22 BIRDS FREED (Uruguay)
received anonymously:
"'Kött är mord' -'Meat is murder' was sprayed on the butchers shop called 'två styckare' in Kumla.
'Kött är mord' -'Meat is murder' sprayed in tunnel in Örebro near the the shop called Kötthandlarn, and at various places around Örebro.
'Kött är mord' -'Meat is murder' sprayed in motorway tunnel in central Kumla.
'Mord' - 'Murder' sprayed on big meat ad at the Ica maxi store in Kumla."
anonymous report:
"On Monday the 25th of January, the ALF painted 'Burn the Slaughterhouse' and 'Animal Liberation' on the walls of a meat exporter in the north of Melbourne."
22 BIRDS FREED (Uruguay)
received anonymously (translation):
"Montevideo, Uruguay.
In the early morning hours of Friday the 22nd we entered a large bird breeding farm, more specifically of common parrots, and with nothing more than pliers (yes, that simple) we began to open the cages. There were 22 birds locked up and all of them were released. We would have loved to destroy each of the cages before we left, but it was impossible.
We left the place quickly at the same time as the birds did, flying....
We want to send a greeting to all our comrades around here who have recently dared to gather up the courage and in the middle of the night have gone out to make animal liberation a reality.
Fire against everything that makes us slaves!
Animal Liberation!"
received anonymously (translation):
"During the early morning of Monday the 18th, we entered a 'mini zoo' located in a tourist resort area in Uruguay, and with the rain and the cold on our side, we intervened in the matter.
Inside this prison shouts of freedom were heard, nature oppressed by the speciesism established by the state which imprisons, tortures and murders millions of nonhuman animals. We can not allow it; that's why we came to this 'mini-prison', hoping that security would be distracted by the calm and serene night, and we took action, opening a cage of white doves (around 25), cutting open the wire cage and freeing 8 doves.
In this prison, monkeys, rabbits and a large variety of birds were found (including a toucan who is the principal 'attraction').
Today we only released the doves, another day it will be all of them!
Frente de Liberacion Animal, Uruguay
We want to send greetings with a warm cry of struggle and resistance, all of our comrades in this struggle around the world, to all those who were kidnapped by the damned system and who this very day are being persecuted, interrogated and beaten by the forces of the established order, like comrades Abraham López Martínez and Fermín Gómez Trejo (from Mexico)* to all who struggle day by day fighting for animal liberation.
And to all those Uruguayan comrades who have risen from their chairs and have began to fight!"

reported on finoallafine.info (translation):
"With the aim of saving 3 lives, on the night of January 5, we entered a death camp in Cermenate (CO) and we removed 3 baby goats. It was agonizing to separate children from their mothers, but it would be even worse to let them reach a horrible end. Now they will live free and happy thanks to our act of love."
anonymous communique (translation):
"On the night of January 17 we decided to go out to once again prove that this war has not ended, that our actions have not stopped and that we continue to feel the rage that we have put into every action.
This time we put two packages of explosives in the front windows of the offices of the bottler FEMSA, owned by the filthy multinational Coca-Cola. The windows were completely destroyed in the explosion. The attack was carried out in Ecatepec, Mexico City.
Coca-Cola is an earth-destroying company that causeS the extinction of animal species, that uses extreme human exploitation to produce goods like soft drinks, and that claims and privatizes natural resources. Coca-Cola, one of the companies directly responsible for environmental deterioration, has been visited by us, anarchists and liberationists; we have decided in these cells to focus on quality actions, strengthening ourselves to expand our acts of sabotage.
While it is true that 2008 and 2009 were years of quantitative expansion, now it is 2010, a new year, with new strategies and new tactics, but with the same courage to act.
This action is dedicated with all our desire for freedom to the prisoners Víctor, Emmanuel, Abraham*, Fermín*, and Socorro of Tijuana. We hope that direct solidarity multiplies in clandestine actions, for their unconditional liberation.
We prepare our weapons for the climate change summit!
Hitting hard and fleeing!
Frente de Liberación Animal
Frente de Liberación de la Tierra"

