Men and women from Blood and Honour, Combat 18, National Front and BNP are all linked to the EDL.
The EDL are exploiting anyone and anything that they can use to attack Muslims and have formed a "Hindu Defence League" with Islamophobic Hindus. They have formed the English Defence League Jewish division with Zionsists [their financial backers].
The EDL rip off their supporters with coach seats at £20 a go for demos, expensive merchandise with expensive postage etc.
The last time the EDL went ot Dudley in a large number they tore down their own fences, trampled them, threw things at each other, threw things at reporters, accused locals who were watching of being "UAF scum" and told them to "f**k off" etc and rioted in a car park for no apparent reason.
The latest EDL ploy is to recruit Muslims into the EDL so that "people can't critcise the EDL".
[paragraph edited out as per indymedia uk policy]
The EDL are an organisation full of racists. Dismantle the EDL!
Hide the following 17 comments
nazis in the photo ?
10.07.2010 19:24
mick jones
EDL Protestors Definitely Nazis video
11.07.2010 10:52
Yes it's true some Fascists hate the EDL, but Fascists hate rival Fascists almost as much as they hate everyone else. Just look at the red EDL t-shirt in this photo...
Nazis in the EDL
11.07.2010 12:58
Here are some more...
I agree Muslim extremists are just as bad
PLease allow only clear articles or from reputable organisations up on fascism
11.07.2010 13:20
PS dimwits obviously the pic above, is of antifascists, thats why these articles have to be clear, some EDL smpathisers arent well known for their analysis of articles, to put it nicely:)
Green Syn
@green syn
11.07.2010 14:26
The photo above is of English Defence League ppl including Joel Titus
11.07.2010 17:03
The EDL have an Islamophobic associative group the Hindu Defence League, English Defence League Jewish Division among others.
The EDL are now trying to recruit Muslims into the EDL.
Joel Titus said that he would leave the EDL if there was ever proof of Nazis in the EDL. It has been proved that there are Nazis in the EDL. Joel is still in the EDL regardless.
Charlie Flowers regularly goes to Mosques and Islamic events. There are many Muslims who might feel uncomfortable with him doing this when he is clearly associated with the EDL. He attends EDL meetings. Having said that he has tried to arrange sit downs between Muslims and the EDL and therefore could be genuinely trying to work as a peacemaker.
The Dudley demo is on the 17th. People are getting to Dudley town centre at around 11am.
With regard to "only letting known or reputable anti fascist groups write on here" that can result in censorship, heirarchy etc.
From now on too there is a group called the Muslim Defence League and their supporters who might from time to time write on here. The MDL is a new group and has been formed in defence against the English Defence League. The MDL is not run by Antifa, anarchists or the UAF etc. It is run by Muslims and non Muslims who are friends of Muslims from the Muslim Defence League.
EDL Kevin Smith with pigs head in Dudley
11.07.2010 18:09
Dear Alicanti
11.07.2010 20:16
No link to UK zionists and definitely not financially backing the EDL!
12.07.2010 11:41
They formed the English Defence League Jewish division without the support of mainstream zionisms, who rejected the Islamophobic EDL. UK zionist groups do not provide any financial support for EDL.
EDL have formed several personal links with the proscribed terrorist organisation the Kahanist JDL - which is a hardline religious zionist org. considered to be 'terrorist' in both Israel and USA.
They have also approached the JTF, which is a Kahanist sympathetic, JDL run group, but also has non-Jews (mainly the American Christian Right) as 'members'.
Both these groups support a one-state over all of Israel and Palestine, in opposition to mainstream zionist groups like the Zionist Congress. Zionist Congress support a two-state solution and passed a motion to pressurise the Israeli government to move quickly to establishing the negotiations necessary to form the Palestinian state and to halt any further settlement expansions or new outposts asap.
These two groups who the EDL have linked themselves to are closely linked to support for settlers in the occupied territories, which mainstream zionist groups. Some Jewish groups have described them as the 'Jewish Taliban' because they are basically little difference in the way they treat women with less rights than men (hafrada - segregation between men and women).
Please see - [not] english defence league jewish division for more details.
Shema Israel
Education is free in your country
12.07.2010 19:04
This article and the picture posted, without the consent of the people in the picture amounts to defamation, in case you are not clear as to what that means; ( Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an INDIVIDUAL, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image. It is usually, but not always a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).
In common law jurisdictions, slander refers to a malicious, false and defamatory spoken statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts, which arises where one person reveals information that is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.
Having said that, I would advise you to take this article down instantaneously as it may have far-reaching consequences. Please think ten times over before pointing fingers at another person as there are 3 pointing back at you.
Naima Nasir
Proof is often required before stupid un-informed comments are made...
12.07.2010 20:45
I have no affiliation with the EDL. I simply had a short lived fling with Darren Marsh. I am NOT his girlfriend, and I go against everything the EDL stand for. Whoever thinks they are well informed enough to use my family name should really ought to do a bit more digging. They will in turn find out that my family are Muslim and I'm a practicing Pagan. The EDL are a bunch of un-informed footie hooligans as far as I'm concerned.
The REALLY funny thing is, that Luke Delany is a classmate of mine from Westminster. He's not English, he's Irish. He's a tame English Lit and Creative writing student and knows about as much as the EDL as George Bush knows how to use correct grammar.
I actually like this website because it usually has some decent articles published. However this entire page is a complete farce and extremely sneaky for "anon" to post up lies about Naima Nasir, Luke Delany and myself. I cannot and will not speak for the actions of Charlie Flowers, Darren Marsh or Joel Titus.
But the least you could do is at least ask the people you write about before posting their names online.
I actively encourage anyone to send me a message via my facebook page and I will quite hapily set these silly ideas straight. Me... EDL??? LMAO.
Tasneem Moonchild is my name on facebook.
Look forward to hearing from anyone who seeks the truth :)
Blessed Be )O(
Tasneem Ghanchi
this site
12.07.2010 21:07
lol! i doubt it. Best contact your legal people and get things moving.
seriously, this site is shit.
anything on it is usually a load of bollox and this has once again been proven to be the case.
i don't think anyone takes things on here seriously, i only read this site for mild amusement.
13.07.2010 15:43
13.07.2010 19:37
Pressing charges....aggravated trespass, harassment, assualt at an SWP meeting
13.07.2010 20:54
According to comments made on an EDL facebook site about the night one of the SWP men "walked into Joel's fist".
The EDL have said of what happened "Imagine the looks on their faces when Joel, his Asian girlfriend [a Muslim] and some hoolies went in there. One of them walked into Joel's fist".
The building where this happened has CCTV both inside and outside. There were SWP people there who were subjected to aggravated trespass, harassment, alarm, distress and assault.
So Naima when you return from your hols in Pakistan and Dubai you might want to think about that night.
Talk to me?
13.07.2010 22:34
Naima Nasir
SWP don't like being stalked either.
14.07.2010 13:26