"Vengeance is mine,, declareth the judge".(who is enjoined by scripture not to judge.) While Britain is among the 88% of the world's countries which have
ended premeditated judicial murder, the US, China, Israel, Nigeria, Saudi
Arabia are among the 12% of countries on the caboose of the train of history.
Elena Kagan, Obama's nominee to the US Supreme Court, has said she has no problem enforcing the death penalty.
Should she join the 5 serially killing men who commit premeditated judicial murder with their pens? The 5 who like Caesar at the coliseum turn down their thumbs when petitioned for mercy?
5 'prolife' Catholics include 3 who perpetrated the Bush
theft of the elections on the American people. They are Antonin Scalia, who refused to recuse though his 2 sons worked for Bush's attorneys appearing before him, Clarence Thomas, former Monsanto attorney, Anthony Kennedy. They also include John Roberts who lied to the Senate in the confirmation hearings and who had previously written pro-torture briefs while on the Circuit Court, and Sam Alito who broke his promise to recuse when deciding on slaughterhouse invested Vanguard in which he also was invested.
In the US, only 12 of 50 states have been involved in judicial murder. The vast
majority are in the racist south, in which an African American on death
row has 3 to 4 times the likelihood of being executed as a white on death row.
While the US Tea Party sheep led by dinosaurs want to end direct election of US senators, democracy demands direct election of the "Supreme" Court, and an end to life terms.
Who is guilty of contempt for this court? The entire world.

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