The Climate9 will be launching their campaign on Thursday 20th May, between 6.30-8pm at WordPower Bookshop, 43-45 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh. The evening features speakers from the Climate9 Defence Committee, details of the case and a chance to meet other activists and play mystery games. If you plan to come, please drop the Committee a line on

If you have a website then please put our link to your site (feel free to use any information below on the website), print the poster and plaster around town, speak to the media and if you have a blog then get blogging and send this link far and wide.
The Climate9 Defence Committee are a wide group of organisations and individuals who support the actions of anti-aviation campaigners who took direct action against airport expansion in Aberdeen in March 2009. These 9 activists now face a court case which could get them years in prison.
They need all the help and public support that they can get to challenge the values of a legal system which too often undermines, rather than supporting, the integrity and health of the Earth; and lets the real criminals go free while persecuting those brave enough to speak out for justice and future generations.
We believe that the Climate9 should be rewarded for their actions and not punished. If you agree that climate change is an urgent threat which is already costing lives and destroying ecosystems that support us, and that those in power need a radical wake-up call, please join us to stand up for those who are doing just that. We need as many statements of support as possible. Write one for yourself or your organisation now.
And don't stop there. Organise events and actions relevant to you and your community on climate change and in support of the Climate9. If you want a supporter of the Climate9 or one of the defendants to come email us and use the attention of the trial to highlight the need for necessary action to stop irreversible climate change in your community.
"Civilisation has never progressed by squatting in its comfort zone. The great human breakthroughs have always been led by small clusters of brave individuals taking costly stands. History will be the ultimate court of opinion that will judge the climate protestors. In so doing, may its hand not be forced to judge our wider British society too harshly." Professor Alastair McIntosh, Centre for Human Ecology.
‘Whatever the price we have to pay for speaking the truth, the Climate9 are publicly prepared to do so, to try and bring justice for those detrimentally affected by climate change. This is supposed to be a democratic country and we can participate in political activity. The Climate9 will not uphold increasing state and police repression and camouflage the war that is climate injustice. All over the world people demanding climate justice have complained to the magistrates about magistrates, complained to the judges about judges and complained to the politicians about politicians. It's time we did something for ourselves. Whatever happens to us, the Climate9 trial is an opportunity to spread the need for urgent action and to challenge the authorities with pride and confidence.’ Dan Glass, Climate9 defendant
‘I am really proud of my daughter Kate and what she is doing. It takes courage to make a stand and to take direct action. It is so so important to look after and respect the planet – our stay on this planet is a very brief one but the impact we have is greater than we have the capacity to imagine. I am glad that Kate is passionate about a sustainable future and willing to do something about it.’ Anne Mackay – mother of Kate
Your support is deeply appreciated. We hope to see you there, or hear from you soon!
The Climate9 Defence Committee xxx