The animals will be put through a stressful journey from Newbury, Berkshire to Cambridge for this frivolous and unnecessary event, only to be prodded, poked and played with by over enthusiastic youngsters.
No matter how well trained the staff maybe this event cannot fail to be an animal welfare disaster.
Please contact the Grand Arcade:
Lydia De Luca – Marketing Manager
Phone: 01223 301602
Phone:01223 302601

Sample E-mail:
Dear Grand Arcade,
I am writing to ask that you call off the 'Easter Farm' event you have planned for the 2nd April. A shopping centre is no place for farmed animals and the event seriously compromises their welfare.
The animals will be surrounded by screaming, excitable children and busy, noisy shoppers. As a responsible business I'm sure you will understand that it is unacceptable to use baby bunnies, chicks, kids and lambs as a publicity gimmick to entice Easter trade to the Arcade.
It is unacceptable to put animals through a stressful journey from Newbury, Berkshire all the way to Cambridge for this frivolous and unnecessary event, only to be prodded, poked and played with by over enthusiastic youngsters.
Please reconsider.
Looking forward to your reply,
Please also contact the Cambridge Evening News and ask the to cover this:

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