well for a start you need an all star cast, including the Secretary of State for Health / local MP
with the local authorities and environmental protection agencies all on board.
Plus a few of ritains most caring (about quick profits) corporations and it's Bingo 2 da bank
Remediation seems like a very suitable description, it also means "act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil" Bayer have certainly been involved with more than their fair share of evil over the years and this site is certainly the last place that anyone with any sense would want to buy a house.
But how exactly does a site that has been used for 70 years for the production and storage of highly toxic chemicals, some of which are now banned, become a prime site for a serious spot of property speculation. The site has not been used since 2003 when Bayer stopped work there. It is adjacent to four water ways,
The case is pretty much standard issue for an unscrupulous Corporate Crime syndicate to get away with out clearing up their shit, they simply get the local authorities to approve a redevelopment plan and get some one else to organise and pay for the clean up operation. But that takes a fair bit of wheeling and dealing and as always in this kind of SCAM the public stands to cop any subsequent fall out.
Obviously the local authority obviously has to be one of the first on board, and South Cambridgeshire District Council appear to be part of the coalition or perhaps consortium which are forging ahead with the plans.
Under the watch full eye of Andrew David Lansley, CBE, the local MP for south Cambridgeshire (since 1997).
So it would appear that we are in safe hands as Lansley is also now the Secretary of Sate for Health. However Bayer are past masters at working closely with puppet politicians and now own the Bhopal site, no doubt they will very soon have planning permission on that notorious location.
Check out the South Cambridgeshire District Council, they explain that the info pages are produced as a joint operation, between various government agencies, the property speculator and the company responsible for removing the evil.
Bayer site, Hauxton
These pages are jointly produced by South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) and the Environment Agency, The Health Protection Agency, NHS Cambridgeshire, Harrow Estates and Vertase FLI.
If you have any concerns or would like more information, please email us at

So everyone seems to be getting on like a house on fire and everything is completely transparent , various Government Agencies are on the case the public are safe and sound.
Problem is that Environmental and health protection agencies tend to be rather slack when companies like Bayer are involved. I wouldn't trust them one inch.
So here we go with a run down on the site and all involved in the project.
The site is reportedly own by Bridgemeer UK limited. Which appears t have become a PLC, with Mr Steve Morgan OBE at the controls, a Wolves fan as well as having his finger in a number of other pies. Then
Name & Registered Office:
Company No. 05647630
Steve Morgan
Steve is Chairman of the Bridgemere Group of Companies, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC and Redrow plc. Steve was also a Non Executive Director of De Vere Group plc in which Bridgemere was the largest shareholder until the group was sold in 2006 to AHG. In 1992 he was awarded the OBE for services to the construction industry.

The site is managed by Harrow Estates, who are situated at Bridgemeer House, this is not the only Jennifer Daly, who appeared on Anglia news as a spokesperson for Harrow Estates is also a director of Bridgemeer.
Name & Registered Office:
Company No. 06825371
Previous Names: Date of change Previous Name 23/10/2009 HARROW ESTATES LIMITED 23/10/2009 BRAND NEW CO (420) LIMITED
So I think we can safely say that the sites is owned and managed by companies under the control of Mr Steve Morgan OBE.
So onto the next on the list Vertase F.L.I. a Bristol based company with offices around the country and a multi national portfolio, I didn't have time to do much research on them, but it seems they might be part of the Vertase group and may be controlled by an Irish based company.
Hauxton page

Hauxton Project Overview

Name & Registered Office:
BS20 6PN
Company No. 03944198
VertaseFLI is a leading brownfield and contaminated land remediation contractor and environmental contracting specialist. We are also the UK's largest geo-synthetic supplier and installer with over 20 years of UK and international presence and experience.

