The ICC are the biggest lobbying group at the climate conference. They describe themselves as the voice of business and believe that free trade, carbon markets and voluntary measures provide the best conditions for addressing climate change.
The activists, who sealed the entrance to the ICC with a banner reading 'ICC: International Climate Criminals', are critical of the organisation's approach to tackling climate change.
Sylvie Winn, 23, who protested as part of the Climate Camp said,
“The ICC have relentlessly argued for less regulation and less tax as well as unproven mechanisms such as carbon capture storage and cap and trade. Even US Congressman Rick Boucher admitted cap and trade strengthens the case for utilities to continue coal use. Anything which promotes coal isn't a solution but a dangerous distraction”
According to the World Health Organisation 150,000 people die every year year due to climate change, and this will increase sharply if carbon emissions are not cut. Leaders from rich and poor nations are gathered in Copenhagen at the moment to discuss how to avert climate catastrophe. Thousands of business lobbyists are also at the negotiations with representatives from almost every industry including Exxon Mobil, BP and Shell.
Leon James, 24, who superglued himself to the ICC, commented,
“The businesses that the ICC represents stand to make billions from the carbon racket. We believe that we should be putting people before profits. We want strong caps, solid laws, and climate taxes on business, The very thing the ICC are fighting against. Let's not let them steal our future.”
1. In 2012 the Kyoto Protocol to prevent climate change runs out. To keep the process on line there is a need for a new climate protocol. At the conference in Copenhagen 2009 the parties of the UNFCC meet for the last time on government level before the agreement needs to be renewed.
2.The ICC states on its website that “as the world business organization that speaks with authority on behalf of enterprises from all sectors in every part of the world, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) firmly believes that economic growth and open trade provide the best conditions in which to address key environmental challenges such as climate change. “

3. The Camp for Climate Camp is part of the international grassroots network Climate Justice Action. Climate Camp will be camped in Trafalgar Square through-out the conference. They will be taking action all fortnight both in the UK and Copenhagen.
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