sending death as it hemorrhages the money of the US
General Douglas MacArthur who used force against WW1 veterans
tenting out in DC, who abandoned many thousands of US soldiers to
the Bataan death march while boating off to safety in Australia with the much touted
quote "I shall return" to coverup his betrayal, warned that the US government
should never be involved in an Asian war. Now the Bush Obama regime
controlled by Rahm Emanuel, Dianne Feinstein, (henhawk, insider trader, war profiteer and traitor) Joe Lieberman and Carl
Levin has started its 4th war in Asia. Following its violent ventures in
Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Philippines is a current one in Yemen.

Zionist Controlled Peace Prize Obama Regime Starts 4th War in Asia :
The US has
50 million people on food stamps or food deprived, 60 million foreclosures
handled by one bank alone, 45 million Americans with no health insurance,
pharmaceutical companies torturing animals in laboratories, virtually no action on mass transit and train systems, billionaires
like Ted Turner gobbling up the land to murder bison by the millions and
add to global heating,
waters poisoned by factory farms while the EPA fails to act etc.