Posted by admin on June 17th, 2010
Sexualising Children Is Child Abuse
So what lies behind all the pseudo-charitable trusts pushing this United Nations directive to sexualise our children?
Welcome onto the scene Ark, Absolute Return For Kids.
Military Industrial Complex funded and operated, currently placing its people into every school in the country, usually in threes. Known to the teachers as the robots, the Stepford Wives. These severely mind controlled intelligence operatives have only one aim in mind…to turn every school in the country into an ARK clone.
ARK is evil in its intent, evil in its mandate, and has absolutely no contingency for the word ‘no’ to become opposition to their plans, they ignore the term like they are deaf.
Militarising the schools under the Academy agenda, to which all such private corporate stakeholder groups are but a mere satellite to ARK the mammoth.
AEOCOM, Rand Corp, they are all in ARK, Stanley Fink at the helm after Arpad Busson quickly made exit. lifeinthemix has given this sinister agenda a lot of attention over the last few years, so important is the need for parents to grasp what is being set forth within the schools, Cameron already announced a free licence under this Crown controlled coalition for hundreds more, yet parents seem not to take interest.
It is up to the teachers to enlighten the parents to the changes coming to the schools under ARK and UN directives.
Source : Daily mail
By Daniel Martin
Children as young as five should be taught about sex, the Government’s controversial health watchdog said last night.
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence – whose main role is to ration NHS drugs – is to write to every primary school telling it to start sex education when pupils are five.
It will tell teachers that children should not be taught to say no to sex – but should learn about the value of ‘mutually rewarding sexual relationships’.
The controversial organisation’s draft guidance to schools came out on the same day that it rejected a life-extending drug for non-small cell lung cancer on the grounds of cost effectiveness.
It said it could not approve the use of Tarceva as a maintenance treatment, despite evidence it could give thousands of patients an extra three months of life.
Sex education is not compulsory in English schools – and even where it is taught, parents have the right to take their children out of lessons.
But this guidance from NICE – albeit in draft form – will put greater pressure on headteachers to provide sex education at an earlier age.
At present, the only part of sex education that is compulsory is the science element – the human reproductive system and how babies are made.
This is taught at secondary school. Guidance from the Department for Education suggests that from the ages of five to seven, children should learn the names of parts of the body, how people change as they get older, the difference between right and wrong, and that friends and family should care for one another.
Critics said it was far beyond NICE’s remit and was in danger of actually encouraging children to experiment with sex after learning about it at far too young an age.
Recommendations from NICE include teaching children how to put a condom on and that excessive drinking can lead to sex.
It advises schools to use social networking websites to get the sex message across and calls on teachers to offer children confidential sex advice if they need it – without their parents being told.
The report concludes that sex and relationships education is ‘more effective if it is introduced before young people first have sex’. It says sex education – including information about sexually-transmitted infections, methods of contraception, pregnancy and abortion – can help children and teens delay sex until they are ready.
‘It does not cause them to have sex at an earlier age, or to have more sex, or sex with more partners, and nor does it increase the number of unwanted or teenage conceptions and abortions,’ the guidance says.
NICE claimed that teaching children to ‘say no’ could actually increase the chances of risky sexual behaviour and pregnancy.
Critics last night accused the body of pressuring schools to push the boundaries on sex education and said the guidance undermined traditional values.
Norman Wells, of pressure group Family and Youth Concern, said: ‘The team that drafted the guidance included lobby groups with an agenda to break down moral standards and redefine the family.
Organisations with a commitment to marriage and traditional family values were not represented.’
Margaret Morrissey, of lobby group Parents Out Loud, said: ‘They tell me that once you give indepth information about sex and drugs, 90 per cent will go and experiment – and there’s no way back from that.’
Britain’s teenage pregnancy rate is the highest in western Europe.
There are now more than 40,000 under-18 conceptions every year. Last night the Department for Education would not comment on the guidance.
But Simon Blake, of young people’s sexual health charity Brook, who helped draw up the guidance, said: ‘It’s a myth that sex education encourages children to be more promiscuous or have sex at an early age.
‘In fact, evidence demonstrates this type of education helps children and young people resist pressures to get involved in activities that might damage their health.’
