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Berlin court bans Islamic prayer in schools

Justus Leicht | 06.06.2010 20:47 | Anti-racism | Education | World

Students in Berlin are not to be allowed to perform Islamic prayers on school grounds. While the Christian religion is routinely taught at public schools and—according to a 1979 Constitutional Court ruling—Christian school prayers can even be spoken during normal lessons, Islamic students are not allowed to perform their ritual prayers, even if they do this outside of lessons and only once a day.

This decision of the Berlin city government (Senate) was endorsed last week by the Superior Administrative Court in Berlin, overturning a ruling of the lower Administrative Court. The Social Democratic Party (SPD), which controls the Berlin Senate together with the Left Party and is responsible for school administration, welcomed the ruling, as did the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) and the Greens. The ruling may be contested by the plaintiffs.

What has happened? According to the Administrative Court, on November 1, 2007, at a secondary school in Berlin-Wedding, the plaintiff M. Yunus and other students had knelt on their jackets during a break in lessons and had prayed for about 10 minutes. This happened in a remote hallway of the school building that was not readily visible. They were observed by other students and a teacher, who informed the head teacher. The following day, the head teacher told the students concerned that it was not permitted to pray on school grounds and, according to the plaintiff, threatened them with expulsion from school.

The following day, the head teacher wrote a letter to the parents of M. Yunus warning, “Religious expressions—including prayers—belong in the private sphere or in places of worship. We have held an initial conversation with your son in which we explained to him the rules of conduct that apply at Berlin schools. I ask you, as parents, to support the school in its efforts”.

This rule of conduct, however, was created by the head teacher. A legal basis for it does not exist; and the student went to court.

In an interim decision, the Administrative Court said the school was obliged to allow students to carry out prayers outside of lessons. The school then provided an empty classroom that could be used during the break between the sixth and seventh lessons.

The court later found in favour of the plaintiffs on the substantive issue, ruling that a student is entitled to perform Islamic prayers once a day during school hours outside of lessons. The school administration had not demonstrated this would cause any specific problems for the school that could militate against it, the court said.

This ruling was met with harsh criticism in political circles. Kurt Wansner, responsible for the CDU’s integration policies, said the decision would damage integration, outweighing anything that would be gained by it. Özcan Mutlu, educational spokesperson for the Greens, described the ruling as sending the “wrong signal on integration policy”. And the Neukölln district mayor, Heinz Buschkowsky (SPD), warned: “This is a further step in the consolidation of a parallel society and toward social division”. The school administration appealed.

In the press, the verdict was mainly presented as if the Administrative Court had granted the students an entitlement to a prayer room. However, this was explicitly not the case, and this facility was never actually called for; the plaintiff had merely sought to oppose the ban on praying outside of lessons.

Nevertheless, the school had kept precise records about the use of the room, which M. Yunus had always needed to have unlocked by a teacher. During the appeal hearing it was then hotly debated as to how often he had used the prayer room—supposedly only 14 times. “I can’t unlock the room now”, was often the reply of the teacher, according to the student. For this reason he had conducted his noon prayers in another classroom or in the gym locker room. Later, he had waited until after school.

In its appeal against the verdict, the reasons cited by the SPD-led Berlin Senate committee responsible for schools in the first instance are extraordinary. The Superior Administrative Court has apparently essentially supported them, although its written judgment has not yet been published.

The misleading argument that “anybody could come and claim the need for a prayer room” was the most absurd, since not even the plaintiff had claimed entitlement to such a space, not to speak of classmates of other faiths. The case had begun not with a claim of entitlement, but with a ban by the school administration. In other schools in Berlin, such conflicts have been resolved by allowing students to use unoccupied or unused rooms.

The Senate representatives raised much more serious accusations. They linked the performing of Islamic prayers outside of religious education to all kinds of possible conflicts at school that might have a religious context: the mutual abuse of pupils of different religious communities, the mutual control of whether Ramadan is observed, insults against girls who do not wear headscarves, the justification of honour killings and expressions of anti-Semitic attitudes. It should be noted, however, that the Senate representatives did not even allege that the now 16-year-old plaintiff had been involved in any such incidents, nor did they seek to justify why permitting prayers would cause or intensify such conflicts.

