.2010 09:07
weyman bennett
08.08.2010 19:34
This article is a pack of lies, but even if a few EDL might be getting cold feet about the BNP, that hasn't stopped them agitating for a group that was founded by BNP activists.
Predictably the EDL London group contains known Nazis like Wildkunt (sic) Ken Jacks (yes, that's actually what he calls himself) - he's the person giving the Nazi salute in this video...
EDL Racists say "F**K the N*****S"
08.08.2010 19:42
EDL - Casuals United promote Nazi music...
EDL Racists say "F**K the N*****S"...
EDL supporter abused 14 year old girl...
EDL Sieg Heiling AGAIN...
EDL Supporters with Nazis T-shirts & Tattoos...
Antifa Research
message to antifa with the video links
08.08.2010 19:57
It's true. Here is the screenshot of the EDL London Division page.
08.08.2010 20:04
Stroll on "Verita"
09.08.2010 10:37
Ditto for convicted Nazi terrorist Mike Heaton...
Antifa Research
It's true. EDL London say "No Surrender to the UAF"
09.08.2010 10:48
If EDL London were really supporting UAF's Martin Smith then the front-end of EDL London Facebook wouldn't be saying "No Surrender to the UAF" (see screen-shot below)...
And (quoting the screen-shot above) the EDL comments wouldn't be saying stuff like "I'd rather support bloody Goebbels", "Support UAF officer. No!" and describing Martin Smith as a "cunt"
Antifa Research
Dear antifa...the open EDL London Division page is adminned by Joel Titus.
09.08.2010 20:05
Antifa are not the great heroes that you make yourselvs out to be either... letters against the IFE "signed by half of Bangladeshi London" who didn't even get asked whether their names could be used.
The MDL were banished from a London Antiracist event when it is THEY who are being targeted by the EDL.
There are two EDL London Division facebook pages. One is a "request to join" private group page and the other an open page. Joel Titus admins the open page. He is mixed race and his girlfriend Naima is a Muslim from Pakistan. He is opposed to the BNP and is a member of the EDL. There are black and Asian people in the EDL.
Antifa DO YOUR RESEARCH before you make any more comments. of Antifa writes the Harry's Place blog.
Joe Cardiff and Charlie Flowers are very well known is JOEL TITUS.
09.08.2010 20:14
Antifa you are behaving like muppets on this one.
I suppose you will argue that Charlie flowers, Joe Cardiff and Guramit Singh are not real and that Guramit Singh is not in the EDL "because he is Asian".
Joel Titus BNP friends
10.08.2010 10:05
The Blood and Honour merchandising op that AFA closed down in Carnaby St was run by a Jewish businessman called Andrew St John - unfortunately there always have been collaborators, but why a mixed-race person like Joel Titus allows fanatical racists like Safcman4 on his Friends list is anyone's guess - low intelligence, political inexperience, and a pathetic desire to fit-in with "tough" guys (pissed-up thugs) may have something to do with it.
As for gay EDL, if you don't know about Ernst Rohm and Nicky Crane etc then learn to use Wikipedia. As for Guramit Singh, yes he's Asian and yes he was also filmed by The Sun newspaper saying "I fucking hate Pakis", and on Facebook he's linked to a page promoting BNP wanker Richard Barnbrook. Next.....
Antifa Reseach
Dear Antifa Research
10.08.2010 14:55
I know Joel Titus PERSONALLY never mind what's on his facebook.........
FUCK Antifa and the AFA
Nothing real is being done to stop the racists and the neo Nazis by any of you. Blood and Honour are still up and running..they are going to EDL demos and doing well enough.
To Antifa research
10.08.2010 15:50
The EDL is run by the British Armed Forces. Wake up. The EDL are not the usual run of the mill racists. The are the ARMY. Nearly all of the EDL stewards are from the MOD. Some are serving soldiers, others are ex soldiers. A significant number of the EDL are in the Armed Forces. It's getting pointless to keep on exposing the racists in the EDL to prove that they are a racist organisation...something that the greedy UAF and SWP Weymann Bennet feeds off of.
The British military are running the EDL. Some are racist, some are not. We are embroiled in illegal wars against Muslim countries. The EDL / British MOD are trying to start a civil war in this countrey with Muslims. They are inciting Muslims all over Britian. The result if they succed? Control orders..ASBOS, movement and association restrictions, prison...etc and so on.
EDL London = friends with Welsh Nazi Ken Jacks
10.08.2010 17:44
Here's the proof...
Action Research