Let us also remember that this defender of great evil has been prominent in inciting the savagery inflicted on our companions inside the windowless chambers of Oxford University. Remember Tipu Aziz brain damaging little Felix and the others for TV? Harris and Aziz marched with placards through the streets of Oxford alongside the vivisectors and assorted chums demanding more of this terrible, misguided exploitation of our fellow earthlings! How much of human society really wants more animals to be used in this way? We believe that most people have evolved beyond this and view children in a similar way to animals and as Evan Harris hasn’t we joined up some dots for his constituents and forged allies to achieve our stated aim.
Harris couldn’t hold back from moaning to the audience during his losers’ speech of the “dirty” nature of the Animal Protection Party campaign and told of his hopes that this approach wouldn’t become a regular feature of British politics. It only added insult to his injury when we reiterated that this is exactly what we intend to do!
“Science lost one of its strongest parliamentary supporters with the surprise defeat of Evan Harris, Professor David Nutt, who resigned as chairman of the Government's drugs advisory committee, said that it was a sad day for science and the Government." The Independent
To further strengthen this important step forward we have established connections with people who once might have had less respect for our kind of thinking than they now do. Many of who have expressed their admiration for our efforts, one Oxford candidate, a Green, was big enough to state that he believed that we had a greater case for standing than he did. And it’s perhaps worth noting that the personable Nicola Blackwood, the Conservative who has replaced Evan Harris, is against repealing the Hunting Act. Harris however voted very strongly against the ban. What a gem!
Vauxhall proved a difficult territory to infiltrate despite the inspired efforts of Jim and the team. Here we focused on Hoey’s ties to hunting and her constituency failings but other issues won the day there. We none the less positively communicated with a great deal of people.
In Hampshire we exposed the sickening brutality they call ‘essential medical research’ killing 70,000 animals a year in Wickham Laboratories to test Botox and Sarah Coats pulled 255 rural votes, beating the Independent candidate Graham Quar, Wickham Laboratories solicitor.
It’s another no-go area for the progressive campaigner but we went to Huntingdon, one of the Tory's safest seats. Jonathan Djanogly suffered a surprise 2,000 cut to his majority and Carrie Holliman was given 181 of the votes and a lot of support from people who were pleased that we directly challenged the Conservative on both HLS and his excessive expenses.
We have laid the foundations for the future. This was our first time out and no doubt mistakes were made. However, we will learn from them so that we can be even more effective in the future. There will always be those who will work obsessively to undermine initiative, but they are weak and are swimming against the tide. Everyone else can feel proud of what we have achieved here. We know we are.
Keith on Radio Oxford before the count:
Oxford Mail after the count:
The Times Online. A terrible night for Science:
The Independent:
Science lost one of its strongest parliamentary supporters with the surprise defeat of Evan Harris, Professor David Nutt, who resigned as chairman of the Government's drugs advisory committee, said that it was a sad day for science and the Government
Hide the following 20 comments
09.05.2010 14:01
Vivisection has lost an important figure, well done!
09.05.2010 14:37
from The Times about Harris' defeat
09.05.2010 17:40
Evan Harris has been front and centre on almost any scientific issue you care to name. He played a pivotal role in ensuring that the recent Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act was amended so as not to constrain science or medicine. He has led the campaign for reform of the libel laws, in light of cases such as Simon Singh's. He speaks up for the researchers who conduct animal experiments, and was a brave defender of Oxford University's new animal research facility (which was in his constituency under old boundaries)."
Victory - NOT
09.05.2010 19:31
The APP is an embarrassment!
APP not about getting votes
09.05.2010 20:46
Well done APP!
09.05.2010 22:00
Some added benefits are that an MP that was pro hunting act repeal was replace by one against repeal and that leaflets were distributed to so many homes at a very reasonable cost.
Ballot Box Terrorist
09.05.2010 23:10
Well congratulations to you and you single mindedness whilst giving us another Tory to fuck the working class in the arse. Go find your bollocks again and get back in the ALF. Take some direct action for what you believe in without making things even worse for other people.
Humans are animals too!
@ H
10.05.2010 00:24
re: Is helping to get the Tories a seat could a victory?
10.05.2010 08:26
You are very naive if you think Labour or the Lib Dems are any better than the Tories...
great result for the APP!
Well Done APP
10.05.2010 12:45
Not clear that APP had any effect
11.05.2010 00:26
re: Not clear that APP had any effect
11.05.2010 09:18
so put that in yer pipe and smoke it!
Harris himself says he lost due to APP 'dirty' campaign
11.05.2010 10:49
Homeopath groups, chiropractors, anti-fluoride groups, the vaccine support groups, animal rights groups across the world and numerous others have all applauded the APP for what it has achieved here but one or two seem very jealous and don't want to give the animal rights movement a victory.
Evan Harris on radio the next day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGcuQSF3AYE&feature=player_embedded
Anyone? Bueller?
11.05.2010 12:23
@T: who is Bueller?
12.05.2010 10:00
Can you explain what you mean here? Who is Bueller?
I don't think Evan Harris abused animals directly, he was just outspoken in favour of animal abuse.
It's irrelevant who replaces him, the political parties are pretty much identical, and the APP campaign is a purely negative one to lose outspoken supporters of animal abuse their seats. It's a fine example of how anarchist tactics can be used as part of the electoral process.
Loss for abortion rights and common sense
13.05.2010 08:28
That's quite a telling list of groups. All I can see in common is an anti-rational, anti-evidence stance that they use to make money by playing on peoples' fears.
"a fine example of how anarchist tactics can be used as part of the electoral process"
If you all are going full anti-rational, at least don't drag anarchism into it.
You might not like his opinions but at least Evan Harris knows what he talks about and was vital in defending last year's attempts to roll back abortion rights.
harris abortion
13.05.2010 10:22
It is clear now that you talk in favour of Harris that you are on the wrong side, you are pro animal abuse. We all know you are freaking out because of the APP success, calm down and think your attacks through mate because at the moment you just seem to be in a panic and getting confused with what you are saying.
Animal Taliban FTW.
14.05.2010 14:17
I am scared of the APP, but not for the reasons you think I am.
15.05.2010 19:51
I'm pro-abortion but still support the APP's tactics
16.05.2010 10:09
But I still support the APP's tactic of attacking Harris for supporting abortion, since a lot of his potential voters are anti-abortion.
If the APP stood against a hunter who was very anti-abortion, I would expect the APP to criticise them for their anti-abortion views as well.
Remember the APP has no policies other than ending animal abuse. Everything else is purely tactical. Political nihilism at its best!