The Superior Administrative Court not only accepted this defamation, it upheld the ban with an argument of perfidious subtlety that is probably only possible from the German judiciary.

First, the court found it plausible that the school might want to shield students engaged in prayer from those of other faiths and had therefore assigned a separate room for them. Second, the court said he was not entitled to such a room on the grounds of religious freedom, because it did not confer a right on believers to have their faith promoted. It was merely a defensive right against the state.

In other words, first the state is awarded the power to shield from others the Muslim who performs his religion visibly, i.e., to isolate him. In the second step it is stated that this isolation requires an organizational effort, to which the Muslim is not entitled. Derived from this is not the abandonment of the isolation, but a ban to practice one’s religion!

The Senate justified its support for a ban on praying with the argument that the state must be neutral on religious matters. But the student had asked for nothing more. He did not claim that the state must identify itself with his religion, as might be the case if a crucifix were hung in a classroom. He merely opposed the state ban on him practising his religion outside of lessons.

In the first instance, the Administrative Court had referred to a much more comprehensive ruling of the Constitutional Court in 1979. The Constitutional Court had declared admissible that Christian school prayers could be spoken at the suggestion of a teacher during normal lessons. Students of other religion or no religion had the opportunity to sit quietly or to leave the room.

This decision blatantly violated state neutrality in religious matters, but it concerned Christian prayers. Religious tolerance is traditionally seen by German jurists and politicians as imposing an obligation of non-Christians to accept the privileged position of Christianity, which is closely linked with the German state.

When it comes to Islamic prayers, the Senate lawyers judged them completely differently in the oral hearing. They claimed that they were demonstrative and missionary: to exercise a “collective rite of a political nature meant to influence others”. In a press release that welcomed the ruling of the Superior Administrative Court, the Senate claimed that other students were “put under pressure” by the Islamic prayers.

Ritual prayer, just as the confession of the faith, belongs to the five basic requirements or “pillars” of Islam. Its renaissance has undoubted political and social reasons, including discrimination, exclusion, war in the Middle East, and class divisions in society into rich and poor. Because these developments are supported and promoted by organizations such as the SPD, the Left Party and the unions, the opposition to them, in part, does not take on a left-wing, progressive form, but the form of an increase of religious tendencies. The SPD responds, as so often in its history, with oppression.

The Left Party has partially welcomed the ban on Islamic prayer by the Superior Administrative Court. While the Left Party’s education spokesperson in Berlin had supported the ruling of the lower court, and expressed “surprise” at the decision of the appellate court, the unofficial house organ of the Left Party, Neues Deutschland, quoted the Senate’s attorney with virtually undisguised approval. “The controversy over prayers has polarized students. Girls are being bullied because they were not wearing the headscarf correctly; there were disputes as to who was the better Muslim or which religion was of higher value.... Insistently, school administrators and teachers have warned of a slippery slope, should the judges confirm the lower court’s verdict. Senate representatives appeared much relieved after the decision”.

If the sentence stands, this indeed would be a slippery slope. So far in the debate about Islam in relation to schools it has mostly concerned female teachers wearing the headscarf; now it directly concerns the democratic rights of students. And if Islamic prayer is seen as a political demonstration of a coercive character, against the pressure of which the state must protect others through prohibitions, this argument can be easily transferred to schoolgirls wearing headscarves.

Justus Leicht
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Hide the following 16 comments

Good, just ban Christian prayer as well

07.06.2010 08:23

Kids shouldn't be brainwashed into believing fairy tales of any sort.


Ban's enforced by who?

07.06.2010 10:58

"@theist" supports the state banning religion and presumably the state enforcing atheism, perhaps those who don't comply with these state directives should also be rounded up and killed, all in the name on there being no gods?

If that's your idea of atheism...

No Gods, No Masters

School bullies...

