There does not seem to be a fixed contract with any one air line, each charter flight seems to have a different carrier.
NCADC suspect that this is a deliberate policy by UKBA to try and prevent Anti-Deportation protesters, from targetting airlines.
Air Italy was involved in the forcible removal by a charter flight leased to UK Border Agency of 39 Iraqi's who had sought asylum in the UK, to an unknown destination in Iraq on Wednesday 14th October from Stansted Airport in the United Kingdom.
'Operation Rangat' was the name given to the charter flight by the UK Border Agency.
Iraq is one of the most deadly places in the world. Since 2003 over 186,924 civilian lives have been lost and though the war is assumed to be over, there is no 'peace' and deaths continue daily/weekly.
NCADC are asking recipients of this message to make their feelings known to Air Italy.
Please Fax/phone/Email Air Italy
Giuseppe Gentile President & C.E.O.

Phone from UK: 00 + 39 + 0331 211 011
Fax from UK: 00 + 39 + 0331 211 019
Model letter attached (AirItaly.doc), which you can copy/amend or write you own version.
End of Bulletin:
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