Child M and his family were released from detention yesterday evening after 3 weeks in Yarl's Wood. No reason has been given for their release. They are now back in Manchester.
This is a great result ~ the campaign for their right to remain in the UK continues.
We'll update the website as soon as more details become available.
With very best wishes,
"Emma Shaw"
Please keep signing the 'Child M Petition

Oxford Workshop: Campaigning to Stay, Campaigning for Sanctuary
Date: Tuesday 19th January ~ Time: 2:00 - 5:00pm
Location: Garden Room, Friends Meeting House, 43 St Giles, Oxford.
Does your organisation work with asylum seekers? Are you interested in informing and supporting individuals in setting up anti-deportation campaigns? Are you an asylum seeker who wants to campaign for your own case and that of others?
The National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) has got together with Oxford City of Sanctuary to host a workshop in an informal environment with the aim of exploring what campaigning options there are for people facing deportation.
We will look at:
planning a successful campaign
the roles of solicitors vs. supporters
MPs and the Media
having a local /regional campaign network
how you could hold similar workshops
Participants should be:
· a person facing deportation or working directly with those facing deportation
· familiar with the asylum process and the experience of those facing deportation
· committed to passing on and disseminating what you gain in the workshop
· committed to the possibility of a regional anti-deportation network
This event is free, but places are limited, to book a place please email

End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Child 'M' Campaign
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