To the majority of those colonized the Union Jack was known as the 'Butchers Apron'. Though Britain boasted the sun never set on the British Empire, it would be more true to say, 'the sun never set and the blood of innocents never dried.'
Most of the countries after throwing of the shackles of Britain became part of the British Commonwealth; now an intergovernmental organisation of fifty-four independent member states, all but two of which were formerly part of the British Empire.
Did the 'CommonWealth' bring peace/prosperity, to these nations, not at all, the Wealth was only Common to the rich and all that changed for the working classes of these countries; was the color of the flags that flew over them and the accents of their 'bosses'.
It is assumed that once formal independence was achieved for these countries, the countries were entirely responsible for their own fate which ignores the constraints imposed on them by patterns of ownership and trade in raw materials as a part of colonial legacy and then subsequent developments after WWII when intricate financial regulation through the world bank, IMF strangulated them into indebtedness and dependency. Neo-liberal ascendancy finally devastated most of them since the 1990s.
The colonization of Africa took place largely during the 19th century. For some odd reason , South Africa is missing. The British took charge of Palestine after the dissolution of the Ottoman Turk empire post WWI. Iraq and Jordan were created and colonized in the same period. Israel did not exist until 1948. I find that there is rewriting of history going in. I have found this in many sources in wiki.
Saleh Mamon
Colonized countries of Great Britain
Sub-Saharan Africa: Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
SW Asia and N. Africa: Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Sudan, UAE, Yemen
South Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
SE Asia: Brunei, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore
The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago
Australia and Oceania: Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Tuvalu
North America: Canada, the U.S
Europe: Ireland, Scotland, Wales
South America: Falklands Islands
Though no longer subject to British Colonial rule, the United Kingdom currently has the following overseas territories - Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands and the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia.
The British Empire comprised the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom, that had originated with the overseas colonies and trading posts established by England in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. At its height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power. By 1922, the British Empire held sway over a population of about 458 million people, one-quarter of the world's population,[1] and covered more than 13,000,000 square miles (33,670,000 km2): approximately a quarter of the Earth's total land area.[2] As a result, its political, linguistic and cultural legacy is widespread. At the peak of its power, it was often said that "the sun never sets on the British Empire" because its span across the globe ensured that the sun was always shining on at least one of its numerous territories.
Hide the following 24 comments
In fact...
23.02.2010 08:51
Mr Rhodes
Moaning moaners
23.02.2010 09:25
anyone who objects to genocide, slavery, forced labour and theft of resources is a moaning moaner. And while I'm at it, Hitler wasn't such a bad chap. He'd have contributed much to the British Empire.
23.02.2010 10:46
Thanks for posting this item and making clear links between the past and our shameful present.
Rhodes you tit!
23.02.2010 11:38
It is vital that we emphasize this when discussing immigration and asylum
23.02.2010 11:54
The legacy of the British Empire MUST be front and centre when we make arguments about the injustice of immigration controls. "we are here because you were there" is critically relevant.
There is a large about of ignorance about the history of imperialism in the anarchist scene, activist movement and the wider left in the UK.
one of No Borders
In case you missed it :: Wales, the first and final colony
23.02.2010 12:43
A more plausible case for English colonialism's origins perhaps could be made by the Cornish. But Cornwall was merged with Wessex before England as a nation proper had been formed. So though it may be the great unspoken fact of our identity, we in Wales were indeed the first piece in England's empire.
But does enough of our past qualify as colonial in the classical sense for this to have relevance for us today?
Answering that question means looking in turn at each of the six core features of colonialism: military conquest, settlement, cultural assimilation, political subjugation, economic exploitation and racial discrimination. There is plenty of evidence of all of them at work in Wales over the best part of a millennium, but the most obvious and least debatable is the brutal fact of the conquest itself: Even today Edward’s I’s ring of iron stands as a potent reminder of our colonial past. The Normans’ castle building programme in Wales remains the most concerted effort at the pacification of an occupied country in European history.
Of course, Wales was to prove, in that classic formulation, an easier country to conquer than to hold. England's new rulers quickly extended their control of the river valleys and coastal lowlands seasonally vacated by a farming people that in the Summer moved their stock to the hills. In some important sense, they never conquered Wales above six hundred feet where their heavily armoured knights lost their advantage over Welsh archers and lightly armed infantry. Indeed the "piecemeal, long-drawn out and uncompleted' nature of the English conquest of Wales was why it had to be done again and again. The highlands and the forest remained in the hands of a Welsh insurgency using the tactics of guerrilla warfare as described by that mixed-race Cambro-Norman Gerallt Cymro. Between 1090 and 1415 Wales was a country in rebellion or else under siege, raiding or being raided, celebrating victory or coping with defeat in a landscape for the English occupying power as hospitable as Helmand, for the Welsh as merciless as Fallujah ...
