Farnborough Airport, a business airport southwest of London, has twice breached the no fly ban putting passengers and crew and those on the ground at risk.
- Mid-morning (around 1030 BST) Friday 16 April 2010 aircraft takes off in an easterly direction from Farnborough Airport
- 1022 Monday 19 April 2010 aircraft takes off in an easterly direction from Farnborough Airport
Profit before people and planet. Business aviation with its low occupancy is one of the most obscene forms of transport.
Farnborough Airport has had an application to double its number of flights rejected. An appeal is due to go before a Planning Inquiry in May. Meanwhile local residents are enjoying unaccustomed peace and quiet.
Also see
Farnborough Airport to double the number of flights?
Misappropriation of Farnborough Airport environment levy
Stop Farnborough Airport Expansion
Expansion of Farnborough Airport rejected!
UK airspace closed!
Gaia strikes back
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Not banned
19.04.2010 13:38
Also the ban doesn't apply to privately owned planes or private corporate flights. My neighbours owns a small light aircraft and has been flying it over the weekend without any problems.
The Flights
Corrections to 'Not banned'
19.04.2010 19:29
I have found no evidence that this is true. The latest CAA update states that they are overseeing the test flights, and one took place on Sunday between Heathrow and Cardiff using a Boeing 747. It would not make sense for all the 'big airlines' to run their own flight tests thus exposing their pilots to unnecessary risk when there is an aviation authority doing it for them.
"Also the ban doesn't apply to privately owned planes or private corporate flights. My neighbours owns a small light aircraft and has been flying it over the weekend without any problems."
This is inaccurate. The restrictions (it has not been referred to as a ban) are for all aircraft with jet engines regardless of ownership. Propeller driven planes are not affected by volcanic ash so are not restricted. Many privately owned planes are are propeller driven.