They have used dolphins as weapons carriers. Now with the University of Wisconsin
which has also tasered pigs for the Justice Dept. and tortured primates, they have
killed 3 of the sheep they are experimenting upon with painful bends.
2 animal rights groups responded with creative use of law
From a Wall St Journal blog:
It started when prosecutors in Madison, Wis., declined to pursue University of Wisconsin officials and researchers whose test subjects, three sheep, inadvertently died of the bends during U.S. Navy-financed experiments aimed at helping submariners.
Two animal-rights groups, Alliance for Animals and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, seized on a little-invoked state law to aid their case. The law allows citizens to petition a judge to order prosecutions when there’s probable cause to believe a law has been violated and when a district attorney has refused to issue a complaint.
At a hearing Thursday, an attorney for the animal groups asked a Wisconsin judge to order a special prosecutor to file civil charges against the university employees for killing animals using decompression. The judge said she would issue a ruling later this month.
In other states, lawyers have used foreclosure laws to secure liens on horses, dogs and other pets of people charged with abuse to seize the animals