For report on the Day of the Dead altar honouring the Acteal Martyrs see

Las Abejas Civil Society Organisation
Sacred Land of the Acteal Martyrs,
Chiapas, México
2 November 2009
To all those friends of Las Abejas who, from London, Scotland, Mexico City and other places are acting in solidarity with us on this Day of the Dead, when we remember our 45 Acteal martyrs,
Receive our warm and grateful greetings from this Sacred Land of Acteal that our martyrs visit today in a special way, since they are really always with us.
As you well know, this is a very important date for all Mexicans, and particularly so for us, the tzotzil batsi vinik and batsi antsetic.
As our ancestors have taught us, in these days those of our relatives who have died come to visit us --among them our 45 brothers and sisters who gave up their lives for peace and justice.
That is why we prepare food for them, adorned with flowers and light candles so they can see their way. We pray to them, asking them to help us going on walking with strength, so that our families are well and we live happily.
With that strength that our martyrs give us we go on facing the lies and manipulations of the bad government, from our resistance, always proclaiming the truth, with our weapons which are peaceful mobilisations, fasting and prayer.
As you know, last August the 12th The Supreme Court of Mexico liberated 20 paramilitaries because they only heard their word and never listened to the people and survivors of Acteal. They didn't let us in the court, but did grant entrance to the paramilitaries' relatives and lawyers.
They had said that on 28 October the Supreme Court would set free other 31 paramilitaries, including those who have already claimed themselves guilty. [...] The resolution has been postponed.
We see the government playing the same game they have tried to play with the Acteal massacre from the beginning, manipulating justice for their own political ends.
[...]The truth is that neither the Federal or State Government, nor their institutions administering justice in Mexico, care about finding the truth about the Acteal case, because if they do they will have to admit it was a state crime. Their ambition and blindness only allow them to fight for the Presidency, for power and money, without caring about the suffering of the poor, much less about giving justice to the people.
[...] We want to make use of this occasion to denounce and to alert you, friends of Las Abejas, that in the Chenalhó municipality they are preparing search operatives in the communities. [...] We have reasons to fear that they want to harass us even more, [...] so we ask you to please stay informed about these events.
[...] Once again we thank you for your solidarity, and we thank all those who today, even if they are far away, join their hearts to ours and to the heart of our grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts, older and little brothers and sisters whose life was extinguised on December 22 1997, though today they are again with us. All together, joined in a single spirit, the spirit of life that resurrects from death, we continue and will continue on denouncing lies and stating the truth, until justice is done.
The Voice of the Civil Society of Las Abejas
Full version of the Abejas' letter in English:
Las Abejas Civil Society Organisation
Sacred Land of the Acteal Martyrs,
Chiapas, México
2 November 2009
To all those friends of “las Abejas” who from London, Scotland, Mexico City and other places who are standing in solidarity on this day of the dead in commemoration of our 45 Martyrs of Acteal:
Receive our warm and grateful greetings from the sacred land of Acteal where today our martyrs visit us in a special way, but in reality they are always with us. As you may know these days are very important for all Mexicans and particularly for us, the Tzotziles batsi vinik and batsi antsetic.
As our ancestors have taught us during these days our deceased relatives come to visit us and among them are our 45 brothers and sisters who gave up their lives for peace and justice. That is why we prepare food for them, adorned with flowers and light candles so they can see their way. We pray to them, asking them to help us going on walking with strength, so that our families are well and we live happily.
And with the strength that our martyers give us we confront and resist the lies and manipulation of the bad Government and always declare the truth with our weapons of peaceful protest, fasting and prayer.
That is why we prepare food for them, adorned with flowers and light candles so they can see their way. We pray to them, asking them to help us going on walking with strength, so that our families are well and we live happily.
As you know, on the 12th of August the Supreme Court of Injustice [sic] of the Nation released 20 paramilitaries because they only took into account their word and never listened to the witnesses nor the survivors of Acteal. They didn't let us us into the court room but they grant entrance to the paramilitaries' relatives and lawyers.
It was said that on the 28th of October the ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation would have issued their judgement releasing the other 31 paramilitaries, including the ones who had already confessed, using the same argument they used before, that there were irregularities in the process. However they have postponed the decision and as we've learned through the press it seems there are two reasons for this. The first one is that one of the ministers was on holiday and as you know holidays are more important to them than justice. The second reason is that 'new leads' in the investigation have appeared and some high officials could have responsibility for the Acteal massacre. Emilio Chuayffet is mentioned in particular.