The consultants are (WS) Aitkins, again a very big, they claim to be the biggest, company with

WS Atkins PLC
Woodcote Grove
Ashley Road
Epsom KT18 5BW
United Kingdom
P: +44 13 7272 6140
F: +44 13 7274 0055
Company Description
WS Atkins plc is a United Kingdom-based engineering and design consultancy company. The Company operates in seven segments: Design and Engineering Solutions; Highways and Transportation; Rail; Middle East; China and Europe; Management and Project Services, and Asset Management. Its Design and Engineering Solutions segment delivers engineering and technically integrated design to a range of customers. Its areas of operation include water, environment, nuclear, power, education, aerospace, defense, oil and gas and infrastructure design. The Company's Highways and Transportation segment include transport planning, advising the United Kingdom Government and highway authorities on transport policy; the design of road improvements, and delivering integrated road network management and highway maintenance services. It also provides specialist design services across a range of engineering disciplines, including signaling, civil, electrification and specialist services.
Atkins Plc

About Atkins

Atkins is the UK's largest engineering and design consultancy and the world's 11th largest design firm. We have the depth and breadth of expertise to respond to the most technically challenging and time-critical infrastructure projects and the urgent transition to a low-carbon economy.
Name & Registered Office:
KT18 5BW
Company No. 01885586
Status: Active
Date of Incorporation: 13/02/1985
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Company Type: Public Limited Company
Nature of Business (SIC(03)):
7415 - Holding companies including head offices

The original company, WS Atkins & Partners, was established by the late Sir William Atkins in 1938 with offices in Westminster in London. In its early years the practice specialised in civil and structural engineering design work but expanded rapidly after World War II into specialist services in town planning, engineering sciences, architecture and project management.
In 1996, WS Atkins was admitted to the London Stock Exchange and began trading as WS Atkins plc. Since that time, the group has acquired a number of companies, including Faithful+Gould (a cost and project management consultancy firm), Ventron Technology (a specialist process plant contractor), McCarthy's Consulting Engineers (a firm operating in the Republic of Ireland), Boward Computer Services (computer consultancy), Hanscomb Inc. (construction consultants), MSL Engineering Limited and MSL Services Corp and Boreas (oil and gas service engineers), Novaplan AB (a Swedish masterplanning and design practice), Intelligent Space (a pedestrian movement consultancy) and MG Bennett & Associates Ltd (a multidisciplinary engineering design company based in Rotherham).
The project that Atkins is most widely associated is the Burj al Arab, which was completed in 1999.[5]
The company has been trading under the Atkins name since 2002.
The company experienced a number of financial difficulties in 2002 and the previous Chief Executive, Robin Southwell resigned, along with Finance Director Ric Piper, who was also told his new job at Trinity Mirror was no longer open to him.[6] Keith Clarke replaced him, joining from Skanska.[7]
Atkins was one of the five shareholders in Metronet, the tube maintenance company which failed in 2007 leading to Atkins having to write off its investment.[8]
In 2009 Atkins was appointed the official engineering design services provider for the London 2012 Games: services in which the company will provide for the event include building services design, civil engineering and structural engineering, acoustics, fire protection engineering and accessibility advice.[9]
All good stuff, plenty of work all around the world.
Another company whose name appears on the official documents is GVA Grimley
Name & Registered Office:
B1 2JB
Company No. 06382509
Status: Active
Date of Incorporation: 26/09/2007
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Company Type: Private Limited Company
Nature of Business (SIC(03)):
7031 - Real estate agencies
7032 - Manage real estate, fee or contract
These people are busy all over the place and there 20 GVA Comapanies at the same address,
Holding, Finance and all the usual big business activities.
So in the end it is quite plain to see that to turn a highly polluted chemical site into a very desirable (for the speculators) piece of real estate, you just need to have the local authorities, environmental, agencies, HM Government and a bus full of Britains most success full businessmen, of course they will have banked their ill gotten gains and have scarpered when the people who end up living on the site start dropping down dead.
Video on line
Cambridgeshire Hauxton clean up

Contaminated site at Hauxton in Cambridgeshire is not a danger

19 July 2010 Last updated at 17:14 GMT
Fumes from clean-up in Cambridgeshire 'like paint'

Hauxton Water Pollution

Hauxton Cambridge

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