07.06.2010 11:49

I presume that if this kid walked into school and stabbed half his class, damaged school property or showed an intense interest in violent porn, his headteacher would probably pat him on the head and offer him a lollypop for his exceptional ability to express himself. Asking to pray/meditate/whatever on school grounds in his own time on the other hand leads to all kinds of trouble. The headteacher is just being a bully; the fact is that if no one had grassed, this kid and others, probably would gone through their whole school life with no one being bothered or any the wiser (i.e. back on planet Earth, who cares?). It's this kind of action that alienates kids and causes problems later on in life. A racist and a bully is what the teacher is; I wouldn't know if the administrative courts in Germany cover human rights under the ECHR but the initial ban - imposed unilaterally by the headteacher - is clearly a case of a public authority acting ultra vires (i.e. that's not her job) and infringes his human rights. They should appeal and take it all the way to Strasbourg. It would be nice if sometimes the courts could deal with real issues like catching criminals (I appreciate that is not what administrative courts do); however, at the end of the day, a kid kneeling to his God in an empty corridor is no real danger to anyone or anything. Knife crime, theft and STDs are probably greater threats and concerns to most teenagers in Germany just like they are in Blighty.

What do I know?

re: "@theist" supports the state banning religion ...

07.06.2010 15:40

re: "@theist" supports the state banning religion and presumably the state enforcing atheism, perhaps those who don't comply with these state directives should also be rounded up and killed, all in the name on there being no gods?

As you might have guessed from the "@", I don't support the state doing anything. It's up to all of us as individuals not to promote oppressive, brainwashing things like religion. The article explicitly says that German schools actively teach Christianity and prayers during lessons. I say schools shouldn't do this. If individuals want to pray themselves then it's not the school that should stop them doing it, but their own intelligence. Or more to the point, they shouldn't have been brainwashed into religion by their parents in the first place.


Sheer bloody arrogance

08.06.2010 08:32

You are an atheist, good for you but you are unbelievably arrogant and elitist to assume that those who do have faith are less intelligent than you. We need a society whereby people have freedom to worship, pray and give offerings to fairies if they so wish. I am fed up with with people who think they know what is best for everyone else. You may not believe in a diety or spirits but many of us do. Islam and Christianity are vitally important to millions of people it is not up to you or anyone else to belittle and dictate that these people are inferior.
I agree wholeheartedly that religion has been used to oppress, torture and kill but then so has the cause of atheism in Russia and China.I fail to see how someone going to church or casting spells in their front room is anyone elses business. If religion starts to get oppressive such as burning "witches" or stoning "adulterers" then yes the practitioners of atrocities become a target. Simple worship and good deeds such as the Hare Krishnars giving out food to the homeless are positive things. The Pope pontificating that condoms should not be used, thus condemning millions to death through HIV transmission is an appalling abuse of power which should be the subject of your annoyance and wrath.
Freedom to all to believe or to be cynical but never to oppress someone on the grounds of faith or lack of it.

@ Athiest

re: Sheer bloody arrogance

08.06.2010 11:13

Whilst I agree that we should not oppress those with religious faith, rational people should not have to give credibility to the delusional beliefs of the mentally ill.


Are you suggesting that....

08.06.2010 13:37

people who do believe in God, or intelligent design, or an afterlife etc are mentally ill? If so I am rather appalled that there is so little respect for other people's beliefs. Is that not what the communists did? Section everyone who disagreed with them because THEY were so obviously rational?. I would never ask an atheist to agree with me on various things but I would expect them to agree to differ and not dismiss me as "mentally ill" because I believe that humanity does not have all the ,answers, will never have all the answers and that there is more than this physical existence.
I think that we have to ask ourselves what being "mentally ill" is and of course many people with mental illness are perfectly funtional, intelligent and capable, Winston Churchill was famously depressed as was Florence Nightingale.
Someone who is delusional and hallucinating is a different being altogether and it would probably take more than not agreeing with them to help them.
To be perfectly honest I am big enough to make my own mind up about whether or not I want to light a candle for the dead, attend a non secular funeral to show my respects, enjoy Christmas, or celebrate Samhain. I am sure that millions are also capable of making their choices too and finding peace however they can.
It is patronising when some Christians tell atheists that they will pray for their sins etc etc. It is just as patronising when some atheists try and apply their blanket views for everyone else. Humanity is diverse, unless someone is abusing another we simply must agree to differ.

Lynn Sawyer

Christians disbelieve in most gods too

09.06.2010 10:14

It should be fairly obvious to most people that gods and goddesses are human cultural constructions rather than real things. There are thousands of religions and gods out there. Christians think all of them are unreal except for one. The only difference between them and me is that I think 1001 gods are unreal and they only think 1000 are unreal.

