"We face a coming event by hardcore troublemakers, who have only property damage and violence as an end", who established the legal policy spokesman of the ruling right-wing liberal Venstre, Kim Andersen, the planned "Lømmelpakke" lout package.
Protesters not dispersing or removing themselves after warnings from police, will face fines from 400 to 700 Euros. Andersen: "The louts are to get something on your nose that hurts them." A parliamentary majority for the legislative changes is certain, because as soon unless the government parties, the Social Democrats signaled their willingness to consent.
The tightening of criminal law are a threat to the general right to demonstrate, however, feared Mark ORST, communications researcher at Roskilde University: "When should host such a crucial climate change conference for the government to the fore the question of how justice can be secured to freedom of expression." Law professor Vagn Greve criticized the extended "preventive detention" as "the Fall of law." And Henrik Stagetorn by the Bar Association accuses the government of using the summit as a pretext to push through restrictions on the right to demonstrate, even after the climate summit to be: "We want all who participate in a demonstration with the same brush."
It also provides Vennits Lena, head of the secretariat of the Peoples Climate Action, then, an organization supported by state resources, the peaceful protest action plans during the climate summit: "It is deeply problematic, if one wants to prevent people from using their constitutional rights. "Many people will think about whether they can exercise their right to demonstrate, as there is a risk of being arrested and ending up like 40 days behind bars," said Jørn Andersen, the 12th-December-initiative.
Criticism also comes from Stine Gry Jonassen, spokeswoman for the Global Climate Justice Action Network. "It criminalizes the entire global climate movement by starting a priori assumption that it will reach violent," she says. And expressed by Mads Kissow Not Your Business, the government wanted people who were planning the other, than with a little flag waving by the roadside to create offenders. It would certainly not scare the activists who are members in a network, but "Mr. and Mrs. Denmark" would be.
Unimpressed by the criminalization of attempts by the government, meanwhile, will prepare for civil disobedience at the next climate summit. Last weekend, came together under CJA-directed participants from 30 countries in the Free State of Christiania, Copenhagen.
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