Seize control from the corrupt bas**rds and their traitor 'Trade Union' 'leader' friends.
Well you're wrong "Biffo." Next Wednesday will see the unleashing of such a tidal wave of angry protests that will remove you Cowen and your corrupt neo-liberal capitalist new order removed from power permanently.
The time for the usual softly softly approach of having Marches from a to b and quiet protests has now gone with this latest act of treachery perpertrated against the Working Class And The Poor. Many, and increasing numbers of people now recognise that the "kid glove approach" has failed and it's time for the "iron fist" methods starting with the day on which yet another declaration of war against the Irish people will be launched, namely Budget Day, next Wednesday, December 9th. When war is declared against you, you have to launch a war back against them in return. Fight fire with fire. The gloves are off.
That's why a lot of us will be storming the Dáil on Budget Day, Wednesday, December 9th and we're going to seize control for once and for all from the corrupt bas**rds and their traitor 'Trade Union' 'leader' friends. We already have a pretty sizeable grouping already armed and prepared, but of course we would welcome many more joining us next Wednesday. Let's have Ireland making world headlines for the right reasons, and be an inspiration to Workers, The Poor And The Oppressed fighting the neo-liberal offensive worldwide.