With 67 Minutes of Education and Music
By Chad Andro
Youth for Human Rights Florida Celebrates Mandela’s Birthday with 67 minutes of educating others about their human rights, as Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The 67 minutes were a response to Mandela's appeal for his birthday to be used to help others in need. They also represent the 67 years Mandela devoted to politics.
The youth spread the word of the 30 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and facts of Mandela’s life to musicians and poets in honor of his wishes, his respect for education and his love of music. During most of the time Mandela was in prison he was deprived of simple pleasures such as listening to music, so he and fellow prisoners would organize concerts whenever possible, especially at Christmas when they would sing.
Human Right #1 We Are All Born Free & Equal, the message of Mandel to eliminate racial anti-discrimination, was the main focus of the night, but all who attended praised the work of Mandela, and celebrated Human Right # 19, Freedom of Expression.
Youth for Human Rights Florida is a secular non-profit organization with the mission to educate about Human Rights both in and out of the classroom. The uniqueness of the program lies in the educational materials created in collaboration with the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology International. Its founder L. Ron Hubbard in fact stated: “Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream”. The educational materials include a youth-designed video of the 30 Human Rights according to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, along with a documentary, “The Story of Human Rights”, booklets and an educator’s guide.
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