queen v. HAW, TUCKER, SWEET a.k.a. boris' bollocks b.
33. Art. 11 – Freedom of Assembly – engaged. Breached. Apparently I am not allowed to assemble with BH or BT as Maddison LJ has placed, on record, that I am associated with DV/PS/MG which is blatantly a lie.
34. Art. 14 – Freedom from discrimination – engaged. Breached. It is clear from these very proceedings that PSPC is being discriminated against and treated unfairly, being tarred with a DV/PS/MG brush.
First Protocol
35. Art 1. Protection of Property – engaged. Breached. Anyone would seriously questions the actions of the state in consideration of the ridiculous amount of times of the property of PSPC has been damaged, destroyed or illegally seized.
36. It is completely beyond my comprehension why any of the legally trained people present in these proceedings, acting on behalf of ANY of the defendants, have not offered an abuse of process argument specifically in regards to the gross breaches of numerous human rights.
37. December 28, 1065, the land now known as Parliament Square was consecrated and belongs to God, not the Queen – also reasonably believed to be left in perpetuity to the people.
38. God’s law and God’s title to this land are superior to any man-made statute or land deed. God’s Ten Commandments are presumed to be the foundation of all law.
39. Disclose the complete history of the title deed and full history of Parliament Square.
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