There are extemists who believe that the world is too densley populated and that the only way to save the planet is to kill off humanity. A crazed terrorist form such an extremist cult could detonate a bomb and cause an almighty explosion that would blow up the nuclear waste trains and the lab at the same time. This would annihilate London. These extremists believe that people need "de populating" that we "need to do this for the animals and the planet". [These are not regular Climate or AR protesters but members of an extreme cult and we are not naming them as we do not want to encourage anyone to join them and we do not want to give them a platform].
There many reasons to oppose the lab. There are 18,000 people on a housing waiting list. A homeless man sleeps outside the Wellcome Trust each night and nothing is more poignant than the sight of him in his sleeping bag outside the offices of the people who want to build a lab on a site where homes are desperately needed.
Safety is one of the main reasons to build the lab. There are many ordinary people, veggie and non veggie who do not want this lab built and this includes scientists from the consortium. An man who claims to be an [ex] employee of Cancer Research UK has said "I am against the lab on safety reasons. I have become very ill over the lab plans, it has affected my mental health and I even formed an animal rights group in opposition to the lab. Now I just write about it". [This group has been closed as far as we are aware]. Others have said they will "shoot at" the lab or "blow it up". For obvious reasons residents ask that people do not do this. These extreme responses show that local people have been adversly affected by the lab plans and that it should be opposed.
It is true that there are many people against the lab and we ask that people campaign peacefully. We support opposition to the lab as long as it is peaceful and reasonable. There is nothing however peaceful or reasonable in our opinion about the lab plans which could in the event of an accident could decimate London especially given the proximity of the nuclear waste trains.
Oppose the lab by signing the online govt petition :

Contact Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street