"The House of Commons' Science and Technology Committee said that they'd seen no evidence to support charges that the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit or its director, Phil Jones, had tampered with data or perverted the peer review to exaggerate the threat of global warming – two of the most serious criticisms levied against the climatologist and his colleagues."

MUST READ: 'Leaders with a Common Purpose' See article for links

Excerpts from article:
"On 6 February 2002, the official website of the UK Prime Minister announced, “Dame Rennie Fritchie re-appointed as Commissioner for Public Appointments.”
"In the following minutes (Number: 716), dated 23 May 2002, Julia Middleton, CEO of Common Purpose, states that she is working for Dame Rennie. This gives Julia Middleton a great deal of influence not only as an assessor, but also to ensure that once assessed by herself or colleagues, suitable Common Purpose graduates and/or trainees are appointed to key leadership positions in the public sector throughout the UK."
"Parliament UK: Select Committee on Public Administration, Minutes of Evidence. Examination of Witnesses, THURSDAY 23 MAY 2002 JULIA MIDDLETON AND AMELIA SUSSMAN"
Excerpt from minutes:
Chairman: . . . could I ask you very quickly and if you could be very quick when you answer it; because, first of all, how did they find you?
(Ms Middleton) Tapped me on the shoulder.
708. Who did?
(Ms Middleton) I cannot even remember.
709. A man?
(Ms Middleton) Somebody from the Department wrote me a letter.
710. Which Department?
(Ms Middleton) The DTI.
711. “Will you be one of our independent assessors, please?”
(Ms Middleton) Yes.
712. Okay; and what is involved?
(Ms Middleton) Sifting through the application forms, making sure that the short-listing **** is fair and decent, and then attending the interviews, making sure that that is fair and decent and an appointment is made appropriately.
713. In about how many appointments a year?
(Ms Middleton) I have done two this year.
(Ms Sussman) No prior briefing.
(Ms Middleton) Dame Rennie has made some improvements to this system.
Mr Lyons
714. But neither have made assessors?
(Ms Sussman) No.
(Ms Middleton) Yes, I do think she is advertising for assessors, is she not?
(Ms Sussman) I do not know.
(Ms Middleton) But she has made some good improvements to the system; it is not an easy one to do. And I do know that I am slightly different, because, not being portfolio and having a full-time job, I pay the mortgage on my full-time job salary, and, therefore, when you have to say, “No, I believe this is the right way to do things,” the fact that my mortgage does not rely upon it makes it much easier for me to say, “I believe this is how we should do things.”
715. Do you feel you are working for the Department?
(Ms Middleton) No.
716. Who are you working for?
(Ms Middleton) Now, Dame Rennie; before, I have no idea who I was working for.”
The disclosure of climate data from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia

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