Premier Bligh promised 2010 will be the start of new accountability, integrity and transparency. She lauded the political appointment of full-time Integrity Commissioner, Dr David Solomon. Australia’s first full-time Integrity Commissioner.
However, his official functions unfortunately are so limited, they are farcical. A copy of my email communication with him (below) proves the more things change in Queensland, the more they stay exactly the same, only the names change.
Governor Wensley, yet another overpaid Queensland Labor crony was personally selected by Premier Bligh, allegedly “because of her strong interest in human rights and great warmth”. Yet Ms Wensley has kept a very low profile and done nothing noteworthy since her appointment in July 2008.
Contrary to Anna Bligh’s glowing reference, Ms Wensley has been consistently indifferent to human rights abuses and incommunicado on judicial corruption allegations against her own brother, Robert Wensley QC, a judge in Queensland’s human rights court. Courier Mail journalist Terry Sweetman described Governor Wensley’s performance as “a whirl of largely inconsequential piffle.”
Interestingly the previous Queensland Governor, Quentin Bryce also claims to have a strong interest in human rights and is even a qualified human rights lawyer. Yet she was incommunicado when I wrote to her and is still incommunicado to this day now that she is Governor General.
But what distinguishes Governor Wensley from NSW Governor Marie Bashir is that Governor Wensley has not and will not publicly acknowledge and draw attention to voter outrage over the dysfunctional Bligh Labor Government because she has a huge personal conflict of interest, as detailed in QLD Governor Silent on Judicial Corruption Claims Against Brother

I remain unconvinced that an Australian Governor cannot sack the government. After all John Kerr sacked Gough Whitlam and the Governor is the Queen’s representative. And the Queen is still our Head of State. Isn’t she?
They should all look to how Donald Trump does it. When things don’t work out he simply says “you’re fired!” And that’s that. End of story and out you go.
In the end red tape is just that, red tape. But doing what is right and what the people want is a big part of democracy and so is personal accountability and integrity. Otherwise it is not a democracy, but a juristocracy.
I am convinced Australia is in fact a juristocracy.
Every day I grow more convinced the Constitutional Monarchy is not serving Australia’s people and has not served us for a very long time, if it ever really did.
Coverage and further details:
I can't sack Labor

Armed Police Eject Mother From Queensland Parliament

QLD Governor Wensley Silent On Judicial Abuse

Australia’s lone stance against civil rights bill:how juristocracy enables this and blocks debate

How the Federal Court of Australia selectively denies The Rights Of The Child

Governor of Queensland’s charade and judicial corruption denial continues

Copy of the email I received from the Integrity Commissioner today:
Dear Ms Nash,
I have received your email of today's date. The matters you refer to do not fall within my responsibilities or powers. These are set out in the Integrity Act 2009, and particularly section 7(1). This says -
(1) The integrity commissioner has the following functions -
(a) to give written advice to a designated person on ethics or integrity issues as provided for under chapter 3, part 2;
(b) to meet with, and give written or oral advice to, members of the Legislative Assembly as provided for under Chapter 3, part 3;
(c) to keep the lobbyists register and have responsibility for the registration of lobbyists under Chapter 4;
(d) to raise public awareness of ethics or integrity issues by contributing to public discussion on these issues relevant to the integrity commissioner's functions.
You will see that I can only give advice to "designated persons". These are defined in the Act as MPs, statutory office holders and various senior public servants.
Yours sincerely,
Dr David Solomon AM
Queensland Integrity Commissioner
Copy of the email I had sent to the Integrity Commissioner:
Sent: Tuesday, 5 January 2010 8:34 AM

Subject: Integrity, accountability and transparency
Dear Mr Solomon
On 23 April 2009 I went to Parliament to address Premier Anna Bligh and John Mickel, the Speaker from the public gallery. John Mickel my local state representative had consistently denied my teenage son electoral representation. The foreign press has reported the incidence in this article: Armed Police Eject Mother From Queensland Parliament

1. What are you going to do about this as Integrity Commissioner?
2. Will you give me a copy of the tape of the 23 April 2009, including the section where I spoke on behalf of my teenage son from the public gallery as a last resort?
My son is the forgotton person here and his civil rights have been consistently abused and this includes the right to access to public service in his own country on equal terms and electoral representation as an Australian citizen.
A speedy response via email would be appreciated.
Sincerely yours
Jennifer Nash