Levy & Mcrae, the legal firm which represented Elish Angiolini, the Lord
Advocate -Scotland ’s most senior law officer last month took the Drum to the
Press Complaints Commission and lost. The online article at the root of the
dispute, which we publish on the following pages in full in addition to the PCC
adjudication, was a report on a failed freedom of information request. Last
year the Lord Advocate threatened to sue our sister magazine the Firm for reporting complaints from the family of Hollie Greig, a young Down ’s syndrome child and victim of an alleged paedophile ring. They claimed they were let down by the Procurator Fiscal service which, in their view, did not handle the prosecution process properly.
The Drum - The Chilling Effect - special report
Did Scot’s Lord Advocate spend more on her reputation than a girl got for being raped?
By Anonymous
Levy & Mcrae, the legal firm which represented Elish Angiolini, the Lord
Advocate -Scotland ’s most senior law officer last month took the Drum to the
Press Complaints Commission and lost. The online article at the root of the
dispute, which we publish on the following pages in full in addition to the PCC
adjudication, was a report on a failed freedom of information request. Last
year the Lord Advocate threatened to sue our sister magazine the Firm for reporting complaints from the family of Hollie Greig, a young Down ’s syndrome child and victim of an alleged paedophile ring. They claimed they were let down by the Procurator Fiscal service which, in their view, did not handle the prosecution process properly.
The Drum lodged a freedom of information request to find out who paid the bill for the Lord Advocate ’s action against the Firm, and also for another letter sent out by Levy & Mcrae in the name of the Lord Advocate, which appeared to threaten an English website with libel action for naming a sheriff at the centre of the allegations.
Was it the Lord Advocate herself – in which case why, as the head of the Prosecution Service, was she writing on behalf of an individual who might be subject to criminal investigation? Or was it the Scottish Government, in which case why – when the chilling effects on the media of libel proceedings have prompted reform at Westminster – are public funds being used this way north of the border?
But despite all the technicalities of this debate the fact remains that a young girl, who because of her learning difficulties is particularly vulnerable, has been badly let down. Recently she was awarded £13,500 worth of compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, despite the fact no prosecutions have been made.
So did the Lord Advocate spend more defending her reputation thanHollie Greig has received for being raped? The public has the right to know after-all they might have footed the bill.
The Press Complaints Commission has found in favour of The Drum after an online article about the Crown Office's failure to answer an FOI request for details of legal fees paid by Scotland's Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini was reported to the PCC by law firm Levy and McRae.
The paedophile monster (father of Hollie) Denis Mackie, is also involved in this case he was the main perpertrator and now lives in Ois do Barrio, Portugal. From an an early age he introduced Hollie to her other abusers which included Sheriff (judge) Buchannan who lives in Aberdeen Scotland, as do Hollie's other abusers.
The address of the Makies' is Rua St Anre, Ois do Bairro, Curia #3780, Portugal
Tel: 231 527 207
mobile: 0931 700 6660
Please warn people living in Portugal about this man and this case
Read more: http://www.thedrum.co.uk/news/2010/07/28/14961-press-complaints-commission-finds-in-favour-of-the-drum
Original Article: http://www.thedrum.co.uk/news/2010/04/28/13626-did-scot-gov-finance-lord-advocate-angiolini-libel-action-against-media-/
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