From today the lab faces further setbacks as Camden councillors have refused to accept the design plans created by HOK. Camden Council have said that the plans do not benefit the area and have demanded they be redesigned. PLP have been called in to redraft the design for the exterior of the lab.
Frank Dobson MP for Camden was also critical of the plans by HOK.
The lab, the completion of which was meant to be in 2013 but has been moved to 2015 is set back further still due to the redrafting of the plans.
Gordon Brown visited last week and has said he will put in a further £250 million.
[Our residents facebook page was closed down for the fourth time following the visit by the PM].
Campaigning residents groups have said that vulnerable communities face persecution by MI5 due to the level 3 lab plans as part of the "war on terror".
Other campaigners have said that the lab poses a terror threat from Al Qaida and animal rights activists and do not want the lab on safety and security grounds.
Residents campaigns meetings are planned for over the next few weeks to discuss the announcements.

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