Find out what he and a Bristol activist had to say on the Bliptv Bristol Indymedia channel link below.

Cristian Domínguez is the Bolivian Secretary of Environment and Resources and United Confederation of Bolivian Campesino Workers and member of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change, participating in the UN climate talks, presents his country's position on the negotiations. As part of the 100 Days and C-Words exhibition at Arnolfini,[1, 2] Domínguez joined local activists planning to go to Copenhagen to call for an urgent people's mobilisation to Copenhagen and an end to green capitalist solutions for the benefit of all life on earth.
Cristian Domínguez has previously said, “It's not the decision of one country, but all of the countries of the world. It's not about the interests of states or political parties, but the interests of the citizens of the world.” [3]
Evo Morales, Bolivian president, will be a major player at Copenhagen. He has demanded a court for climate justice and indigenous rights. Latin American and Caribbean countries have joined forces to call for climate justice and the defence of the rights of the Earth ahead of climate change talks in Copenhagen. ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas) has called on developed countries to recognise the “climate debt” caused by their historical carbon emissions. The network, consisting of nine counties representing 73 million people, also demanded that rich nations “adopt significant commitments to reduce greenhouse gas discharge and approve mechanisms to help countries to preserve, protect and conserve their forests”. [3]
Naomi Klein, in a statement published on 13.11.09 for The Guardian, called for civil disobedience to support the Global South's demands for Climate Justice in Copenhagen, “Unlike at previous summits where alternatives seemed like an afterthought, in Copenhagen the alternatives will take centre stage.” [4]
Alice Cutler, from Bristol said, “I will be going to Copenhagen next month to support the alliances of countries of the Global South to demand climate justice and real people's solutions rather than neoliberal illusions. My message is, it's not too late to book your ticket, come and make sure that the pressure from civil society on the outside gets progress inside. It could be the most important thing you ever do.” [5]
[1] Arnolfini 100 Days season (29 Aug - 6 Dec 2009)
Marking the Countdown to the Climate Change Conference, Arnolfini presents 100 Days - a major programme of exhibitions, films, performances and events around issues of climate change, social justice, art and activism.
[2] C Words
Carbon, Climate, Capital, Culture is a major exhibition and season of 50 events in the run-up to COP 15, at leading contemporary arts centre Arnolfini, Bristol from 3.10.09 - 29.11.09.

[3] Bolivia Summit report

[4] Naomi Klein

[5] Alice Cutler has been participating in the C-Words season and is part of Trapese Popular Education Collective trapese at