Adam Price
Cultural Assimilation
23.02.2010 13:55
To my understanding The British, while being the centre and the largest colonial empire was only an extension of a larger ideological "Anglo-Saxon" movement for global dominance which took it's inspiration from the Roman Empire... the Norman Invasion was seen as such.
The greates and most damaging legacy of this colonial mindset was the cultural dimension... while many countries believe they have 'won independence' in fact, we can see that the 'ruling elite' in countries that have been invaded are left with governments, civil services, legal systems and educational establishments that mirror the European masonic system.
In reality... European countries such as England and France had already been culturally undermined by the occult secret societies we now know as Freemasonry which I believe dates back to the Babylonian and Egyption empires... hence their obsession with Archeology in the Midddle East. The Masonic system is a class system run by an elite... this is what I believe we are really dealing with. Until people begin to realise what drives these maniacs they will not achieve much in the way of real justice or freedom.
And before that...
23.02.2010 14:23
...Wales and England were colonised for hundreds of years by the Romans. So let's blame the Italians.
I'd be interested to know a bit more about what specific implication the historic links should have for the question of asylum today. Is the suggestion that, because of its past, the UK should show a bias towards people from countries with which it is historically linked?
Caution should be taken about using historical injustices to justify present day actions. Israel does it. So does Mugabe.
You left some out
23.02.2010 18:34
Gordon of Cartoon
23.02.2010 19:08
Sure we've got a checked history - but what country hasn't?
Not one - you can always look back at any countries history and find bad things
Social Engineering
23.02.2010 22:31
I would like to emphasise the fact that I am not a racist and in fact am married to a wonderful lady from a country in SE Asia where they are using exactly the same immigration tactics to destabilise and fragment any social cohesion. Anyone who brings these Macheavelian plots to the public notice is instantly labelled a 'racist' in the same way that anyone who complains about zionist crimes against Palestinians by the Israeli government is labelled an 'anti-semetic' when the majority of Zionist settlers in Palestine are not of semetic origin.
These very devious methods should and must be studied... they are the product of Masonic and Fabian plans that are aimed at subjugating all people of all races around the world. The great majority of those in positions of power around the world are freemasons... most senior bankers, politicians and civil servants and members of the controlled media. We are being lied to and deceived on a daily basis.
What nationhood?
24.02.2010 17:59
I'm one of those apt to describe you as racist, but I could be wrong.
In the context of Wales, Scotland and Ireland and hundreds of years of immigration into the UK, please explain immigration and 'destabilise and fragment any social cohesion'. Are you arguing that it is some sort of very low level version of what the British Empire did to other countries?
I think the immigration conspiracy theory is that UK elites have encouraged immigration to undermine white working-class working conditions and undermine people's national identity in order to subsume the UK into the EU. Although, this seems to forget that black immigrants were British Commonwealth citizens and the English white working-class were quite capable of ensuring immigrants did the jobs that they didn't want to and to regard Scots, Welsh and people from Northern Ireland as second-class Brits. They are even totally unaware of the fact that the so-called national anthem (which English people regard as the English national anthem) says: 'Rebellious Scots to crush. God save the Queen!' Rebellious Scots!!??
24.02.2010 19:11
Anyone with any intelligence can see clearly where I am coming from.
The capitalist, pyramid control system must be destroyed... the masonic bankers and politicians are the ones behind the social destruction and plunder of nations and people all around the world. Communism and Fascism are the products of Masonic manipulation.
Deal with the real problems, not fashionable slogans... it takes courage to face the truth.
University of Alex Jones David Icke
24.02.2010 20:44
We dont need Alex Jones or David Icke to know that capitalism is vvvdodgy,
that nano thermite has been found in some samples from wtc.
That in last decade or so 10million kids have died a year because of Malthusian capitalism,did freemasons or anyone organise that though?, no!.
Roshchilds werent masonic but made money out of napoleonic wars from both sides just like Rockefeller oil & banking& all Wealthy capitalists have done before & since!
But what about washington cities masonic buildings, no shite,freemasonry started as a group of white transit driving builders,big suprise then.2+2=5?
Has fuedalism& capitalism always acted in this way?yes 80,000 freemasons were deliberately gassed along with Jews& anarchists by various "pagan" & "Catholic" Nazis.
In western history there are some freemasons,jews,catholics, protestants, etc, etc involved in many things this doesnt mean any of them are controlling it. Many revoulutions & fascist regimes get used by capitalism in the end, its a capitalist system.The Kaiser gave Lenin a sealed train & a load of gold to takeover the Russian revolution in a deal for half of Russia, so what, thats capitalism. The freemasons are powerful, so are catholics, so are Sunnis muslims which is the largest religious body in the world.
Capitalism itself is about elites competing&getting one up on each other doing whatever they can, get over it. The Bilderberg-Trilaterals might be powerful, but they havent shaped everything, many are dodgy yes, Nazis or Stalininsts were worse.
What we need is more democracy not conspiracy theories& scapegoating please!!!!!
For more info on para politics read information that is sourced & peer reviewed that NUJ journalists& r@dicals have used since way before the internet
Mr Mason,travelling order of the Holy Hob Nob & white transit, 33.45 degrees
Yes since British people did stand up to the Nazis's, invented punk,
24.02.2010 21:00
I occasionally wear the flag with green & black on it I hate British imperialism though & dont worship the queen though yes John O & Saleh Mamon some union jack wavers & EDL members need reminding of the shite done by the Empire.
We took the British flag from the empire a while ago, it has been taken again by Griffin & BLair, doesnt mean they own it.
Mr Mason, travelling order of the Holy Hob Nob& White Transit
24.02.2010 21:24
Modern man is the ideal hypnotic subject: puffed up on the idea that he is the crown of creation, he vehemently denies the power of the hypnotist’s control over him as his head bobs up and down on a string.” -- Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
Michael Hoffman
24.02.2010 22:22
He is a conspiracy theorist who makes money by feeding other conspiracy theorists by writing things for Fortean times and is a downright liar
cardinal wolf
@Mr Wolf
24.02.2010 22:47
New World Order
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order. " -- David Rockefeller
25.02.2010 00:26
All those things i've listed are FACTS
me? I'm just passing through
cardinal wolf
Unsourced links from Holocaust deniers does the cause of true democracy no good
25.02.2010 00:50
Maybe Mr Wolf is a Lizard shapeshifter or maybe he is a NSA agent, but I doubt it.
There are people in universities who study the Bilderberg & Trilateral Commission properly from Stephen Gill to Holl Skllarr. Naom Chomsky recent you tube videos about their power is interesting, but too many scholars Chomsky included have concentrated too much on G8&G20 for too long, that said they have fought the negative policies made by oligarchs far more than the right wingers. Yes freemasons are now used by rich people & they are a useful old boy network, their not a all powerful satanic cult.
order of White Transit
@order of White Transit
25.02.2010 01:20
We need a new social model... rather than a pyramid control structure, an interlinked, horizontal and more organic social structure. Their pyramid structure is held aloft by their control over the banking and financial systems. When they are smashed the oligarchs will come tumbling down.
People are quite capable of working out their own local and regional problems without a bunch or arrogant self-styled elites... they need a good kicking to teach them some manners, methinks.
Conclusion: Smash the Capitalist Economy and build new local, Community Based Economies.
Freemasonic control
25.02.2010 09:14
‘The capitalist, pyramid control system must be destroyed... the masonic bankers and politicians are the ones behind the social destruction and plunder of nations and people all around the world. Communism and Fascism are the products of Masonic manipulation.’
I agree Klamber. The influence of Freemasonry is missed by the Left. Freemasons publicly say there is no movement amongst them and prominent Freemasons in historical events is coincidence but amongst themselves boast how important they have been in those historical events. In fact, they've got to say to recruits how influential they are, how many historical figures were Freemasons, how they understand things that most people, 'the profane', don't understand, how they want to make the world a better place, etc, etc.
But they boast about their importance in only some of historical events. They boast about their influence in the growth of UK democracy and the progressive Left in France. They are now admitted they had a role in the foundation of the US.
But they don’t like boasting about the Peasants’ Revolt, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Mafia, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
Freemasonry is all over the place. It’s evidence in the symbols and insignia we use on uniforms, in flags, etc. In terms of the US, Francis Bacon was a prime mover. The US was about the recreation of Atlantis. FD Roosevelt was an admirer of Freemasonic intellectual, Manley P Hall. FDR had a Freemasonic occultist as a Vice President.
Most people on the Left probably haven’t asked themselves why the UK’s Communist newspaper is called The Morning Star. Freemasons who understand the occult would have a good stab at it.
But I still don’t know what the elite’s UK political and social objective behind mass migration.
25.02.2010 19:49
Because two of my friends are freemasons and I can tell you all this Da Vinci crap is a load bull. Its nothing like that. All these conspirators actuall have no idea or contact with it and so are talking gibberish.
26.02.2010 01:19
The real movers and shakers are the self-styled 'illuminate' ... bunch of Lucifer worshipping nuts... but they are backed up by international bankers which gives them a lot of clout. Who is using who is a completely different can or worms... but I don't think they should be ignored in this rich tapestry of corruption we see around the world.
Fictions are necessary to the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance. In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.
Albert Pike [33° Sovereign Grand Commander of Freemasonry [Morals and Dogma - Page 103]