On the next day, April 30th, another demonstration of solidarity with those imprisoned was held in front of Rossauer Lände. Another protest was planned to happen on the first of May at the Marcus-Omofuma- Memorial. About 200 people were gathering, when the police kettled them with the intention to prevent the start of the demonstration march and to sabotage the right to freedom of speech. Nobody was arrested that day. But when a couple of people moved the protest to the detention centre Rossauer Lände to declare their solidarity with those imprisoned, a massive force of police showed up and took another 7 people with them to prove their identities. During all that time the football players and more than 20 other persons, who are about to be deported to Nigeria, are kept in custody pending deportation. According to information from Ute Bock’s association they have now been ILLEGALLY IMPRISONED since two weeks.
Actiondays in Vienna:
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010
from 12am: Demonstration @ deportation prison Rossauer Lände 7-9
from 7pm: Demonstration and actions @ Vienna International Airport
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010
Whole day: Demonstration at deportation prison, Rossauer Lände 7-9
4pm: Meeting @ university (U2 Schottentor)
5pm: Ralley against deportations
More information and Live Ticker from the action days (in german):

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