Signs of Revolt exhibition marking this occasion and where the future
will be taking indymedia projects.... There'll be words from the bike bloc and Climate Justice Action about the imminent COP15 gathering.
There's a little ditty about grassroots organising to stop the next generation of nuclear power plants, and we'll have Sasquatch on the decks ending our year in style! Our surprise guest tonight will be a chocolate chip cookie recipe, add to this the usual chat and we have a pretty nice show.
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November 6th 2009
* Celebrations of Housmans 50th birthday! We had some folkwho are involved with the running of Housmans in live for some beer and cake, and we'll also hear the final feature on Housmans history;
* Words from two members of Anarchists Against the Wall about tearing down fences and fighting against the odds
* More words on the recent Didcott Action
* We had a chat with some folks helping to organise the invert your gender event
* A bit of a digest from the recent Anarchist bookfair
* Freddy the Frog clowned it up on the wheels of steel, there's also prisoner info, and the usual random, idle banter from your local DIY radio crew...