Activists from the campus based group Action Palestine were also out in force and at the forefront of protest raising the Palestinian flag above the BBC and attempting to occupy the BBC in protest of their unfair, lazy and biased reporting. As the protest became more angry the police moved in trying to arrest people, their numbers were too few and the cordon they put up was less than useless as protesters moved around freely until the end of the protest with two people being arrested on the demonstration and one persond de-arrested after hundreds of people surged forwrad against the police snatch squad pushing them out of the demonstration for a short time.
The protest was important not only in raising solidarity with the people of Gaza but also showing that the anti-war movement and those involved in the movement for democracy and freedom for the Palestinian people can organise large demonstrations and get our message across clearly and that this is an international movement which represents the aspirations of millions of Palestinians under occupation and millions of people across the world. The scenes in Manchester were replicated in cities across the world including Stockholm, London, Dublin, Tel Aviv and Cairo.
videos can be found here: