The Palestinian people are experiencing their 42nd year of military occupation. The siege by the Israeli army and the economic blockade have devastated their daily lives so that 'normal' life is impossible.
Israel operates an entrenched system of racial Apartheid against its own non-Jewish inhabitants and has been illegally occupying Palestinian land in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights since 1967. It has sought to further annex these lands and has systematically transferred its own civilian population into these occupied territories in contravention of international law. Israel continues to build the illegal Apartheid wall, annexing vast swathes of Palestinian land in the West Bank and creating Palestinian ghettos, despite the ruling of the International Court of Justice that it is illegal.
180 Palestinian organisations and unions, in response to Israeli onslaught, have called for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Apartheid Israel.
Boycott Israeli Goods website:
Hide the following 9 comments
21.02.2010 00:24
Tell me, if an organisation started a 'Boycot Black' or 'Boycot Muslim' campaign all left-wingers would quite rightly be up in arms about it because it is racist.
Why then is ok for you to have your 'Boycott Israel' campaigns?
By boycotting Israel you are not harming the Israeli Government, you are harming Israeli people trying to make a living whose jobs and businesses will lose money by petty campaigns such as this.
As a Jewish man I find it quite disgusting that campaigns like this get such support and I actually consider it to be a type of action that Neo-Nazi groups would do rather than supporters of 'the left'
Deeply offended
At least try!
21.02.2010 01:03
Boycott Israeli Goods Or Try!
not that simple
21.02.2010 05:22
I'm not saying that boycotting Israel is anti-Semitic but I don't think it will effect positive change. These messages will only legitimize the zionists claims that they are persecuted and are acting in some sort of self defense.
Support the PACBI call
21.02.2010 08:59
The percentage of Israel Jews who supported the attack on Gaza was reported to be at over 90% 3 weeks into the attack.
"There are much stronger anti-Semitic tones forming in the various pro Palestine campaigns which should be acknowledged."
This is obviously your opinion, and there is no evidence provided to support the claim.
"I'm not saying that boycotting Israel is anti-Semitic but I don't think it will effect positive change. "
In the absence of any other viable tactics, dismissing a call from Palestinian civil society and academia would be wrong. In the boycott of South Africa, we were repeatedly told they wouldn't be effective, would hurt black South Africans most, would make the nationalists more resolute etc etc, and in the end it was an effective tactic that helped speed up the end of a repulsive political ideology. Unless you are in a position to offer a more effective means of putting pressure on the Zionist state, the tactic will continue to be used and will attract more and more support. Especially if there is another attack on Gaza, which seems increasingly likely.
"These messages will only legitimize the zionists claims that they are persecuted and are acting in some sort of self defense."
That is the same rallying call they will use whatever pressure is put on them. When the leaders of the Tory Party and the Labour Party, along with Bliar are honorary patrons of the Jewish National Fund then that claim seems less than credible in any case.
Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods Founding Statement
We are a group of British and Israeli Jews resident in the UK who have come together in this 40th year of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land to support the Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) campaign.
In 1967, the Israeli army took military control of the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Since that time the government of Israel has built settlements, roads and other infrastructure for its Jewish citizens, using land and resources stolen from the Palestinian people. This situation continues, unchallenged by Western governments, despite Israel’s being in violation of international humanitarian law and over 60 UN resolutions.
Israel daily destroys Palestinian lives, livelihoods and homes; it continues to build its illegal colonies and separation wall on stolen land; it continues to control Gaza while slicing the West Bank into Bantustans, separating Palestinian families from their schools, places of work and agricultural land; it denies Palestinian refugees their right to return and operates a form of racism in many respects worse than the South African apartheid system. Its policies of intimidation and humiliation aim to destroy Palestinian hopes of statehood. Israeli businesses export freely from Palestinian land while the Palestinian economy is on its knees as a result of the occupation.