reported anonymously:
"Anonymous group claims tampering of Procter and Gamble products in Madrid, Spain
A month ago the newspaper El País received an anonymous phone call from the spokesperson of an anonymous group claiming the tampering of bottles of 'Head and shoulders' (Procter and Gamble product) shampoo. In that same phone call, the spokesperson said this kind of action would continue if Procter and Gamble didn't stop testing on animals.
Animal Liberation"
received anonymously:
"on the night of sunday max mara in napoli was visited by members of the a.l.f. windows smashed and smoke bombs inside the shop doing huge damage to the material inside the shop. we left a letter saying the motive of the attack and if they dont stop with the sales of animals next time will be worse. in the same night another shop was attacked in the same way and 2 cash machines got fire.... all this banks sponsor death on animals. we will not stop until we all are free WE ARE ALL ANIMALS KOMANDO NERO NAPOLI"
anonymous report:
"I wish to report a attack that happened around 12:AM today in bray CO.Wicklow. This attack was carried out on a KFC branch in bray. 2 Bricks were thrown at the window but failed to break the glass and the door was also repeatedly kicked. The organization behind this attack is called RAGE Resistance against global evil and this is only our first attack, we will be back."
reported on Liberación Total (translation):
"Sabotage against a meat restaurant and real estate office in Santiago, $hile
At dawn on Thursday, January 14, protected by the silence we went to a very popular place where meat is sold in Santiago called Parrilladas Argentina [Argentina Grill]. There they profit from the death of animals and also re-create with splendor the speciesist practice of eating corpses.
At this place, located on the main street of the capital, their windows were broken, red paint bombs were thrown and 'FLA' was graffitied on the facade.
A new construction real estate office also received a gift from us and was left with several of its windows shattered.
Our environment is increasingly infected by the expansion of civilization with buildings and asphalt that kill the earth. The way these companies are lining their pockets is through the destruction of ecosystems; because of this we desire only their destruction.
Sabotage against promoters of exploitation is an effective tool to confront the collapse of the environment and of those who inhabit it.
The constant threat unleashes chaos with the capacity to put an end to what oppresses us.
With these acts we salute our comrades Abraham López and Fermin Gómez*, caged by the Mexican State and Matías Castro, caged by the Chilean State. Strength comrades, we are brothers in ideas and practice, multiplying the actions.
'If you do not live like you think, you end up thinking as you live'

anonymous communique (translation):
"Around 3 in the morning on December 24 we left an explosive device stuffed with dynamite at the BBVA bank branch in Ecatepec, Mexico City. We simultaneously left another one of our gifts in front of the facade of the Kenworth company which was being guarded by two state police patrols. The two targets sustained damages to their windows.
We've carried out this action on the same street (José López Portillo) where a few weeks before the 'Brigadas de Eco saboteadores por la Venganza Nunca Olvidada' [Unforgettable Vengeance Eco-Sabotage Brigade] detonated a bomb made with cans of butane gas at a Banamex in Coacalco. The authorities did not imagine that other groups would again attack in the same 'controlled perimeter,' and they left such targets vulnerable and ready for our dynamite.
The destruction of their social peace was inevitable when the fuse was lit and the device activated. These explosions echoed with a sound loud in the ears of those who support power and authoritarianism won at the cost of the destruction of the planet on which we survive, caused by the catastrophic encroachment of climate change, which in turn is caused in large part by such companies as we attacked this morning.
BBVA is a deceitful company that manages money earned from the exploitation of animals, humans and the earth. Kenworth is a company bound to the construction industry and which has contacts with companies like CAT or Carso, which are directly responsible for environmental devastation. They received our message not with words but with actions, because we are facing in a radical way issues such as those noted in this communique; we have decided not to talk and to start to take action.
The day after our action the sell-out press mentioned nothing of what happened; instead it was full of hypocritical messages about 'Merry Christmas' festivities, the appalling day admired by insatiable capitalism as the socio-economic reclamation of its rule over the world. The conspiracy between the media and the authorities who have hidden our action was obvious; its purpose is to maintain calm in society during the holidays, and what person calmly watches the news seeing that during such important days of 'family life,' bombs are exploding in the country? We have defied their expectations, they now know that this discontent is not only in our heads but also in our acts of sabotage, although they hide or distort it.
With these explosions we want to express our solidarity with the detainees of December 15th in Tlalpan, Mexico City, especially with Abraham and Fermin, although you are still young, your great commitment to the liberation of the earth is more than obvious, and one of the ways to undertake the offensive for direct solidarity. Hold on comrades, the fire burns and the bombs explode in your names!
Direct solidarity with Víctor Herrera, Emmanuel Hernández, Abraham López y Fermín Gómez*!
Frente de Liberación Animal
Frente de Liberación de la Tierra"

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