Town and Country (Control of Advertisements)(England) Regulations 2007 Regulations 4 and 30
Town and Country planning act 1990 section 224(3)
RE: Displaying advertising signage without consent,
Reason being - Whilst attending a Dual stall with NARC (Northen Animal Rights Coalition) all three of us decided to place a small A4 poster on a lampost saying " This company supports the bloody fur trade"
Our Court Hearing is on Monday 14th December 2009 at 10.00AM at Newcastle's Magistrates Court in Market street
We are suprised that this case has been sent to the magistrates because we thought it was only a caution against "Flyposting" however the date of the so called "offence" happend on the 25th September 2009 and now its December so where all quite shocked.
We appreciate any advice given to us and any support too, I'll inform you of any changes.
N.A.R (Newcastle Animal Rights)
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