For example, there is a large movement of people who constantly talk about "The New World Order" and this notion that there is an elite group of people who have been trying to take over the world for a long time and have manipulated society in various ways to further their goals.
This, of course, is true to a certain extent.
BUT, the failure of awareness is that this "group" is not a group at all. It is a tendency.
If you took out all the people at the top who are engaged in global hegemonic rule, it would simply be a matter of time before another group stepped in to seek the same ambition. Therefore, it isn't the individual people or groups that are the problem. It is actually the conditions upon which those people have been accustomed and indoctrinated by. Of course, many argue against this view with the escapist notion that it is "human nature" that causes this competition and need for dominance. This is unsupported by the facts. In reality, we are nearly clean slates when we are born and it is our environment that shapes who we are and how we behave.
Therefore, in order for TRUE change to occur, we must spend less time battling the products of this sick social structure and more time trying to change the root causes. As difficult and daunting as it may be to think this way, it is the only way our world will change for the better.
We can continue to stomp on the ants coming out from under the refrigerator, but until we remove the spoiled food behind it, they are just going to keep coming.
I represent a social organization with currently over 380,000 members called "The Zeitgeist Movement". Based on our current growth rate, we expect to have well over 1 million members by 2010, conservatively, and we are now active in over 63 countries.
The goal of our movement is to address the true foundational causes that are generating the economic/ecological/ethical problems we see in the world today. In turn, we wish to reorient society itself in a way that not only overcomes the problems, but rather the problems will have no basis to begin with. In order to do so, we must all address the one thing that no one seems to have the courage to talk about- and that is the socio-economic system itself.
Our 83 Page Orientation Guide. Please review it when you can, for it carefully
breaks down what the true foundational causes of the world's dominant problems today are, while also describing the most important economic issue to date (which no one is talking about) and that is the collision course which will stop the "free-market" as we know it - known as "Technological Unemployment". If you are unfamiliar with this reality, please review that section of the manual.
Also, here is a link to a review of our 2009 activist day, covered by the New York Times:

I hope this finds you well and thank you kindly for your time.
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