We see the Government playing the same game they have tried to play with the Acteal massacre from the beginning: manipulate justice for their own political ends. For us and those of us who know the truth about Acteal, the responsibility of Chuayffet, just like Zedillo, Ruiz Ferro and General Renan Castillo is nothing new. What's happening now is the PRIístas (Institutional Revolutionary Party members) are fighting amongst themselves and the ones from the Beltron group want to strike at the Peña Nieto group and Chuayffet is taking advantage of the Acteal case.
The truth is that neither the Federal or State Government, nor their institution administering justice in Mexico care about finding the truth about the Acteal case because if they do, they will have to admit it was a State crime. Their ambition and blindness only allows them to pursue and fight for the presidency, power and money without any caring about the suffering of the poor, much less about giving justice to the people. With these attitudes how can we believe in the bad Government and their projects which they say are to combat poverty and their proposals to achieve a Mexico without violence. If they really want to serve the people, then they'd stop serving themselves and look below. They'd stop creating projects which they claim 'favour progress' but really invade the lands of the small-scale farmers and violate their rights as they've done with the brothers and sisters of Mitzitón and San San Sebastián Bachajón with the San Cristóbal-Palenque highway. May they free the political prisoners who have only defended their land and rights and punish the killers of the Acteal massacre. May they punish those who have attacked the people of Atenco and put a halt to police operatives repressing leaders of grassroots organisations as they are doing in Venustiano Carranaza.
We want to make use of this occasion to denounce and alert you, friends of the “Abejas”, that in the Chenalo municipality they are preparing search operatives in the communities. As the municipal president already advised his agents, let's not pretend that these operatives are against the paramilitaries because they've been advised to hide their weapons. We have reason to fear that they want to harass us even more because of the lie published in some newspapers that weapons found near Yabteclum were for the “Abejas”. Although not permanent like before 2001, they have re-installed police-military checkpoints in Las Limas. We ask that you to please stay informed about these events.
Once again we thank you for your solidarity, and we thank all those who today, even if they are far away, join their hearts to ours and to the heart of our grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts, older and little brothers and sisters whose life was extinguised on December 22 1997, though today they are again with us. All together, joined in a single spirit, the spirit of life that resurrects from death, we continue and will continue on denouncing lies and stating the truth, until justice is done.
Once again we thank you for your solidarity and everything for this day even though you are in far away places. Your hearts join ours and the hearts of our grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts and older and little brothers and sisters whose life was extinguised on the December 22 1997 though today they are again with us. All together, joined in a single spirit, the spirit of life that resurrects from death, we continue and will continue on denouncing lies and stating the truth, until justice is done.
The Voice of the Civil Society Organisation “Las Abejas”
Representatives of the Governing Committee
Sebastián Pérez Vázquez-President
Mariano Gómez López-General Secretary
Pedro Jiménez Arias-Vice-president
Francisco Gómez Pérez-Treasurer
Francisco Pérez Gómez-Vice-Teasurer
Versión en español:
Organización de la Sociedad Civil las Abejas
Tierra Sagrada de los Mártires de Acteal,
Chiapas, México
A 2 de noviembre del año 2009
A todos los amigos de Las Abejas que desde Londres, Escocia, la Ciudad de México y otros lugares se están solidarizando con nosotros en este Día de Muertos en que recordamos a nuestros 45 Mártires de Acteal:
Reciban un saludo afectuoso y agradecido desde esta Tierra Sagrada de Acteal que hoy visitan nuestros mártires de una manera especial, pues en realidad ellos y ellas están siempre con nosotros.
Como ustedes saben estas fechas son muy importantes para todos los mexicanos y particularmente para nosotros los batsi vinik y batsi antsetic tzotziles.
Según nos han enseñado nuestros antepasados, en estos días vienen a visitarnos nuestros familiares que ya murieron y entre ellos nuestros 45 hermanos que entregaron su vida por la paz y la justicia. Por eso, preparamos comida, adornamos con flores y sembramos velas para que vean su camino. Les hacemos un rezo para pedirles que nos ayuden a seguir caminando con fuerza, para que nuestras familias estén bien y para que vivamos contentos.
Con esa fuerza que nos dan nuestros mártires seguimos enfrentando las mentiras y las manipulaciones del mal gobierno desde la resistencia, proclamando siempre la verdad y con nuestras armas que son la movilización pacífica y el ayuno y oración.
