censored the overwhelming opposition to the Obama wars.
And the Law
1. The voice of the 3/4 of Americans who oppose the illegal
violent stupid bankrupting and undemocratic wars of the Obama
regime has been totally muzzled. This is done through Vivian
Schiller, Sue Goodwin, Ellen McDonnell, Renee Montagne,
Mara Liasson, Michelle Norris, Melissa Block, and other henhawks
and chickenhawks of the network.
2. NPR in a variety of ways promotes its 200 million dollars of stock
in the world's biggest fast food chain. Consequently, news of
colon bacteria, the cancer, heart disease, strokes, food poisoning, unionbusting, environmental devastation, deforestation, energy waste, obesity etc. associated with animal flesh consumption is stifled, while commercials for their stock occur in Marketplace, talk show, and news shows. NPR has long had the opportunity to sell the stock.
3. Ira Flatow of WNYC for 2 hours every Friday promotes
the international pharmaceutical industry and its animal torturing
research projects. He angrily cuts off animal rights activists.
4. At the time of "Desert Storm" the obfuscating title of the invasion
of sovereign Iraq by G H W Bush, NPR killed the final traces of
the decentralized democratic college radio network it had
originally been and brought in Kevin Klose from Radio Free Europe,
a Pentagon propagandist, to head the network.
5. There is no populist programming. The propagandists for loanshark
capitalism forcefeed those who listen to the show Marketplace.
6. NPR promotes Rupert Murdoch publications such as the Wall St.
Journal and allows Fox reporters such as Mara Liasson two hats.
7. The Council on Foreign Relations, Brookings Institution and other capitalist
organizations and war profiteers are given frequent interviews on news and talk shows
8. The Democratic and Republican parties nationally have become
a duopoly, a war party. State races are different. NPR gives more
coverage to the minority Republicans, while totally silencing Greens, Libertarians,
Socialists and other third party candidacies.
9. NPR avoids coverage of the executions of the 8 to 12 states still involved in
state murder of which 90% are in the South.
10. The World, a joint production of
the war promoting BBC and animal research
shilling WGBH, is carried. Recently the host
was saying how much he loved goat flesh.
11. These are our air waves. NPR receives tax money and is violating
not only moral ethics but US law.
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09.06.2010 17:11
That's YOUR take on reality?
That there is some overwhelming mass movement against the wars and the only reason not seeing anything about that is censorship by both the commercial media and NPR?
Perhaps if you live somewhere in the conservative hinterlands I guess you could believe that. Sorry to disabuse you, but I'm writing from the hilltowns of western Massachusetts, just about the most progressive part of the US*. Yes we have demonstrations against the war. Every couple weekends you might see a dozen or two protestors with anti war signs on the town common.
That's it. There is NO mass movement, if not around here then certainly nowhere else in the US.. I was there in the 60's, know what a mass movement looks like once it gets going. Sorry, but for those of us trying to organize opposition to these wars we have a long row to hoe.
* example -- in the 2000 election Bush came in THIRD in some of the hill towns.