Americans are at the end of their financial ropes and former Kansas State Trooper Greg Everson asserts that he has confirmation of impending military actions and that the White House wants civil war. Even more disturbing is an alternate EU Times report claiming that President Obama has conveyed orders to NorthCom Commander, U.S. Air Force General Gene Renuart, to beef up NorthCom troops immediately, in an attempt to thwart an “expected outbreak of civil war” in the United States…In the recently released film Camp FEMA, Radio Host Alex Jones says NorthCom’s U.S. force has steadily increased from what was to be 3,000 troops up to around 40,000. Everson says by the end of January 2010, the troop count is expected to be at 1 million, at President Obama’s request.
In a Matthew Rothschild story appearing in The Progressive, Senator Patrick Leahy was concerned about this very thing as the Pentagon assigned the 3rd Infantry, First Brigade Combat Team to NorthCom for the expressed use of securing the United States. In a Democracy Now interview, Rothschild expressed his own concerns about the possible use of troops via NorthCom, when NorthCom was set up in 2002. Apparently, both gentlemen’s fears were well founded.
So, you think U.S. Troops serving on U.S. soil can’t happen? Think again…it already has. Remember New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina? This time, though, the “National Emergency” is being projected to be civil uprisings, mass protests and civil disobedience, to the point of a possible armed revolt, as U.S. citizens become evermore enraged over the bankrupting of the U.S. economy. Recently, Chuck Baldwin wrote about the possible civil war. He points out a Bloomberg article citing Goldman Sachs bankers arming themselves against the angry mobs. According to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the IMF, the “stimulus actions” of Western governments is becoming a “threat to democracy” all over the world and she warns that millions of people are expected to become violent towards their respective governments, not just the people in the United States.
Still, do we really expect Obama to inject hundreds of thousands of troops into NorthCom? That is what Russian Military Analysts are reporting to their fearless leader, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, according to the EU Times.
What happened to Posse Comitatus? Remember, President Bush, Senator Obama and the U.S. Congress did away with that by passing HR 5122, the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007. The vote was not even close… The Senate voted unanimously in favor of the bill (Our Peace-Prize-wielding President Obama voted FOR this bill as a Senator) and in the House 84% of the Democrats and 99% of the Republicans voted for the bill. Even though portions of HR 5122 have been supposedly rescinded by HR 4986, Bush’s signing statement leaves the President’s ability to “employ the armed forces to restore public order” to the Presidents interpretation of the law.
Like it or not, there is legislation in place to turn U.S. troops on the U.S. citizenry, lock them up as threats to National Security, and for the government to continue to operate without the consensus of the people they represent. Camp FEMA points that out, as well. From Army Regulation 210-35 to HR 645 to the infamous MIAC Report, there is more than enough propaganda backed by unconstitutional legislation and Executive Orders in place already for our government take complete control of our lives under the camouflage of an undefined national emergency.
An Air Force veteran called me the other day to tell me that he was intimately familiar with Army Regulation 210-35 and that IF that particular action was initiated, he, himself, feared for the safety of this country as we know it, and that we and our country will be doomed to become a police state the likes of which we cannot imagine. Is that what is going on with Obama’s visions of “civil war?” Are we watching the police state being assembled before our very eyes?
There are many questions that need answering. What about the plans for Continuity of Government brought up during the Iran-Contra trials and again with Presidential Directive 51? Referring to PDD-51, the film Camp FEMA has a clip of Representative Pete DeFazio explaining that while the Committee on Homeland Security has been given a “sketchy version of the plan,” they are not allowed to see the plan, in its entirety…they, the Committee on Homeland Security, do not have the security clearance to warrant a look at the entire plan. Should we be worried? If the Committee on Homeland Security can’t read and evaluate it, I’d say we had better be worried!
With the troop surge into NorthCom, the Democrats and Obama can rest easy as one more of Obama’s “promises for change” come to pass…more troops will be coming home. Somehow, though, I don’t think this is what any of us had in mind! One should ask how the Peace Prize committee views its latest recipient, now that he is willing to turn his Country’s military on its own citizens?
We’ve all heard someone ask, “Will American forces fire on fellow Americans.” An even more important question might be, “Will U.S. Citizens be willing to fire upon U.S. Troops?” In this twisted, sick game the Obama Administrations is playing, are we about to pit U.S. citizens against each other, in a match to the death? Is that the whole plan??? Get rid of our country from the inside…no outside intervention necessary? Maybe that is why our Founding Fathers were wise enough to realize the need for Posse Comitatus in the first place! Wasn’t it Abraham Lincoln that said, “Americans will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”? Americans had better start to pay attention to these prophetic words of wisdom from the past as we watch our children’s future slip away.
Obama Orders 1 Million U.S. Troops to Prepare for Civil War

U.S. Forces Plan Direct Action Against American Citizens

Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War?

Washington, You’re Fired
Arming Goldman With Pistols Against Public

Just in case that link is broken again:

HR 645 GovTrack

Army Regulation 210-35

MIAC Report (Missouri Information Analysis Center)

Leahy Concerned about NorthCom’s New Army Unit

Bush Signing Statements

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