There's no rational reason why people follow a particular religion - it's usually just what they have been brought up with.

I'm sure some people find religion helpful to them - it was called the opium of the masses, after all - but at the end of the day it's still a falsehood. Anything that encourages dogma and represses critical thinking can't be good, even if you ignore all the sexism, homophobia, bigotry and hatred that goes along with religion.

When I said "Good" it was really just a knee-jerk reaction and the main point was that Christianity should be treated in the same way as Islam. Maybe the teacher involved was a racist idiot or a rampant Bible-basher, I don't know. Religion should be taught in schools as cultural myths. It's wrong to imply to children that things are true when they aren't.



09.06.2010 13:00

I agree kids should be protected from religious brainwashing, but it should across the board as a matetr of principle and not singling any particular group out.

Lynn, I am suggesting that most people who believev in God may not be mentally ill or stupid (but it sure helps!) but were rather indoctrinated into a dogmatic mindset as children. It'd be doubtful that any organised religous structure would prevail without adults brainwashing infants.

Converting kids should be seen as a breach of the human right of an individual being able to express themselves and determine their own philosophy an abused. Making kids pray, read scripture and sing holy verse is stripping kids of that right, and letting adults enforce THEIR views on others.

Cut it whatever way you like, it's not fair to say kids are consenting believers whilst saying they are incapable of consenting to most other things. Or are you suggesting human rights are only for adults???

@nother Atheist

People can make their own choices.

10.06.2010 10:56

Lots of adults believe in a god or gods. They are not mad, bad or stupid. Personally I am not into organised religion at all I suppose I am a pagan a sort of hedgewitch (who enjoys popping along to carol services etc) which means I have reached certain conclusions about my spiritual beliefs through experience and reading. I am fully aware of the misery caused by dogmatic Islam/ Christianity/ Judaism etc etc ad infinitum. All dogmatic religious bullshit should be opposed and anyone who dictates that atheism be enforced should also always be countered. I fail to see why it is up to anyone else to infringe upon anothers right to believe.

As for children, well no parent is going to bring up a child in perfect isolation of their own central beliefs and morals. It is like saying that an anarchist parent should not share their views with their child until they are 16 so that their child is not brainwashed. As a vegan if I had a child that child would be given a vegan diet. Unless we want to live in a world of state control people have to make decisions on behalf of their children until they are old enough to decide for themselves. Of course if you as atheists do have children you might mention your views and quite rightly as is your perogative as faith will come up sooner or later e.g what is the nativity play about? why is that lady's face covered? why do people go to church? You would have to come up with answers and explain the world as you see it not launch into some cold generic crap which takes into account everybody elses view and hopefully not launch into some tirade about how how those people are a bunch of mad dingbats and how only atheists have any sense. Of course forcing a child into mad religious practices and terrifying them with hellfire is bordering on child abuse
I think in the case of this school Muslims should be able to pray, so should Christians in private during breaks if they so wish, atheists should also be able to meet up and discuss other things. I fail to see how each person doing their own thing impacts on anyone else. Of course there should be major ructions if Muslims insist on all women being covered, or the Christians start building pyres on which to burn witches.

I find it very patronising that you seem to think that the only way someone could not be an atheist is because they were utterly brainwashed by parents.

Lynn Sawyer

@ Lynn Sawyer

10.06.2010 20:58

Patronising? Well, if you insist on believing in fairytales, what do you expect? Every other species of animal gets by just fine with atheism, so why isn't it good enough for you?


"Spare the rod, spoil the child."

12.06.2010 15:30

So Lynn, you think that a parent/adult/school has every right to tell a child what it's beleifs are, what its diet should be, how about politics and sexuality too? Do you beleive a child has any human rights to freedom of expression?

I know plenty of parents who don't consciously try to force their kids into a mindset. I even know an atheist mum with a Christian son... So, don't go projecting your own excuses onto teh rest of the world. Just because something is common doesn't make it right.