See Original Report
Those Guilty of Child Abuse Promotion
Project director of Brent Education Action Zone
Director of the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University
Huddersfield New College
Chief executive, young people’s sexual health charity Brook
Teacher advisor in PSHE, Wakefield-Education Advisory Service
Young person representative
Manager of the Streetwise young people’s project
Sexual health nurse at Lewisham primary care trust
Senior education officer at gay rights group Stonewall
Education consultant at Educari
Professor of health economics at Aberdeen University
Co-ordinator of the Sex Education Forum, National Children’s Bureau
Senior lecturer at Cambridge University’s faculty of education
Community member
School governor
Director of practice development at sexual health information service fpa
Advisor, Southwark children’s services
Member of the General Medical Council, non-executive director of NHS Islington
Further Study
Psychiatrists And Professors Are Lobbying To Normalise And Decriminalise Paedophilia
UNESCO : Review Of Sex, Relationships And HIV Education In Schools
Condoms, Masturbation, Abortion Content Provoke Controversy In UNESCO Sex Education Draft Guidelines
The Most Widespread Child Abuse In Britain Is Perpetrated By The Government
In Profile : ARK, Absolute Return For Kids
Related Links:
Tags: Absolute Return for Kids, AEOCOM, ARK, Department for Education, Military Industrial Complex, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, pseudo-charitable trusts, Rand Corp, Stanley Fink, Stepford Wives, Tarceva, UNITED NATIONS
This entry was posted on Thursday, June 17th, 2010 at 6:52 PM and is filed under CHILD ABUSE, CONSERVATIVE, EDUCATION, UNESCO. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Response to “Pupils Aged Five Should be Taught all About Sex: Watchdog’s Instruction to Schools”
TCU Nutritional Sciences Kitchen Update Says:
June 18th, 2010 at 3:50 AM
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it doesn't work now...
18.06.2010 18:28
Antifash York
"traditional family values"
18.06.2010 18:54
(much as i dislike the idea of dodgy organisations and rich businessmen getting to control/ profit from what should be a publicly-organised and -funded education system)
kids deserve better
19.06.2010 00:14
"ALL" about sex?
19.06.2010 11:26
Teaching 5-year olds "all" about sex? What nonsense! Full-time acedemics, scientists, doctors and sexologists who've studied all their lives don't know "all" about sex. All that's actually proposed is that five year-olds should learn a few basic things about health and reproduction.
I don't have the figures, but I understand that teenage pregnancy rates, while still too high, have actually fallen substantially since the 1970s when I grew up. At my (state) school, sex-education was restricted to a single lesson at the age of 12 as part of the Nuffield Biology course: having dissected pregnant rats and made us draw xenopus toads for weeks, the teachers finally admitted that humans do similar things. Nothing about contraception, abortion or VD, and, worse still, NOTHING about puberty. It was important to know how caterpillars became butterflies or tadpoles became frogs, but completely unnecessary to know about the changes happening to our own bodies.
It's prudishness, bigotry and ignorance posing as "morality" that harms kids, not sex education.
Gregory Beetle
Source : Daily mail...
19.06.2010 17:40
Seriously, are you suggesting we should plough on with Victorian-style deception and misinfomation, persuading ourselves that the only reason there aren't more pregnant children is that they've never been taught how sex works? The reason teenage pregnancies and STI/Ds are far more common than they ought to be is that people are disproportionately afraid about talking to kids about the practical details - how to keep themselves safe. So we continue pretending they won't have sex unless they're taught about it in school. It's a pathetic argument.
19.06.2010 19:06
how about lowering age of sexual consent?
20.06.2010 20:51
my high school had a daycare in the building and the highest teen pregnancy rate in canada to this day.
let's just jam as much sexualised rubbish down our childrens throats in every form of media possible, including education and wonder why the kids is all havin sex and makin babies for the state to support and sometimes take away.
you all are brain dead to seriously say the least.
this country deserves to be in the shit state it is when the people of this nation are like their footballers - lacking any and all passion - completely repressed. you idiots all want to live the california dream, greek style.
good luck with that and i will remind this nation of her apathy when the shit truly hits the educational fan.
you all are crackers.