Friday Drivetime - Bristol's weekly current affairs round-up
Drivetime enquiry into the 7/7 London Bombings,
Whodunit? Five years on we examine the evidence
03:00 - Introduction
04:00 - Local investigative documentary maker Adrian Connock
05:00 - Robert Webb whose sister Laura died in the Edgware Road tube blast
22:00 - The survivors press conference in May 2010
28:00 - Could this be a 'False Flag' attack?
30:30 - Suicide bombers' video evidence
32:30 - The day itself - 7th July 2005, Guardian's Mark Honingsbaum describes Edgware Road explosion UNDER the carriage of an underground train - related forensics
36:30 - Police get the Train times from Luton to London wrong, Home Secretary apologises
37:30 - Explosives and anomalies
38:30 - Charles Shoebridge on BBC World Service - Why did MI5 lie saying the 7/7 'ringleader' Mohammad Sidique Khan was a clean skin while he was at least under surveillance by MI5?
40:30 - John Loftus - Al-Muhajiroun - Was Abu Hamza's deputy Haroon Rashid Aswat the mastermind of the attack and why did he have a mysterious 'get out of jail free card'.
48:30 - MI5 failed that day in its job of protecting Britain from terrorism and the activities of foreign interests. MI5 lied about the four alleged bombers, they had been known to the security services in the past not 'clean skins' at all. Decision makers cower behind MI5's walls of secrecy. Former MI5 intelligence officer Annie Machon however is our whistleblower of the week.

52:00 - What sort of people are recruited to MI5?
53:30 - Privatisation of Intelligence - Money, Idealism, Compronmise or Ego (MICE).
57:30 - Websites - Conclusions - Summing up.

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Our enquiry into the 7/7 London bombings