Barbara Santos at 727-643-3975

TAMPA - FEBRUARY 9, 2010 - Future of Haiti, an orphanage and school with the purpose to build future leaders of Haiti, is working with Matias Casares, former Tampa Bay professional soccer player and Angels of Soccer of Haiti to put soccer as a mainstay in the orphanage. The soccer will give the youth an immediate focus, directing them to fun activities and getting their attention of the many losses they have experienced, and a long term athletic program for college scholarships.
Currently there are more children than adults in Haiti, and sadly, most of them are orphans. Matias Casares’ father, the great World Cup winner Argentinean Negro Casares, had a passion to help orphans his whole life, and frequently took Matias to visit these children without families when Matias was only a child himself. In honor of his father Matias is now dedicating his life to helping children through soccer, and one of his projects is creating a program with the Future of Haiti Orphanage.
Reginald Jean, a native of Haiti, owned two orphanages with 200 orphans prior to the earthquake. One of them collapsed and the second one is unlivable. To give those orphans and other children who have lost their family a home, he teamed up with a group of Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers from Florida, Youth for Human Rights Florida, Clearwater Academy International, Washburn Academy, Delphi Academy of Florida, El Especial Newspaper and International Youth Theatre. Together they are giving a permanent home to those original orphans that survived plus others who recently lost their families.
The Angels of Soccer of Haiti visited the 99 orphans currently at Future of Haiti Orphanage. Upon arrival they were greeted by dozens of very excited Haitian children. The youth were so happy to have an opportunity to play with athletes, they spent the beginning of the visit hugging, jumping and giving high fives before the soccer began. Being with these kids Casares felt the passion his father once had for orphans and committed to bringing his soccer program to Haitian children.
For more information about the Future of Haiti orphanage contact the project coordinator Barbara Santos at 727-643-3975 or at