Como ustedes saben, el día 12 de agosto la Suprema Corte de Injusticia de la Nación liberó a 20 paramilitares porque solo tomaron en cuenta su palabra y nunca escucharon a los declarantes ni sobrevivientes de Acteal. No nos nos dejaron entrar a la audiencia pero sí lo permitieron a los familiares y abogados de los paramilitares.
Se había dicho que el miércoles 28 de octubre los ministros de la SCJN darían su fallo para que otros 31 paramilitares pudieran quedar libres, incluso los ya confesos, con el mismo argumento que usaron antes, de que hubo violaciones durante su proceso. Sin embargo, su resolución se volvió a posponer y según nos enteramos por la prensa parece que hay dos razones para eso. La primera es que uno de los ministros andaba de vacaciones que como sabemos, para ellos son más importantes que la justicia. La segunda es que dicen que han aparecido “nuevos elementos” en las investigaciones y que según esos elementos algunos altos funcionarios podrían tener responsabilidad en la Masacre de Acteal. En particular están mencionando a Emilio Chuayffet.
Aquí nosotros vemos el mismo juego que el gobierno ha querido jugar con la masacre de Acteal desde el principio, que es manipular la justicia con fines políticos. Para nosotros y para todos los que saben la verdad sobre Acteal, no es ninguna novedad la responsabilidad de Chuayffet así como la de Zedillo, Ruiz Ferro y el General Renán Castillo. Lo que pasa es que ahora los priístas se están peleando entre ellos y los del grupo de Beltrones quieren golpear al grupo de Peña Nieto y de Chuayffet aprovechando el caso Acteal.
La verdad es que ni al Gobierno Federal, ni al Gobierno Estatal, ni a sus instituciones que administran la justicia en México les interesa llegar a la verdad del Caso Acteal, porque si lo hacen tendrían que reconocer que esta masacre es un Crimen de Estado. Su ambición y su ceguera solo les permiten desear y luchar por la presidencia, por el poder y por el dinero, sin importarles el sufrimiento de los pobres y mucho menos hacerle justicia al pueblo. Con estas actitudes ¿Cómo podemos creer en los malos gobiernos, en sus proyectos que dicen que son para combatir a la pobreza o en sus propuestas para lograr un México sin violencia? Si realmente desean servir al pueblo, que dejen de servirse a sí mismos y que miren hacia abajo, que dejen de crear proyectos que según ellos “favorecen al progreso” pero invaden las tierras de los campesinos y violan sus derechos como lo hacen con nuestros hermanos de Mitzitón y de San Sebastián Bachajón con la autopista San Cristóbal-Palenque. Que mejor liberen a los presos políticos que lo único que han hecho es defender su tierra y sus derechos. Que castiguen a los asesinos de la Masacre de Acteal. Que castiguen a los que violentaron al pueblo de Atenco y que dejen de hacer operativos policíacos para apresar a los lideres de las organizaciones populares, como están haciendo en Venustiano Carranza.
Queremos aprovechar la ocasión para denunciar y para alertarlos a ustedes que son amigos de Las Abejas, de que en el municipio de Chenalhó se están preparando operativos de cateo en las comunidades. Como ya el presidente municipal les avisó a sus agentes, ni hablar de que esos operativos sean contra las armas de los paramilitares, porque si ya les avisaron van a esconderlas. Tenemos motivos de temor de que lo que quieren es hostigarnos a nosotros por la mentira que se publicó en algunos periódicos de que unas armas que encontraron cerca de Yabteclum eran para Las Abejas. Aunque no son permanentes como antes del 2001, ya han vuelto a instalar retenes policiaco-militares en Las Limas. Les pedimos a ustedes que estén al pendiente de estos acontecimientos.
Una vez más agradecemos su solidaridad y la de todos los que en este día, aunque estén en lugares lejanos, unen sus corazones a los nuestros y al corazón de nuestro abuelos y abuelas, de nuestros padres y madres, de nuestros tíos y tías, de nuestros hermanos y hermanas mayores y de nuestros hermanitos y hermanitas que les arrancaron su vida el 22 de diciembre de 1997, pero hoy vuelven a estar con nosotros. Todos unidos en un mismo espíritu, el espíritu de la vida que resucita de la muerte, seguimos y seguiremos denunciando la mentira y proclamando la verdad hasta que se haga justicia.
La Voz de la Sociedad Civil Las Abejas.
Por la Mesa Directiva:
Sebastián Pérez Vázquez, Presidente
Mariano Gómez López, Secretario General
Pedro Jiménez Arias, Vicepresidente
Francisco Gómez Pérez, Tesorero
Francisco Pérez Gómez, Sub Tesorero