The next five prisoners are to be executed at any time as the Iran legislature recently sought special provision to transit arrested pro-democracy campaigners through the judicial system and into execution within five days.
In an Associated Press (AP) report, the Iranian Government have now pressed down on the internal banking system slowing the flow of money by limiting daily withdrawals.

The vigil takes place outside Westminster Abbey opposite the Iraq Enquiry building, host to turmoil within the British Government over its conduct during the 2002-2003 pre-amble to the the UK/US led invasion and occupation of Iraq .
Former British Prime Minister, Anthony Blair is to appear before the enquiry within days to assist the British people in their understanding of why the threat to the United Kingdom from Iraq during the later part of 2002 through to the invasion proper was reported to be as a result of its stock piling of so-called WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction).
Westminster Abbey, London, UK. 23rd January 2010.