"The EU document "Internet of Things" (IoT) states that “…communication potentially concerns 50-70 billion ‘machines’, of which only 1% are connected today….connections can be established in restricted areas (‘Intranet of things’) or made publicly accessible (‘Internet of things’).”
Through the use of semantic web technologies, world governments intend to turn the World Wide Web from a large hyperlinked book into a large interlinked global database. The global database will then be copied so that world governments can use their global database via an 'Intranet' and the public global database, with certain kinds of data filtered out, will be accessed via an 'Internet'. Governments, or should I say, the New World Order, will have control of the Intranet, Internet, and global databases. The Query language for the global database(s) is SPARQL.
The UK Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) is a response to the EU directive 2003/98/EC. On page 22 of this OPSI document, found at W3C, it states that, “…we want all data in one place, but we also want it to be decentralised.” The UK Government Cabinet Office has already called for the help of Open Data Developers to develop the semantic web as quickly as possible. The Australian government are also in the process of linking public government datasets into the semantic web; as are other government members of W3C.
The World Wide Web Con-sortium (W3C) currently comprises 338 member organisations. The UK government membership is listed as ‘The National Archives’ - from which OPSI operates.
W3C was founded by Tim Berners-Lee at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Laboratory for Computer Science, with support from the European Commission and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which had pioneered the Internet.
Tim Berners-Lee, states in chapter 12 of his book ‘Weaving the Web’ (1999) that, “I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web – the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A ‘Semantic Web’, which should make this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The ‘intelligent agents’ people have touted for ages will finally materialize.”
On the 10th June 2009, the UK Office of the Prime Minister announced that Tim Berners-Lee will “help drive opening of access to Government data on the web over the coming months….In April 2009, Tim Berners-Lee engaged similarly with the US government…” Here is the Internet Governance forum poster from W3C.
Closely aligned with W3C is Project MetaGovernment, an open source governance collaboration that will supposedly enable any interested citizen to add to the creation of policy, in a similar way as one can add to a wiki document. The idea is that legislation is democratically opened to the general citizenry, therefore allowing policy development to benefit from the collected wisdom of the people as a whole.
The MetaGovernment website claims that “government can be successful, and even vastly superior, if it has the direct participation of all of the governed.” MetaGovernment also claim that “Open source governance incorporates the best features of direct democracy to envision a world where every person, without exception, is able to substantively participate in any governance structure in which they have an interest.”
If the vision of a global database is realised, world governments will have their Intranet, and also having control of the Internet will leave citizens at the mercy of the NWO."