
London, 18th-20th December 2009
Place: BOLIVAR HALL, 54 Grafton Way London W1T 5DL (United Kingdom)
Friday, 18 December 2009
Place: BOLIVAR HALL, 54 Grafton Way London W1T 5DL (United Kingdom)
Opening: 7.30 p.m
3 Workshops: 8.30 till 10.00pm (YMCA Indian Student Hostel, 41 Fitzroy Sq, London W1T, 6AQ)
This year, Barack Obama was elected US President. He differs in a number of respects from his predecessor Bush. But the real essence of imperialism has not changed, even if the tactics and the presentation to some extent have. The workshops will not only cover these areas, but it will also deal with the difficulties of solidarity and political work in European countries, the danger of being criminalized and targetted, by use of anti-terror laws and media witch-hunts.
A- Political prisoners and anti-terror legislation: Guantanamo is being closed down by the US authorities, but the essential nature of US imperialism has not changed under Obama, including use of imprisonment and worse. We hope to examine the changes from the past, the continuity with the past and different approaches under Obama, aimed at the same goal as past governments.
The worldwide prison system, whether serving as industrial complexes or as places of intimidation and isolation, has expanded and developed very quickly in the past years. Political prisoners in particular are subjected to systematic isolation regimes and their rights are severely violated. There are hundreds of examples throughout the globe. These violations include medical neglect, partial or complete restriction of communication with the outside world, as well as physical abuse or torture.
Anti-terror laws and blacklists, which will be also discussed in this workshop, continue in force, with organisations and individuals proscribed as “terrorist”. There is potential for organisations on these blacklists to be pulled within the orbit of imperialism if the latter thinks fit and thinks these organisations may be useful to it. This can result in groups being taken off the lists. They can go from being “terrorists” to “freedom fighters”. Groups that continue to be seen as a threat, however, continue to be blacklisted.
B- Coordination of legal work in context with political trials: Democratic lawyers and their institutions are more and more faced with political cases against activists, which complicate their legal work and the defense of their clients. Today many political trials within European countries are being connected to each other and there’s an increase of data-exchange among international secret services. For this and other reasons, there is a need of stronger cooperation and exchange between lawyers of different countries. This workshop should give lawyers the oportunity to exchange experiences and to create an international legal network.
C- Sanctions/aggression towards countries: Under Obama, less overt aggression is evident than under Bush, with some discussion of normalising relations with Cuba, for example. However, threats to countries like Venezuela persist, and there is also the military coup in Honduras, overtly condemned by the USA but possibly approved and even ordered secretly by it. Again, compared to Bush, less open aggression, more working in the shadows. Also, the Israeli aggression in Gaza was designed to take advantage of the last days of the Bush presidency, but Obama never condemned it.
In all those cases a worldwide media campaign was started, to legitimize the acts of aggression and accusing the resistance.
Saturday, 19th December 2009
1) 10.00am.-12.30 pm.: Repression and isolation towards countries
with speakers from Venezuela, Honduras, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Iraq and Cuba
Lunch break 12.30-4.00 pm.
2) 4.00-7.00 p.m.: Intimidation policy towards political opposition by laws and political prisoners
with speakers from Turkey, USA, Ireland, Basque country, Lebanon, Iraq, ex-Guantanamo prisoners, and speakers on the case of the Cuban 5
Sunday, 20th December 2009
Place: Ocean Hackney, 270 Mare Street, Hackney LONDON
3.00 p.m.-10.00 p.m.: Cultural Event
with the music group from Turkey Grup Yorum and the folk singers Nuray-Taner, the Irish protest and folk singer Ciaran Murphy, as well as music bands from Latin America and Middle East.
Part of the program will be messages from political prisoners, speeches relatives of former political prisoners, their families and other special guests.Various organisations will have their information stalls there.The background of this cultural event will be political prisoners and the resistance to isolation. At the same time we want to commemorate the 122 political prisoners in Turkey, who have lost their lives during the 19th-22nd December operation and during their resistance to the F-type isolation prisons.
Among our guests there will be lawyers, trade unionists, medical associations, anti-war movements, political activists and former political prisoners from several countries.
The list of confirmed participants:
Kit Aastrup, Oproer (Rebellion)
Ashanti (Michael) Alston, spokes person of the National Jericho Movement and former BPP/BLA political prisoner
Paulette D’auteuil, NYC Jericho
Naji Mujahid/William Fenwick, Jericho DC
Sahar Mahdi, lawyer, defended Abu Ghraib prisoners
Dr. Mariam Abu-Daqa, Palestinian Developmental Women Studies Association (PDWSA)
Hassan Mahmoud, lawyer of the Palestinian political prisoner Ahmad Sa’adat
Mohammed Safa, secretary general of the Khiam Rehabilitation Center for the Victims of Torture
Amal Khalil, member of the Khiam Rehabilitation Center for the Victims of Torture
Basque country:
Iratxe Urizar, lawyer Behatokia
Edurne Iriondo, lawyer Behatokia
Manuel Maria Vadell Graterol, lawyer
Teresa Aquino de Vadell
Representative of the Venezuelan embassy to the UK
Sara Elisa Rosales, National Resistance Front against the coup in Honduras
Senza Censura
Association for Proletarian Solidarity (ASP)
ADEDY (Federation of Public Servants)
DOE (Federation of Primary School Workers)
Representatives of the Anatolian Federation
Red Aid
Luk Vervaet, CLEA (Committee for the Freedom of Expression and Association)
Jan Fermon, lawyer
Collective Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
Secours Rouge Arabe
Republican Sinn Fein
Former political prisoners
Perico Rodriguez, Counsellor at Medical Foundation
Helen Bamber, Helen Bamber Foundation
Michael Holden, General Secretary, Irish Political Status Campaign Committee
Cinead De Cannton, Irish Political Status Campaign Committee
Selcuk Kozagacli, lawyer and genel secretary of the Progressive Lawyer’s Association CHD
Ahmet Kulaksiz, member of TAYAD
Ferhat Gercek, young activist, who was disabled by police bullets while selling a left magazine
Meryem Özsögüt, trade unionist KESK
Kaan Kurtulus, member of the Youth Federation