‘removed no sooner than 7 days and no later than 22 days from the date of this notice’.
Fwad Ali Moulod Salih currently held in Colnbrook with 15 other Iraqi detainees said ‘I have been living for 10 years in the UK without any criminal record. I make a special appeal to all freedom loving people in the UK to support my claim to remain in the UK, which I now think of as home.
Dashty Jamal of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees says:
‘It is a shame that even following the recent corrupt election held on the 7 March. That the UK Government still insists on trying to convince the British people that Iraq is safe, and that the war has brought democracy and security to Iraq. All the parties that stood in the 7 March election representing tribal, militia and nationalist parties do not have in their agenda any democracy or human rights. In the mean time Iraq continues to descend into sectarian violence and a cycle of killing. We are asking people to protest against these policies’