They claim in state media that they will force the residents out of the city and into an internment facility 220 miles south of Baghdad prior to forcing their return to Iran and imprisonment or execution.

Ashraf City aka Camp Ashraf is currently home to around 3,500 people. The denouement has been in play since 2003 and is now expected to climax on Tuesday 15th December with the forced, and violent, removal of the residents.
The protests in London are expected to continue with other campaigns being launched around the world to take place in tandem. The development is considered to represent a sharp escalation between the Iraqi Government, the Ashraf residents and the US Government.
In recent days, the Iraqi Government have deployed a routine tactic used by factions involved in the despoiled so-called War on Terror to denounce their enemies, association with Al Qaida, a tactic dismissed as ridiculous by the representatives of the residents of Ashraf City.
Downing Street, London, UK. 12th December 2009