At times it seemed every other car was tooting in support of our protest, public feeling against the zoo is clearly quite strong, it's hard to imagine they will be around much longer, especially with the council investigation hanging over their heads.
The zoo were so unhappy about the glossy new leaflets we got printed for last week's protest that they had printed some of their own counter leaflets, claiming that all our allegations are untrue. When you've got a business to protect maybe it's easy to convince yourself that you are animal lovers really and stick your head in the sand over the video evidence proving the contrary.
Anthony Bush came out to talk at us again, he's quite an odd fellow, with some rather wacky points of view. Just google 'Noah's Ark Zoo Farm' and 'creationism' to see for yourself!
Keep an eye on our website for the date of the next demo and how you can help/get involved in the campaign -