Please give these campaigners some support. Local people know who to contact as do people who go to Mosque.
The area in Elm Village and Camley Conservation is an environmentally protected zone. Any virus leak could potentially destroy this environmentally protected area. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from Pirbight in Surrey. The consortium UKCMRI have argued that the lab will be state of the art but campaigners should know that the UCL hospital is already needed structural repair....this is a "state of the art" hospital run by UCL who are part of the lab consortium.
There will be a Camden Council Development Control Committee meeting next year and Camden council have asked that campaigners attend this.
This campaign is a community and environmental one rather than an AR one. While we welcome Vegan campaigners from London Vegans and similar this isn't an AR campaign in the usual sense of the term "AR".
While it is also true that a number of young people support or have supported the campaign on the grounds that we need youth facilities etc in Camden and that this has moslty noe been addressed on a few estates the lab still affects you for safety reasons in the form of virus leaks, a need for housing and other issues including the threat to the Muslim community posed by the lab and terror legislation.
Come to the Development Control Committe meeting next year. The lab site is mere feet away from people's homes.

Contact Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street