We believe that this constitutes a betrayal of the best trends in Jewish ethical tradition. It inflames hatreds in our unstable world and renders impossible the achievement of a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians. We therefore support the existing campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions to enforce Israeli compliance with international law.
We call on those of our fellow Jews who are inclined to support the State of Israel unconditionally to think critically about what Israel does in our names. We call on every ethical consumer, of any faith or none, to refuse to support the Israeli economy for as long as the illegal occupation and exploitation of Palestine persists.
viva Falestina
@deeply offended
21.02.2010 09:03
I'd agree with the comment about boycott muslims or boycott blacks. Its totally lost the plot.
Its the same with anykind of marketing, a scattergun approach is ultimately going to get nowhere. Hes just preaching to the converted and alienating everyone else.
@Deeply offended
21.02.2010 09:24
No, you're the one who seems to be lumping them all together. Nothing in the cartoon mentions Jews.
"Tell me, if an organisation started a 'Boycot Black' or 'Boycot Muslim' campaign all left-wingers would quite rightly be up in arms about it because it is racist.
Why then is ok for you to have your 'Boycott Israel' campaigns?"
They would of course. But this isn't a Boycott all Jews campaign, its a Boycott Israeli Goods campaign. The obvious precedent is the Boycott of South African goods. The Anti-Apartheid movement had many white supporters, and no-one ever accused it of being an "anti-white" campaign. It was a campaign supported by the victims of Aparthied (who also suffered as a result if the weaker economy), in the same way that the call for boycott of Israeli goods is a campaign that was launched following a call from Palestinian civil society.
"By boycotting Israel you are not harming the Israeli Government, you are harming Israeli people trying to make a living whose jobs and businesses will lose money by petty campaigns such as this."
The majority of these people serve (or have served) in the IDF, and are already receiving disproportionate benefits from the apartheid system. Many of those businesses are on ethnically cleansed land. Why should we ignore the suffering of the Palestinians, and support the racial privileges that result from said suffering?
If you are against racism, then surely you must be against all racism?
"As a Jewish man I find it quite disgusting that campaigns like this get such support and I actually consider it to be a type of action that Neo-Nazi groups would do rather than supporters of 'the left'"
Not all Jewish people feel the same way. There are many Jews who support the campaign. If you think that people should sit back and ignore Palestinian suffering, then most on "the left" would not agree with you.
If you have a suggestion for ending Palestinian suffering and Israeli racism, then lets hear it!
viva Falestina
@ viva Falestina
21.02.2010 17:29
"This is obviously your opinion, and there is no evidence provided to support the claim."
Pot, kettle, black?
Anti-semitism is on the rise and I think the pro Palestine lot are not helping matters. You yourself are helping to blur the line between jew and zionist by making claims such as the above.
What are the ultimate aims of the pro Palestine campaigns, for Israel to leave the illegal settlements, to cease engaging in a military capacity with Palestine, to liquidate Israel and make the entire region Palestine? The call to free Palestine is ambiguous to the point of being meaningless. Many seem to think that simply giving the metaphorical finger to Israel is somehow going to affect peace in the middle east. I really don't see how.
"That is the same rallying call they will use whatever pressure is put on them. When the leaders of the Tory Party and the Labour Party, along with Bliar are honorary patrons of the Jewish National Fund then that claim seems less than credible in any case."
Guilty by association?
One needs to distinguish the Jewish people vs the Imperialist Zionist State
21.02.2010 21:39
Simply put, boycotts sometimes hurt the ones that we wish to liberate and thusly are not very effective. One thing is for sure though, the dismantling of the war machine and its manufactury has recieved the largest joyous cheers ever heard on this planet earth.
not only diaspora jews support the boycott
22.02.2010 13:17
Please see Neve Gordon impassioned account of how he (an Israeli Proffessor), arrived at the conclusion that the only way to end the occupation and apartheid was to support the call for Boycott
So can everyone please pipe down with your nonsense about boycott being anti-semetic!