Terrorising children is NOT borderline abuse, it is factual abuse! And filling their heads up full of crap about invisible men that hate gays, or shaving, or state that women are just possessions like cattle is totally fucked up, and if you ever bother to pick up most religious books, they are filed with clear bigotted, hateful, violenent propaganda.

You want to defend educating kids from a book that calls for poofs to be stoned to death, or for girls to have theor clits cut out... on you go, but don't expect to loook credible.

@another atheist


13.06.2010 10:58

Did you actually bother reading my posts? I said that I am OPPOSED to dogmatic religious oppression and bigotry where did I say that stoning women, etc was acceptable? So every single Muslim is a misogynistic homophobe? What utter rubbish! You appear to be very bigoted yourselves would you enforce atheism on everyone? I remember a preist when I was working in Romania who was hounded by the Ceacescu regime, he was one of the few who put their necks on the block to protect the children in orpanages whilst atheists enforced their views on others using violence and intimidation. Organised religion has committed and continues to commit atrocities and I NEVER denied this but atheists notably in China and the former communist block have hardly been paragons of virtue. I am no apologist for dogma from any quarter unlike some people, I simply approve of religious freedom, for people to follow their own consciences whereas you wish to dictate to others your world view. I just hope that you learn to be less dictatorial and sanctimonious. Getting hysterical because other people have certain spiritual and religious beliefs is really pathetic, it really has nothing to do with you if the religious activity concerned does not impinge on the rights of others. I see very little point in the world cup it bores me silly but if people wish to watch it and enjoy it good luck to them. What people do is their own affair as long as it harms no other sentient being when harm occurs then of course we should all be speaking out. Whatever next, dictating that falling in love is nonsense and sneering at those who want to get married because its only really hormones and a chemical reaction?

As for children every single parent enforces a certain diet on their children as well as a lifestyle. Children make their own choices as soon as they are able. Are you seriously suggesting that a 3 year old who wants to eat chocolate all day should have their wishes indulged? Or if a child wants to eat Foie Gras the parent should immediately oblige? What if a 5 year old wants to attend a BNP rally, or kick to death the child next door, or take heroin their choice eh? I would not feed a child meat or dairy because I think that that is unethical and unhealthy just as presumably you would not take a child to church. In fact what if you have a child who at the age of 10 wants to become a christain, is that not their choice? Should you not take your child to church so they have the option of being christian following you own warped logic? Afterall parents feed their children meat but what if the child wants to be vegetarian, what about all the mechanically removed crap which is made into animal shapes to trick children into eating something rather bad for them, is that OK? I do think that children should decide things for themselves, I would not care what my child became , muslim, christian, atheist, agnostic as long as they did not become an ignorant, umimaginative, stupid, dictatorial bigot.

Lynn Sawyer

@ Ms. Hedgewitch

14.06.2010 15:01

Believing in deities is as absurd as believing in the Loch Ness Monster, alien visitations (Xenu anyone?) or that walking on the cracks in the pavement will bring you bad luck. It is nothing more than superstitious nonsense. Although I agree that religious faith is not a full blown psychosis it is neurotic and irrational and therefore a product of disordered thought. Of course, people will believe whatever they want and I'm not suggesting they should be persecuted but their beliefs are false and should be exposed as such at every opportunity.



15.06.2010 09:07

I think that we have to agree to differ. You can continue to sneer and pontificate all you like at other activists who do not share your views and I will just pity your lack of spirituality and closed mind. My beliefs are a valid part of me, by all means ridicule me but don't be suprised if I defend myself by laughing at your bigotry. If I want to sit under a tree and light a few candles and you interfere or "expose" me I will exact my revenge by disturbing you when you are having a private moment. If you expect your views and personal space to be respected I would leave well alone those who want to worship, pray, meditate or whatever people do. I find your views bizarre by the way, but I am not going to waste time trying to persuade you on something which is very personal and which I keep to myself.

Lynn Sawyer

Reality check.

15.06.2010 15:15

Sitting under a tree by candlelight sounds wonderful (I think moonlight is better though) and I wouldn't mock you for doing so but it is self deception to perceive it as anything more than what it is. There are no spirits lurking in the shadows, no deities looking down from on high. The universe does not require a supernatural explanation and for humans to credit it's existence to something they have created themselves is extraordinarily arrogant.



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